#################################################### # # HOW TO TEST THE UNDER THE SEA APIs USING CURL # #################################################### 1. Login into to Game or Scoreboard application. 2. Retrieve the JWTToken 2.1. Go to the Console of your browser 2.2. Retrieve the Java Web Token (JWT) and save it on a helper text file. 2.2.1. If you are using the Game application, type in the console: game.awsfacade.cognitoFacade.sessionData.idToken.jwtToken 2.2.2. If you are using the Scoreboard application, type in the console: Scoreboard.awsfacade.cognitoFacade.sessionData.idToken.jwtToken 3. Execute the API using curl and passing the parameters to your API. Example: Supposing that your token is 1a2b3c, for a GET you can use curl --header "Authorization : 1a2b3c" https://myapiid.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/v1/topxstatistics?sessionId=TheTestSession For a post you should add the --data parameter to the curl command and, well, some other things. Try it and check what you can learn. You can also test the API with tools like POSTMAN.