## Under the Sea - AIOps with Serverless Workshop Under the Sea is an exciting MMORPG developed by the famous entrepreneur behind Wild Rydes, the most popular unicorn taxi service in the world. This time the game design team went above and beyond to bring us a steam-punk adventure 20,000 leagues under the sea. The engineering team brought to live this technology masterpiece that can host hundreds of players simultaneously. To achieve the scalability requirements, the game's backend runs on AWS, mostly on serverless technology and containers. Under the Sea is available for PC and the most popular consoles. As expected from a MMORPG, the players can choose to play collaboratively or compete against each other. They can face daring monsters, hunt precious treasures, collect amazing equipment, and so on. On specific quests, the players can also compete against each other and score points. Once a month, the top players on the global scoreboard earn real-life prizes! There are also seasonal events, where players can get unique items. Because of the tight schedule, the engineering and ITOps teams didn't have time to properly configure their observability coverage. The game must keep its reputation of never being offline and always offer very low latency to maximize the player experience. Sometimes, there are unexpected traffic surges because of a sudden increase in the number of players. The team is still trying to figure out how to monitor the different serverless components, and detect possible throttling issues. They also want to minimize their mean time to investigate (MTTI) and mean time to recover (MTTR). **DISCLAIMER:** Under the Sea, and all its complementary resources are provided without any guarantees, and you're not recommended to use it for production-grade workloads. The intention is to provide content to build and learn. Be sure of reading the licensing terms. ## Deployment Instructions The instructions to run this workshop are on the official page of the [Under the Sea Workshop](https://studio.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/preview/76a8f14d-f505-44fd-b175-0cba31cfb13d/builds/fdf09967-ce5c-47fa-a419-8357ccb88e55/en-US/04-serverless). You can go through the instructions alone, but for a richer experience we recommend to have it run by an AWS SA or by an AWS Partner. ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License Summary The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file. The sample code within this documentation is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE-SAMPLECODE file.