#!/bin/bash # Copyright 1999-2021 by Nice, srl., # Via Milliavacca, 9 # 14100 Asti - ITALY # All rights reserved. # # This software is the confidential and proprietary information # of Nice, srl. ("Confidential Information"). # You shall not disclose such Confidential Information # and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of # the license agreement you entered into with Nice. # This script configures an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) to disable a connection to an host # where an Interactive Session was running. # This script is meant to be used with DCV 2017 (and later) interactive sessions only. # This script delete the Target Group containing the instance where the Session was running # and delete the previously created Listener Rule. # The Listener Rule has the role to associate the input URL path to the Target Group. This path # must be the web url path of the DCV server running on the execution node. # Since it not possible to do URL path translation with ALB, every DCV server must have an unique # web url path configured. It is suggested to use the hostname of the node as web url path # for the DCV server running on that node. # The maximum number of Listener Rule per ALB is 100, hence a single ALB can handle at maximum # 100 Interactive Session running concurrently. To increase this limit, consider to add more ALB # in the infrastructure. # Prerequisites for: # EnginFrame node: # - AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) must be installed # - Since this script is going to be executed by the user running the EnginFrame Server, i.e. the Apache Tomcat user, # an AWS CLI profile must be configured for that user, having the permissions to list instances and to manage load balancers. # (see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-getting-started.html) # Or alternatively, if EnginFrame is installed into an EC2 instance, configure the correct AWS role for this instance. # # AWS account: # - AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and an HTTPS listener with a Default Target Group must be already configured and running. # # DCV server node: # - configure each DCV server node with a unique web url path (see dcv.conf) # Configuration parameters: # ALB public DNS name ALB_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME= # ALB port ALB_PORT=443 # AWS default region export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= _die() { echo "ERROR: $@" exit 1 } _help() { _cmd=$(basename "$0") echo "${_cmd}" echo "Usage:" echo " ${_cmd} \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"" echo " ${_cmd} \"tmp3569402005256372176\" \"alb-enginframe-xxx.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com\" 443 \"\" 8443 \"/dcv-server1\"" } # Input parameters: # - $1 session-id # - $2 alb-host (alb public dnsname) # - $3 alb-port # - $4 target-host (private dnsname) # - $5 target-port # - $6 target-web-url-path (it must start with the "/" character) main() { # parse input parameters if [[ $# -lt 3 ]] ; then _help exit 0 fi local -- _session_id=$1 local -- _alb_host=$2 local -- _alb_port=$3 [ -z "${_session_id}" ] && _die "Missing input Session Id parameter." [ -z "${_alb_host}" ] && _die "Missing input ALB Host parameter." [ -z "${_alb_port}" ] && _die "Missing input ALB Port parameter." # check if AWS Cli is in the path aws help >/dev/null || _die "AWS Cli is not installed." # get ALB Amazon Resource Name (ARN) by dns-name local -- _alb_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --query "LoadBalancers[? DNSName == '${_alb_host}'].LoadBalancerArn" --output text) [ -n "${_alb_arn}" ] || _die "Unable to get ALB identifier for the ALB (${_alb_host})." # get Listener arn local -- _listener_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-listeners --load-balancer-arn "${_alb_arn}" \ --query 'Listeners[? Port == `'${_alb_port}'`].ListenerArn' --output text) [ -n "${_listener_arn}" ] || _die "Listener for port (${_alb_port}) does not exist in the ALB (${_alb_host})." # get Target Group arn local -- _target_group_name=$(printf "%s" "${_session_id}" | tr -c 'a-zA-Z0-9' -) local -- _target_group_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-target-groups --load-balancer-arn "${_alb_arn}" \ --query "TargetGroups[? TargetGroupName == '${_target_group_name}'].TargetGroupArn" --output text) [ -n "${_target_group_arn}" ] || _die "Unable to get Target Group (${_target_group_name})" # get Rule arn local -- _rule_arn=$(aws elbv2 describe-rules --listener-arn "${_listener_arn}" \ --query "Rules[? Actions[? TargetGroupArn == '${_target_group_arn}']].RuleArn" --output text) [ -n "${_rule_arn}" ] || _die "Unable to get Rule for Target Group (${_target_group_arn}) in the Listener (${_listener_arn})." # delete Rule aws elbv2 delete-rule --rule-arn "${_rule_arn}" >/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || _die "Unable to delete Listener Rule (${_rule_arn})." # delete Target Group aws elbv2 delete-target-group --target-group-arn "${_target_group_arn}" >/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || _die "Unable to delete Target Group (${_target_group_arn})." } # Check it's a DCV 2017 interactive session. if [ "${INTERACTIVE_SESSION_REMOTE}" = "dcv2" ]; then main "${INTERACTIVE_SESSION_REMOTE_SESSION_ID}" "${ALB_PUBLIC_DNS_NAME}" "${ALB_PORT}" fi # ex:ts=4:sw=4:et:ft=sh: