-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 11.10 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.11 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; create database eksackdemo ; \c eksackdemo; create user dbuser1 password 'eksackdemo' ; CREATE SCHEMA dbschema; grant create on database eksackdemo to dbuser1; grant all privileges on schema dbschema to dbuser1; grant all privileges on all tables in schema dbschema to dbuser1; grant connect on database eksackdemo to dbuser1; ALTER SCHEMA dbschema OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: add_user(text, text, text, text); Type: PROCEDURE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE PROCEDURE dbschema.add_user(fname text, lname text, email text, password text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ begin insert into Users(fname, lname, email, password) values(fname, lname, email, password); commit; end;$$; ALTER PROCEDURE dbschema.add_user(fname text, lname text, email text, password text) OWNER TO dbuser1; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: apparels; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.apparels ( id integer NOT NULL, name text, description text, img_url text, category text, inventory integer, price double precision ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.apparels OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: bicycles; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.bicycles ( id integer NOT NULL, name text, description text, img_url text, category text, inventory integer, price double precision ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.bicycles OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: fashion; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.fashion ( id integer NOT NULL, name text, description text, img_url text, category text, inventory integer, price double precision ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.fashion OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: jewelry; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.jewelry ( id integer NOT NULL, name text, description text, img_url text, category text, inventory integer, price double precision ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.jewelry OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: kart; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.kart ( userid integer NOT NULL, productid integer NOT NULL, qty integer ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.kart OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: order_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.order_details ( order_id integer NOT NULL, item_id integer NOT NULL, qty integer, unit_price numeric ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.order_details OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: orders; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.orders ( order_id integer NOT NULL, email text, order_date date, order_total numeric ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.orders OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: reviews; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.reviews ( item_id integer NOT NULL, category text NOT NULL, username text NOT NULL, review text, rating integer ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.reviews OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE TABLE dbschema.users ( id integer NOT NULL, fname text, lname text, email text, password text ); CREATE TABLE dbschema.SessionStore( key varchar(100) NOT NULL, value jsonb, constraint sessionstore_pk primary key(key) ); ALTER TABLE dbschema.users OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- CREATE SEQUENCE dbschema.users_id_seq AS integer START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE dbschema.users_id_seq OWNER TO dbuser1; CREATE SEQUENCE dbschema.order_seq AS integer START WITH 100 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; ALTER SEQUENCE dbschema.order_seq OWNER TO dbuser1; -- -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER SEQUENCE dbschema.users_id_seq OWNED BY dbschema.users.id; -- -- Name: users id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.users ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('dbschema.users_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Data for Name: order_details; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- COPY dbschema.order_details (order_id, item_id, qty, unit_price) FROM stdin; 1 7000081 1 67.95 1 5000010 1 38.95 1 5000009 1 37.95 1 9000001 1 91.95 2 2 1 199.95 3 2 1 199.95 \. -- -- Data for Name: orders; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- COPY dbschema.orders (order_id, email, order_date, order_total) FROM stdin; 1 test@test.com 2021-06-08 200 2 test@test.com 2021-06-08 300 3 test@test.com 2021-06-08 200 \. -- -- Data for Name: reviews; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- COPY dbschema.reviews (item_id, category, username, review, rating) FROM stdin; 2 fashion test7 awesome product 7 4 2 fashion test8 awesome product 8 3 2 fashion test9 awesome product 9 4 2 fashion test10 awesome product 10 4 2 fashion test11 awesome product 11 4 2 fashion test12 awesome product 12 3 2 fashion test13 awesome product 13 5 2 fashion test14 awesome product 14 5 2 fashion test15 awesome product 15 5 2 fashion test16 awesome product 16 4 2 fashion test17 awesome product 17 5 2 fashion test18 awesome product 18 3 2 fashion test19 awesome product 19 5 2 fashion test20 awesome product 20 4 2 fashion test21 awesome product 21 3 3 fashion test1 awesome product 1 4 3 fashion test2 awesome product 2 2 3 fashion test3 awesome product 3 3 3 fashion test4 awesome product 4 5 3 fashion test5 awesome product 5 2 3 fashion test6 awesome product 6 5 3 fashion test7 awesome product 7 3 3 fashion test8 awesome product 8 2 3 fashion test9 awesome product 9 5 3 fashion test10 awesome product 10 3 3 fashion test11 awesome product 11 4 3 fashion test12 awesome product 12 2 3 fashion test13 awesome product 13 5 3 fashion test14 awesome product 14 5 3 fashion test15 awesome product 15 4 3 fashion test16 awesome product 16 2 3 fashion test17 awesome product 17 3 3 fashion test18 awesome product 18 4 3 fashion test19 awesome product 19 4 3 fashion test20 awesome product 20 5 3 fashion test21 awesome product 21 2 3 fashion test22 awesome product 22 5 3 fashion test23 awesome product 23 5 3 fashion test24 awesome product 24 5 3 fashion test25 awesome product 25 4 3 fashion test26 awesome product 26 3 3 fashion test27 awesome product 27 4 3 fashion test28 awesome product 28 5 3 fashion test29 awesome product 29 2 3 fashion test30 awesome product 30 5 3 fashion test31 awesome product 31 2 3 fashion test32 awesome product 32 5 3 fashion test33 awesome product 33 2 3 fashion test34 awesome product 34 4 3 fashion test35 awesome product 35 5 3 fashion test36 awesome product 36 3 3 fashion test37 awesome product 37 3 3 fashion test38 awesome product 38 2 3 fashion test39 awesome product 39 3 6 fashion test1 awesome product 1 2 6 fashion test2 awesome product 2 3 6 fashion test3 awesome product 3 2 6 fashion test4 awesome product 4 2 6 fashion test5 awesome product 5 3 6 fashion test6 awesome product 6 2 6 fashion test7 awesome product 7 4 6 fashion test8 awesome product 8 3 6 fashion test9 awesome product 9 3 6 fashion test10 awesome product 10 3 6 fashion test11 awesome product 11 2 6 fashion test12 awesome product 12 3 6 fashion test13 awesome product 13 3 6 fashion test14 awesome product 14 2 6 fashion test15 awesome product 15 2 6 fashion test16 awesome product 16 2 6 fashion test17 awesome product 17 5 6 fashion test18 awesome product 18 4 6 fashion test19 awesome product 19 5 6 fashion test20 awesome product 20 4 6 fashion test21 awesome product 21 5 6 fashion test22 awesome product 22 4 6 fashion test23 awesome product 23 5 6 fashion test24 awesome product 24 4 6 fashion test25 awesome product 25 5 6 fashion test26 awesome product 26 3 6 fashion test27 awesome product 27 3 6 fashion test28 awesome product 28 2 6 fashion test29 awesome product 29 4 6 fashion test30 awesome product 30 3 6 fashion test31 awesome product 31 4 6 fashion test32 awesome product 32 5 6 fashion test33 awesome product 33 5 6 fashion test34 awesome product 34 4 6 fashion test35 awesome product 35 2 6 fashion test36 awesome product 36 3 6 fashion test37 awesome product 37 4 6 fashion test38 awesome product 38 5 6 fashion test39 awesome product 39 5 6 fashion test40 awesome product 40 2 6 fashion test41 awesome product 41 2 6 fashion test42 awesome product 42 5 6 fashion test43 awesome product 43 4 6 fashion test44 awesome product 44 4 6 fashion test45 awesome product 45 2 6 fashion test46 awesome product 46 5 6 fashion test47 awesome product 47 5 40 fashion test48 awesome product 48 5 40 fashion test1 awesome product 1 3 40 fashion test2 awesome product 2 4 40 fashion test3 awesome product 3 4 40 fashion test4 awesome product 4 3 40 fashion test5 awesome product 5 3 40 fashion test6 awesome product 6 3 41 fashion test7 awesome product 7 5 41 fashion test8 awesome product 8 2 41 fashion test9 awesome product 9 4 41 fashion test10 awesome product 10 3 5 fashion test11 awesome product 11 2 5 fashion test12 awesome product 12 3 5 fashion test13 awesome product 13 5 5 fashion test14 awesome product 14 5 5 fashion test15 awesome product 15 3 5 fashion test16 awesome product 16 4 5 fashion test17 awesome product 17 3 5 fashion test18 awesome product 18 3 5 fashion test19 awesome product 19 2 5 fashion test20 awesome product 20 2 5 fashion test21 awesome product 21 2 5 fashion test22 awesome product 22 5 5 fashion test23 awesome product 23 2 5 fashion test24 awesome product 24 3 5 fashion test25 awesome product 25 5 5 fashion test26 awesome product 26 5 5 fashion test27 awesome product 27 2 5 fashion test28 awesome product 28 5 5 fashion test29 awesome product 29 4 5 fashion test30 awesome product 30 5 5 fashion test31 awesome product 31 4 5 fashion test32 awesome product 32 2 5 fashion test33 awesome product 33 4 5 fashion test34 awesome product 34 2 5 fashion test35 awesome product 35 3 5 fashion test36 awesome product 36 5 5 fashion test37 awesome product 37 3 5 fashion test38 awesome product 38 3 5 fashion test39 awesome product 39 5 5 fashion test40 awesome product 40 2 5 fashion test41 awesome product 41 4 5 fashion test42 awesome product 42 2 5 fashion test43 awesome product 43 4 5 fashion test44 awesome product 44 3 5 fashion test45 awesome product 45 2 5 fashion test46 awesome product 46 5 5 fashion test47 awesome product 47 2 5 fashion test48 awesome product 48 3 5 fashion test49 awesome product 49 2 5 fashion test50 awesome product 50 2 5 fashion test51 awesome product 51 4 5 fashion test52 awesome product 52 3 5 fashion test53 awesome product 53 2 5 fashion test54 awesome product 54 5 5 fashion test55 awesome product 55 5 5 fashion test56 awesome product 56 5 5 fashion test57 awesome product 57 4 5 fashion test58 awesome product 58 5 6 fashion test59 awesome product 59 4 \. -- -- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- COPY dbschema.users (id, fname, lname, email, password) FROM stdin; 1 krishna sarabu test@test.com welcome \. -- -- Name: users_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- SELECT pg_catalog.setval('dbschema.users_id_seq', 6, true); -- -- Name: apparels apparels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.apparels ADD CONSTRAINT apparels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: bicycles bicycles_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.bicycles ADD CONSTRAINT bicycles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: fashion fashion_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.fashion ADD CONSTRAINT fashion_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: jewelry jewelry_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.jewelry ADD CONSTRAINT jewelry_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- -- Name: kart kart_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.kart ADD CONSTRAINT kart_pk PRIMARY KEY (userid, productid); -- -- Name: order_details order_details_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.order_details ADD CONSTRAINT order_details_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id, item_id); -- -- Name: orders orders_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.orders ADD CONSTRAINT orders_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_id); -- -- Name: reviews reviews_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.reviews ADD CONSTRAINT reviews_pk PRIMARY KEY (item_id, category, username); -- -- Name: users users_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dbschema.users ADD CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); alter user dbuser1 set search_path="dbschema", "public"; -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete -- grant all privileges on all tables in schema dbschema to dbuser1; COPY dbschema.apparels (id, name, description, img_url, category, inventory, price) FROM stdin; 5000010 Guaranteed
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from United By Blue.
\nThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from United By Blue.
\nA collection of the best Ursa Major has to offer! The Scout kit contains travel sizes of their best selling skin care items including:
\nAll wrapped together in a great, reusable tin.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0803/6591/products/skin-care_c18143d5-6378-46aa-b0d7-526aee3bc776.jpg?v=1426708827 0 13.9499999999999993 5000001 Ayres ChambrayThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from United By Blue.
\nComfortable and practical, our chambray button down is perfect for travel or days spent on the go. The Ayres Chambray has a rich, washed out indigo color suitable to throw on for any event. Made with sustainable soft chambray featuring two chest pockets with sturdy and scratch resistant corozo buttons.
\nThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from United By Blue.
\nThe lodge, after a day of white slopes, is a place of revelry, blazing fires and high spirits.
\nThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from United By Blue.
\nA classic 5 panel hat with our United By Blue logo on the front and an adjustable strap to keep fit and secure. Made with recycled polyester and organic cotton mix.
This is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
Our Juliet is more midnight than morning sun. Built to break hearts, this black-on-black bike can handle anything.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8062/products/JULIET_2014_SEAMLESS_SIDE_WEB.jpeg?v=1442434400 Black, Kids Fixie, Micro, Micro Series 7 162.949999999999989 7000183 AlfaThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
Sunshine, blue skies, a gentle breeze – you can spend all year waiting for perfect bike weather or you can grab an Alfa and make your own. Whatever the forecast, Alfa makes every day a beautiful day for a ride.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8062/products/ALFA_SIDE_WEB.jpeg?v=1442512858 Bicycle, Bicycles, Bike, Blue, Fixed Gear, Fixie, Pure Fix Cycles, White, WTB 32 199.949999999999989 7000180 Crane Bell https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8062/products/crane-copper-bell-WEB.jpeg?v=1438625053 Accessories, Bells, Goods 94 76.9500000000000028 7000181 Interlock Integrated Bike LockThis is a demonstration store. You can purchase products like this from Pure Fix Cycles
Annoyed by carrying your bike lock? The rattling, clanging, or ugly mounting hardware? The InterLock is a lock that hides inside of your bike! All you need to do is replace the seatpost with this one - that comes with a permanently attached bike lock!
Rustic links adorn a unisex bracelet. 1-100 jewelry gives an organic feel while maintaining an understated elegance. Varying chain-links. Hook-and-eye closure. Color Silver. 100% Sterling Silver. Made in U.S.A. From Hook to Eye Length 7 & 1/2, Size Large. Hook to Eye Length 6, Size Small.
\n https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/product_bracelet_1-100_bracelet41_01.jpeg?v=1437081366 1-100, Accessories, arrivals, AW15, Bracelets, gift guide, jewelry, Man, mothermoon, signature, silver, spring2, visible, Woman 74 42.9500000000000028 3 Bracelet 3 in Silver\n
Rustic and lovely, 1-100 jewelry gives an organic feel while maintaining an understated elegance. Pummeled then polished, the 3 bracelet is a masterful addition. Color Silver. 100% Sterling Silver. Made in U.S.A. Length 7, 1 & 1/2 Wide.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/product_bracelet_1-100_bracelet3_01.jpeg?v=1441401623 1-100, Accessories, Bracelets, cooloff, gift guide, jewelry, last, Man, S14, silver, visible, Woman 99 90.9500000000000028 5 Bracelet 84 in Silver\n
Curved and lovely, 1-100 jewelry gives an organic touch to understated elegance. This cuff is intentionally designed to be lacking mechanical precision assures individuality to the wearer. Color Silver. 100% Sterling Silver. Made in U.S.A. Length 6 & 1/2, 2 & 1/2 Wide.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/2015-04-20_Accessories_20_12072_21332.jpeg?v=1437081343 1-100, Accessories, Bracelets, cooloff, Cuff, gift guide, last, putty, S14, Silver, visible, Woman 51 154.949999999999989 6 Ring 56 in Silver\n
Rustic yet lovely, 1-100 jewelry gives an organic feel while maintaining an understated elegance. Beautifully layered ring is smooth to touch, yet varying in texture. Color Silver. 100% Sterling Silver. Made in U.S.A. Size Small 6, Size Large 11.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/2015-04-20_Accessories_23_12075_21344.jpeg?v=1437081338 1-100, Accessories, Man, Rings, S14, visible, Woman 2 199.949999999999989 41 Azur Bracelet in Blue Azurite\n
Elasticated, beaded bracelet by 5 Octobre. Gold details.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/2015-05-08_Laydown_Look2_14120_21584.jpeg?v=1437080798 Accessories, bounty, Bracelets, copy, jewelry, S14, SALE, shot 5/8, Woman 65 173.949999999999989 40 Bi-Goutte Earrings\n
Quintessential elegance with delicate details. With the ease of the fish hook earring, the Bi-Goutte offers a handsome everyday piece. 5 Octobre. Color Green. Made in France.
\nShop our collection of 5 Octobre.
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0923/8036/products/2015-05-01_Accessories_05_14103_21517.jpeg?v=1437080810 accessories, arrivals, AW15, bounty, earrings, jewelry, mothermoon, signature, sping6, spring6, woman 17 11.9499999999999993 \. -- -- Data for Name: jewelry; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: dbschema; Owner: dbuser1 -- COPY dbschema.jewelry (id, name, description, img_url, category, inventory, price) FROM stdin; 9000000 14k Wire Bloom Earrings