U wf_šã@sPdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z d Z d Z d Z dZdZdZdZdZdS)a$MySQL CLIENT constants These constants are used when creating the connection. Use bitwise-OR (|) to combine options together, and pass them as the client_flags parameter to MySQLdb.Connection. For more information on these flags, see the MySQL C API documentation for mysql_real_connect(). éééééé é@é€éiiiii i@i€iiN)Ú__doc__Z LONG_PASSWORDZ FOUND_ROWSZ LONG_FLAGZCONNECT_WITH_DBZ NO_SCHEMAZCOMPRESSZODBCZ LOCAL_FILESZ IGNORE_SPACEZ CHANGE_USERZ INTERACTIVEZSSLZIGNORE_SIGPIPEZ TRANSACTIONSZRESERVEDZSECURE_CONNECTIONZMULTI_STATEMENTSZ MULTI_RESULTS©r r úp/private/var/folders/n9/53xbvtmd7sjg1q1l55xmpg58n4mgng/T/pip-unpacked-wheel-exc8n9q4/MySQLdb/constants/CLIENT.pyÚs$