import psycopg2 from psycopg2.extras import RealDictCursor import os def connect(role="writer"): rds_host = os.environ['DATABASE_HOST'] db_user = os.environ['DATABASE_USER'] password = os.environ['DATABASE_PASSWORD'] db_name = os.environ['DATABASE_DB_NAME'] port = os.environ['DATABASE_PORT'] return psycopg2.connect(sslmode="require", host=rds_host, user=db_user, password=password, dbname=db_name, connect_timeout=10000, port=port, keepalives_interval=30) class Product: def __init__(self, product_name=None): self.product_name = product_name self.db = connect() def fetch_data_new(self, sqlstmt): try: with self.db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sqlstmt) return cur.fetchall() except Exception: with self.db.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sqlstmt) return cur.fetchall() def fetch_data(self, dbconn, sqlstmt): try: with dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sqlstmt) return cur.fetchall() except Exception: with connect() as dbconn: with dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sqlstmt) return cur.fetchall() def return_items(self): with connect() as dbconn: sqlstmt = "SELECT * FROM {}".format(self.product_name) return self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt) def popular_items(self, top=5, interval=180): with connect() as dbconn: sqlstmt = """ with items as ( select item_id from ( select item_id, cnt, rank() over (order by cnt desc) mrank from ( select item_id, count(1) as cnt from orders a join order_details b on a.order_id = b.order_id group by item_id ) t ) t where mrank <= {0} order by cnt desc ) SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url,'apparels' as category, count(1) review_cnt, round(avg(rating)*20) rating FROM apparels a join items i on i.item_id = left outer join reviews r on r.category='apparels' and i.item_id = r.item_id GROUP BY id,name,price, description,img_url UNION SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url,'fashion' as category, count(1) review_cnt, round(avg(rating)*20) rating FROM fashion a join items i on i.item_id = left outer join reviews r on r.category='fashion' and i.item_id = r.item_id GROUP BY id,name,price, description,img_url UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url,'bicycles' as category, count(1) review_cnt, round(avg(rating)*20) rating FROM bicycles a join items i on i.item_id = left outer join reviews r on r.category='bicycles' and i.item_id = r.item_id GROUP BY id,name,price, description,img_url UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url,'jewelry' as category, count(1) review_cnt, round(avg(rating)*20) rating FROM jewelry a join items i on i.item_id = left outer join reviews r on r.category='jewelry' and i.item_id = r.item_id GROUP BY id,name,price, description,img_url """.format(top) return self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt) def show_all_items(self, id=None): with connect() as dbconn: if id: sqlstmt = """ SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM apparels where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM fashion where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM bicycles where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM jewelry where id = {0} ORDER BY name """.format(id) else: sqlstmt = """ SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM apparels UNION SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM fashion UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM bicycles UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM jewelry ORDER BY name """ return self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt) def show_all_items_new(self, id=None): if id: sqlstmt = """ SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM apparels where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM fashion where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM bicycles where id = {0} UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM jewelry where id = {0} ORDER BY name """.format(id) else: sqlstmt = """ SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM apparels UNION SELECT id,name,price, description,img_url FROM fashion UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM bicycles UNION SELECT id,name, price, description,img_url FROM jewelry ORDER BY name """ return self.fetch_data_new(sqlstmt) def getProducts(self, productListString): if isinstance(productListString, str): productListString=[productListString] elif isinstance(productListString, int): productListString=[productListString] print (productListString) if isinstance(productListString, list): productListString = ",".join(productListString) sqlstmt = """select id as productId, name, price, img_url from apparels a where id in ({0}) union select id as productId, name, price, img_url from fashion a where id in ({0}) union select id as productId, name, price, img_url from bicycles a where id in ({0}) union select id as productId, name, price, img_url from jewelry a where id in ({0}) """.format(productListString) with connect("reader") as dbconn: return self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt) def whereami(self): sqlstmt = "select inet_server_addr();" with connect("writer") as dbconn: writer = self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt, "writer") with connect("reader") as dbconn: reader = self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt, "writer") return [{"writer": writer, "reader": reader}] def addProduct(self, category, product): if not isinstance(product, list): product = ast.literal_eval(product) sqlstmt = """insert into {0} (name, description, img_url, category, inventory, price) values ({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {6}) returning *;""".format(category, product.get(name), product.get(description), product.get(img_url), product.get(category), product.get(inventory), product.get(price)) with connect("writer") as dbconn: return self.fetch_data(dbconn, sqlstmt, "writer")