import json import os import subprocess import sys import uuid args = sys.argv output = {"cpu_job_id": "", "gpu_job_id": "", "error": "", "fastaPath": ""} stderr = "" # fasta ファイルが渡されたかチェック if len(args) != 2: stderr += "Error: there's no fasta file input" output["error"] = stderr print(json.dumps(output)) # 指定された fasta ファイルが input 配下に配置されているかチェック elif not os.path.isfile("/fsx/colabfold/job/input/" + args[1]): stderr += "Error: there's no fasta file in /input directory" output["error"] = stderr print(json.dumps(output)) else: fasta_fullpath = "/fsx/colabfold/job/input/" + args[1] # テンポラリディレクトリの準備 dirname = str(uuid.uuid4()) tmpdir = "/fsx/colabfold/tmp/" + dirname msasdir = tmpdir + "/msas" os.makedirs(msasdir) # CPU サーチジョブの実行 cpu_job_command = " ".join( [ "sbatch -p queue-cpu /fsx/colabfold/scripts/bin/", fasta_fullpath, msasdir, ] ) cpu_output = [cpu_job_command], shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) if cpu_output.returncode != 0: stderr += "CPU search job is finished with some errors: " + cpu_output.stderr output["error"] = stderr print(json.dumps(output)) else: cpu_job_id = cpu_output.stdout.rsplit(" ", 1)[1].strip() # GPU バッチジョブを実行 gpu_job_command = " ".join( [ "sbatch -p queue-gpu", "--dependency=afterok:" + cpu_job_id, "--kill-on-invalid-dep=yes", "/fsx/colabfold/scripts/bin/", cpu_job_id, tmpdir, ] ) gpu_output = [gpu_job_command], shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True ) if gpu_output.returncode != 0: stderr += "GPU batch job is finished with some errors: " + gpu_output.stderr output["error"] = stderr print(json.dumps(output)) else: gpu_job_id = gpu_output.stdout.rsplit(" ", 1)[1] output["cpu_job_id"] = cpu_job_id.rstrip("\n") output["gpu_job_id"] = gpu_job_id.rstrip("\n") output["error"] = stderr output["fastaPath"] = args[1] print(json.dumps(output))