# Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an # additional permission to link the program and your derivative works # with the separately licensed software that they have included with # MySQL. # # Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, # which is part of MySQL Connector/Python, is also subject to the # Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at # http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Expression Parser.""" from .compat import STRING_TYPES, BYTE_TYPES, UNICODE_TYPES from .helpers import get_item_or_attr from .dbdoc import DbDoc from .protobuf import Message, mysqlxpb_enum # pylint: disable=C0103,C0111 class TokenType(object): NOT = 1 AND = 2 OR = 3 XOR = 4 IS = 5 LPAREN = 6 RPAREN = 7 LSQBRACKET = 8 RSQBRACKET = 9 BETWEEN = 10 TRUE = 11 NULL = 12 FALSE = 13 IN = 14 LIKE = 15 INTERVAL = 16 REGEXP = 17 ESCAPE = 18 IDENT = 19 LSTRING = 20 LNUM = 21 DOT = 22 DOLLAR = 23 COMMA = 24 EQ = 25 NE = 26 GT = 27 GE = 28 LT = 29 LE = 30 BITAND = 31 BITOR = 32 BITXOR = 33 LSHIFT = 34 RSHIFT = 35 PLUS = 36 MINUS = 37 MUL = 38 DIV = 39 HEX = 40 BIN = 41 NEG = 42 BANG = 43 MICROSECOND = 44 SECOND = 45 MINUTE = 46 HOUR = 47 DAY = 48 WEEK = 49 MONTH = 50 QUARTER = 51 YEAR = 52 EROTEME = 53 DOUBLESTAR = 54 MOD = 55 COLON = 56 OROR = 57 ANDAND = 58 LCURLY = 59 RCURLY = 60 CAST = 61 DOTSTAR = 62 ORDERBY_ASC = 63 ORDERBY_DESC = 64 AS = 65 ARROW = 66 QUOTE = 67 BINARY = 68 DATETIME = 69 TIME = 70 CHAR = 71 DATE = 72 DECIMAL = 73 SIGNED = 74 INTEGER = 75 UNSIGNED = 76 JSON = 77 SECOND_MICROSECOND = 78 MINUTE_MICROSECOND = 79 MINUTE_SECOND = 80 HOUR_MICROSECOND = 81 HOUR_SECOND = 82 HOUR_MINUTE = 83 DAY_MICROSECOND = 84 DAY_SECOND = 85 DAY_MINUTE = 86 DAY_HOUR = 87 YEAR_MONTH = 88 OVERLAPS = 89 # pylint: enable=C0103 _INTERVAL_UNITS = set([ TokenType.MICROSECOND, TokenType.SECOND, TokenType.MINUTE, TokenType.HOUR, TokenType.DAY, TokenType.WEEK, TokenType.MONTH, TokenType.QUARTER, TokenType.YEAR, TokenType.SECOND_MICROSECOND, TokenType.MINUTE_MICROSECOND, TokenType.MINUTE_SECOND, TokenType.HOUR_MICROSECOND, TokenType.HOUR_SECOND, TokenType.HOUR_MINUTE, TokenType.DAY_MICROSECOND, TokenType.DAY_SECOND, TokenType.DAY_MINUTE, TokenType.DAY_HOUR, TokenType.YEAR_MONTH]) # map of reserved word to token type _RESERVED_WORDS = { "and": TokenType.AND, "or": TokenType.OR, "xor": TokenType.XOR, "is": TokenType.IS, "not": TokenType.NOT, "like": TokenType.LIKE, "in": TokenType.IN, "overlaps": TokenType.OVERLAPS, "regexp": TokenType.REGEXP, "between": TokenType.BETWEEN, "interval": TokenType.INTERVAL, "escape": TokenType.ESCAPE, "cast": TokenType.CAST, "div": TokenType.DIV, "hex": TokenType.HEX, "bin": TokenType.BIN, "true": TokenType.TRUE, "false": TokenType.FALSE, "null": TokenType.NULL, "second": TokenType.SECOND, "minute": TokenType.MINUTE, "hour": TokenType.HOUR, "day": TokenType.DAY, "week": TokenType.WEEK, "month": TokenType.MONTH, "quarter": TokenType.QUARTER, "year": TokenType.YEAR, "microsecond": TokenType.MICROSECOND, "asc": TokenType.ORDERBY_ASC, "desc": TokenType.ORDERBY_DESC, "as": TokenType.AS, "binary": TokenType.BINARY, "datetime": TokenType.DATETIME, "time": TokenType.TIME, "char": TokenType.CHAR, "date": TokenType.DATE, "decimal": TokenType.DECIMAL, "signed": TokenType.SIGNED, "unsigned": TokenType.UNSIGNED, "integer": TokenType.INTEGER, "json": TokenType.JSON, "second_microsecond": TokenType.SECOND_MICROSECOND, "minute_microsecond": TokenType.MINUTE_MICROSECOND, "minute_second": TokenType.MINUTE_SECOND, "hour_microsecond": TokenType.HOUR_MICROSECOND, "hour_second": TokenType.HOUR_SECOND, "hour_minute": TokenType.HOUR_MINUTE, "day_microsecond": TokenType.DAY_MICROSECOND, "day_second": TokenType.DAY_SECOND, "day_minute": TokenType.DAY_MINUTE, "day_hour": TokenType.DAY_HOUR, "year_month": TokenType.YEAR_MONTH } _SQL_FUNTION_RESERVED_WORDS_COLLISION = { "binary": TokenType.BINARY, "cast": TokenType.CAST, "char": TokenType.CHAR, "date": TokenType.DATE, "decimal": TokenType.DECIMAL, "signed": TokenType.SIGNED, "time": TokenType.TIME, "unsigned": TokenType.UNSIGNED, } _OPERATORS = { "=": "==", "==": "==", "and": "&&", "div": "div", "||": "||", "or": "||", "not": "not", "xor": "xor", "^": "^", "is": "is", "between": "between", "in": "in", "like": "like", "!=": "!=", "<>": "!=", ">": ">", ">=": ">=", "<": "<", "<=": "<=", "&": "&", "&&": "&&", "|": "|", "<<": "<<", ">>": ">>", "+": "+", "-": "-", "*": "*", "/": "/", "~": "~", "%": "%", "cast": "cast", "cont_in": "cont_in", "overlaps": "overlaps" } _UNARY_OPERATORS = { "+": "sign_plus", "-": "sign_minus", "~": "~", "not": "not", "!": "!" } _NEGATION = { "is": "is_not", "between": "not_between", "regexp": "not_regexp", "like": "not_like", "in": "not_in", "cont_in": "not_cont_in", "overlaps": "not_overlaps", } class Token(object): def __init__(self, token_type, value, length=1): self.token_type = token_type self.value = value self.length = length def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): if self.token_type == TokenType.IDENT or \ self.token_type == TokenType.LNUM or \ self.token_type == TokenType.LSTRING: return "{0}({1})".format(self.token_type, self.value) return "{0}".format(self.token_type) # static protobuf helper functions def build_expr(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") if isinstance(value, (Message)): return value elif isinstance(value, (ExprParser)): return value.expr(reparse=True) elif isinstance(value, (dict, DbDoc)): msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OBJECT") msg["object"] = build_object(value).get_message() elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.ARRAY") msg["array"] = build_array(value).get_message() else: msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.LITERAL") msg["literal"] = build_scalar(value).get_message() return msg def build_scalar(value): if isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): return build_string_scalar(value) elif isinstance(value, BYTE_TYPES): return build_bytes_scalar(value) elif isinstance(value, bool): return build_bool_scalar(value) elif isinstance(value, int): return build_int_scalar(value) elif isinstance(value, float): return build_double_scalar(value) elif value is None: return build_null_scalar() raise ValueError("Unsupported data type: {0}.".format(type(value))) def build_object(obj): if isinstance(obj, DbDoc): return build_object(obj.__dict__) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Object") for key, value in obj.items(): pair = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Object.ObjectField") pair["key"] = key.encode() if isinstance(key, UNICODE_TYPES) else key pair["value"] = build_expr(value).get_message() msg["fld"].extend([pair.get_message()]) return msg def build_array(array): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Array") msg["value"].extend([build_expr(value).get_message() for value in array]) return msg def build_null_scalar(): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_NULL") return msg def build_double_scalar(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_DOUBLE") msg["v_double"] = value return msg def build_int_scalar(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_SINT") msg["v_signed_int"] = value return msg def build_unsigned_int_scalar(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_UINT") msg["v_unsigned_int"] = value return msg def build_string_scalar(value): if isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES): value = bytes(bytearray(value, "utf-8")) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_STRING") msg["v_string"] = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.String", value=value) return msg def build_bool_scalar(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_BOOL") msg["v_bool"] = value return msg def build_bytes_scalar(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Type.V_OCTETS") msg["v_octets"] = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Scalar.Octets", value=value) return msg def build_literal_expr(value): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.LITERAL") msg["literal"] = value return msg def build_unary_op(name, param): operator = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator") operator["name"] = _UNARY_OPERATORS[name] operator["param"] = [param.get_message()] msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") msg["operator"] = operator.get_message() return msg def escape_literal(string): return string.replace('"', '""') class ExprParser(object): def __init__(self, string, allow_relational=True): self.string = string self.tokens = [] self.path_name_queue = [] self.pos = 0 self._allow_relational_columns = allow_relational self.placeholder_name_to_position = {} self.positional_placeholder_count = 0 self.clean_expression() self.lex() def __str__(self): return "".format(self.string) def clean_expression(self): """Removes the keywords that does not form part of the expression. Removes the keywords "SELECT" and "WHERE" that does not form part of the expression itself. """ if not isinstance(self.string, STRING_TYPES): self.string = repr(self.string) self.string = self.string.strip(" ") if len(self.string) > 1 and self.string[-1] == ';': self.string = self.string[:-1] if "SELECT" in self.string[:6].upper(): self.string = self.string[6:] if "WHERE" in self.string[:5].upper(): self.string = self.string[5:] # convencience checker for lexer def next_char_is(self, key, char): return key + 1 < len(self.string) and self.string[key + 1] == char def lex_number(self, pos): # numeric literal start = pos found_dot = False while pos < len(self.string) and (self.string[pos].isdigit() or self.string[pos] == "."): if self.string[pos] == ".": if found_dot is True: raise ValueError("Invalid number. Found multiple '.'") found_dot = True # technically we allow more than one "." and let float()'s parsing # complain later pos += 1 val = self.string[start:pos] return Token(TokenType.LNUM, val, len(val)) def lex_alpha(self, i, allow_space=False): start = i while i < len(self.string) and \ (self.string[i].isalnum() or self.string[i] == "_" or (self.string[i].isspace() and allow_space)): i += 1 val = self.string[start:i] try: if i < len(self.string) and self.string[i] == '(' and \ val.lower() not in _SQL_FUNTION_RESERVED_WORDS_COLLISION: token = Token(TokenType.IDENT, val, len(val)) else: token = Token(_RESERVED_WORDS[val.lower()], val.lower(), len(val)) except KeyError: token = Token(TokenType.IDENT, val, len(val)) return token def lex_quoted_token(self, key): quote_char = self.string[key] val = "" key += 1 start = key while key < len(self.string): char = self.string[key] if char == quote_char and key + 1 < len(self.string) and \ self.string[key + 1] != quote_char: # break if we have a quote char that's not double break elif char == quote_char or char == "\\": # this quote char has to be doubled if key + 1 >= len(self.string): break key += 1 val += self.string[key] else: val += char key += 1 if key >= len(self.string) or self.string[key] != quote_char: raise ValueError("Unterminated quoted string starting at {0}" "".format(start)) if quote_char == "`": return Token(TokenType.IDENT, val, len(val) + 2) return Token(TokenType.LSTRING, val, len(val) + 2) def lex(self): i = 0 arrow_last = False inside_arrow = False while i < len(self.string): char = self.string[i] if char.isspace(): i += 1 continue elif char.isdigit(): token = self.lex_number(i) elif char.isalpha() or char == "_": token = self.lex_alpha(i, inside_arrow) elif char == "?": token = Token(TokenType.EROTEME, char) elif char == ":": token = Token(TokenType.COLON, char) elif char == "{": token = Token(TokenType.LCURLY, char) elif char == "}": token = Token(TokenType.RCURLY, char) elif char == "+": token = Token(TokenType.PLUS, char) elif char == "-": if self.next_char_is(i, ">") and not arrow_last: token = Token(TokenType.ARROW, "->", 2) arrow_last = True else: token = Token(TokenType.MINUS, char) elif char == "*": if self.next_char_is(i, "*"): token = Token(TokenType.DOUBLESTAR, "**", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.MUL, char) elif char == "/": token = Token(TokenType.DIV, char) elif char == "$": token = Token(TokenType.DOLLAR, char) elif char == "%": token = Token(TokenType.MOD, char) elif char == "=": if self.next_char_is(i, "="): token = Token(TokenType.EQ, "==", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.EQ, "==", 1) elif char == "&": if self.next_char_is(i, "&"): token = Token(TokenType.ANDAND, "&&", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.BITAND, char) elif char == "^": token = Token(TokenType.BITXOR, char) elif char == "|": if self.next_char_is(i, "|"): token = Token(TokenType.OROR, "||", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.BITOR, char) elif char == "(": token = Token(TokenType.LPAREN, char) elif char == ")": token = Token(TokenType.RPAREN, char) elif char == "[": token = Token(TokenType.LSQBRACKET, char) elif char == "]": token = Token(TokenType.RSQBRACKET, char) elif char == "~": token = Token(TokenType.NEG, char) elif char == ",": token = Token(TokenType.COMMA, char) elif char == "!": if self.next_char_is(i, "="): token = Token(TokenType.NE, "!=", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.BANG, char) elif char == "<": if self.next_char_is(i, ">"): token = Token(TokenType.NE, "<>", 2) elif self.next_char_is(i, "<"): token = Token(TokenType.LSHIFT, "<<", 2) elif self.next_char_is(i, "="): token = Token(TokenType.LE, "<=", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.LT, char) elif char == ">": if self.next_char_is(i, ">"): token = Token(TokenType.RSHIFT, ">>", 2) elif self.next_char_is(i, "="): token = Token(TokenType.GE, ">=", 2) else: token = Token(TokenType.GT, char) elif char == ".": if self.next_char_is(i, "*"): token = Token(TokenType.DOTSTAR, ".*", 2) elif i + 1 < len(self.string) and self.string[i + 1].isdigit(): token = self.lex_number(i) else: token = Token(TokenType.DOT, char) elif (char == "'" or char == '"') and arrow_last: token = Token(TokenType.QUOTE, char) if not inside_arrow: inside_arrow = True else: arrow_last = False inside_arrow = False elif char == '"' or char == "'" or char == "`": token = self.lex_quoted_token(i) else: raise ValueError("Unknown character at {0}".format(i)) self.tokens.append(token) i += token.length def assert_cur_token(self, token_type): if self.pos >= len(self.tokens): raise ValueError("Expected token type {0} at pos {1} but no " "tokens left".format(token_type, self.pos)) if self.tokens[self.pos].token_type != token_type: raise ValueError("Expected token type {0} at pos {1} but found " "type {2}, on tokens {3}" "".format(token_type, self.pos, self.tokens[self.pos], self.tokens)) def cur_token_type_is(self, token_type): return self.pos_token_type_is(self.pos, token_type) def cur_token_type_in(self, *types): return self.pos < len(self.tokens) and \ self.tokens[self.pos].token_type in types def next_token_type_is(self, token_type): return self.pos_token_type_is(self.pos + 1, token_type) def next_token_type_in(self, *types): return self.pos < len(self.tokens) and \ self.tokens[self.pos + 1].token_type in types def pos_token_type_is(self, pos, token_type): return pos < len(self.tokens) and \ self.tokens[pos].token_type == token_type def consume_token(self, token_type): self.assert_cur_token(token_type) value = self.tokens[self.pos].value self.pos += 1 return value def paren_expr_list(self): """Parse a paren-bounded expression list for function arguments or IN list and return a list of Expr objects. """ exprs = [] path_name_added = False self.consume_token(TokenType.LPAREN) if not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.RPAREN): msg_expr = self._expr().get_message() if hasattr(msg_expr, "identifier") and msg_expr.identifier.name: self.path_name_queue.insert(0, msg_expr.identifier.name) path_name_added = True elif not hasattr(msg_expr, "identifier") and \ "identifier" in msg_expr and "name" in msg_expr["identifier"]: self.path_name_queue.insert(0, msg_expr["identifier"]["name"]) path_name_added = True exprs.append(msg_expr) while self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.COMMA): self.pos += 1 exprs.append(self._expr().get_message()) self.consume_token(TokenType.RPAREN) if path_name_added: self.path_name_queue.pop() return exprs def identifier(self): self.assert_cur_token(TokenType.IDENT) ident = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Identifier") if self.next_token_type_is(TokenType.DOT): ident["schema_name"] = self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT) self.consume_token(TokenType.DOT) ident["name"] = self.tokens[self.pos].value self.pos += 1 return ident def function_call(self): function_call = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.FunctionCall") function_call["name"] = self.identifier() function_call["param"] = self.paren_expr_list() msg_expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg_expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.FUNC_CALL") msg_expr["function_call"] = function_call.get_message() return msg_expr def docpath_member(self): self.consume_token(TokenType.DOT) token = self.tokens[self.pos] if token.token_type == TokenType.IDENT: if token.value.startswith('`') and token.value.endswith('`'): raise ValueError("{0} is not a valid JSON/ECMAScript " "identifier".format(token.value)) self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT) member_name = token.value elif token.token_type == TokenType.LSTRING: self.consume_token(TokenType.LSTRING) member_name = token.value else: raise ValueError("Expected token type IDENT or LSTRING in JSON " "path at token pos {0}".format(self.pos)) doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.MEMBER") doc_path_item["value"] = member_name return doc_path_item def docpath_array_loc(self): self.consume_token(TokenType.LSQBRACKET) if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.MUL): self.consume_token(TokenType.MUL) self.consume_token(TokenType.RSQBRACKET) doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.ARRAY_INDEX_ASTERISK") return doc_path_item elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LNUM): value = int(self.consume_token(TokenType.LNUM)) if value < 0: raise IndexError("Array index cannot be negative at {0}" "".format(self.pos)) self.consume_token(TokenType.RSQBRACKET) doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.ARRAY_INDEX") doc_path_item["index"] = value return doc_path_item else: raise ValueError("Exception token type MUL or LNUM in JSON " "path array index at token pos {0}" "".format(self.pos)) def document_field(self): col_id = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.ColumnIdentifier") if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.IDENT): doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.MEMBER") doc_path_item["value"] = self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT) col_id["document_path"].extend([doc_path_item.get_message()]) col_id["document_path"].extend(self.document_path()) if self.path_name_queue: col_id["name"] = self.path_name_queue[0] expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.IDENT") expr["identifier"] = col_id return expr def document_path(self): """Parse a JSON-style document path, like WL#7909, but prefix by @. instead of $. We parse this as a string because the protocol doesn't support it. (yet) """ doc_path = [] while True: if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.DOT): doc_path.append(self.docpath_member().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.DOTSTAR): self.consume_token(TokenType.DOTSTAR) doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.MEMBER_ASTERISK") doc_path.append(doc_path_item.get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LSQBRACKET): doc_path.append(self.docpath_array_loc().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.DOUBLESTAR): self.consume_token(TokenType.DOUBLESTAR) doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.DOUBLE_ASTERISK") doc_path.append(doc_path_item.get_message()) else: break items = len(doc_path) if items > 0 and get_item_or_attr(doc_path[items - 1], "type") == \ mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.DOUBLE_ASTERISK"): raise ValueError("JSON path may not end in '**' at {0}" "".format(self.pos)) return doc_path def column_identifier(self): parts = [] parts.append(self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT)) while self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.DOT): self.consume_token(TokenType.DOT) parts.append(self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT)) if len(parts) > 3: raise ValueError("Too many parts to identifier at {0}" "".format(self.pos)) parts.reverse() col_id = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.ColumnIdentifier") # clever way to apply them to the struct for i in range(0, len(parts)): if i == 0: col_id["name"] = parts[0] elif i == 1: col_id["table_name"] = parts[1] elif i == 2: col_id["schema_name"] = parts[2] is_doc = False if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.DOLLAR): is_doc = True self.consume_token(TokenType.DOLLAR) col_id["document_path"] = self.document_path() elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.ARROW): is_doc = True self.consume_token(TokenType.ARROW) is_quoted = False if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.QUOTE): is_quoted = True self.consume_token(TokenType.QUOTE) self.consume_token(TokenType.DOLLAR) col_id["document_path"] = self.document_path() if is_quoted: self.consume_token(TokenType.QUOTE) if is_doc and len(col_id["document_path"]) == 0: doc_path_item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem") doc_path_item["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.DocumentPathItem.Type.MEMBER") doc_path_item["value"] = "" col_id["document_path"].extend([doc_path_item.get_message()]) msg_expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg_expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.IDENT") msg_expr["identifier"] = col_id return msg_expr def next_token(self): if self.pos >= len(self.tokens): raise ValueError("Unexpected end of token stream") token = self.tokens[self.pos] self.pos += 1 return token def expect_token(self, token_type): token = self.next_token() if token.token_type != token_type: raise ValueError("Expected token type {0}".format(token_type)) def peek_token(self): return self.tokens[self.pos] def consume_any_token(self): value = self.tokens[self.pos].value self.pos += 1 return value def parse_json_array(self): """ jsonArray ::= "[" [ expr ("," expr)* ] "]" """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Array") while self.pos < len(self.tokens) and \ not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.RSQBRACKET): msg["value"].extend([self._expr().get_message()]) if not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.COMMA): break self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) self.consume_token(TokenType.RSQBRACKET) expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.ARRAY") expr["array"] = msg.get_message() return expr def parse_json_doc(self): """ jsonDoc ::= "{" [jsonKeyValue ("," jsonKeyValue)*] "}" jsonKeyValue ::= STRING_DQ ":" expr """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Object") while self.pos < len(self.tokens) and \ not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.RCURLY): item = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Object.ObjectField") item["key"] = self.consume_token(TokenType.LSTRING) self.consume_token(TokenType.COLON) item["value"] = self._expr().get_message() msg["fld"].extend([item.get_message()]) if not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.COMMA): break self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) self.consume_token(TokenType.RCURLY) expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OBJECT") expr["object"] = msg.get_message() return expr def parse_place_holder(self, token): place_holder_name = "" if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LNUM): place_holder_name = self.consume_token(TokenType.LNUM) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.IDENT): place_holder_name = self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT) elif token.token_type == TokenType.EROTEME: place_holder_name = str(self.positional_placeholder_count) else: raise ValueError("Invalid placeholder name at token pos {0}" "".format(self.pos)) msg_expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg_expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.PLACEHOLDER") if place_holder_name in self.placeholder_name_to_position: msg_expr["position"] = \ self.placeholder_name_to_position[place_holder_name] else: msg_expr["position"] = self.positional_placeholder_count self.placeholder_name_to_position[place_holder_name] = \ self.positional_placeholder_count self.positional_placeholder_count += 1 return msg_expr def cast(self): """ cast ::= CAST LPAREN expr AS cast_data_type RPAREN """ operator = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator", name="cast") self.consume_token(TokenType.LPAREN) operator["param"].extend([self._expr().get_message()]) self.consume_token(TokenType.AS) type_scalar = build_bytes_scalar(str.encode(self.cast_data_type())) operator["param"].extend( [build_literal_expr(type_scalar).get_message()]) self.consume_token(TokenType.RPAREN) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr", operator=operator.get_message()) msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") return msg def cast_data_type(self): """ cast_data_type ::= ( BINARY dimension? ) | ( CHAR dimension? ) | ( DATE ) | ( DATETIME dimension? ) | ( TIME dimension? ) | ( DECIMAL dimension? ) | ( SIGNED INTEGER? ) | ( UNSIGNED INTEGER? ) | JSON """ token = self.next_token() if token.token_type in (TokenType.BINARY, TokenType.CHAR, TokenType.DATETIME, TokenType.TIME,): dimension = self.cast_data_type_dimension() return "{0}{1}".format(token.value, dimension) \ if dimension else token.value elif token.token_type is TokenType.DECIMAL: dimension = self.cast_data_type_dimension(True) return "{0}{1}".format(token.value, dimension) \ if dimension else token.value elif token.token_type in (TokenType.SIGNED, TokenType.UNSIGNED,): if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.INTEGER): self.consume_token(TokenType.INTEGER) return token.value elif token.token_type in (TokenType.INTEGER, TokenType.JSON, TokenType.DATE,): return token.value raise ValueError("Unknown token type {0} at position {1} ({2})" "".format(token.token_type, self.pos, token.value)) def cast_data_type_dimension(self, decimal=False): """ dimension ::= LPAREN LNUM (, LNUM)? RPAREN """ if not self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LPAREN): return None dimension = [] self.consume_token(TokenType.LPAREN) dimension.append(self.consume_token(TokenType.LNUM)) if decimal and self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.COMMA): self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) dimension.append(self.consume_token(TokenType.LNUM)) self.consume_token(TokenType.RPAREN) return "({0})".format(dimension[0]) if len(dimension) == 1 else \ "({0},{1})".format(*dimension) def star_operator(self): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") msg["operator"] = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator", name="*") return msg def atomic_expr(self): """Parse an atomic expression and return a protobuf Expr object""" token = self.next_token() if token.token_type in [TokenType.EROTEME, TokenType.COLON]: return self.parse_place_holder(token) elif token.token_type == TokenType.LCURLY: return self.parse_json_doc() elif token.token_type == TokenType.LSQBRACKET: return self.parse_json_array() elif token.token_type == TokenType.CAST: return self.cast() elif token.token_type == TokenType.LPAREN: expr = self._expr() self.expect_token(TokenType.RPAREN) return expr elif token.token_type in [TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS]: peek = self.peek_token() if peek.token_type == TokenType.LNUM: self.tokens[self.pos].value = token.value + peek.value return self.atomic_expr() return build_unary_op(token.value, self.atomic_expr()) elif token.token_type in [TokenType.NOT, TokenType.NEG, TokenType.BANG]: return build_unary_op(token.value, self.atomic_expr()) elif token.token_type == TokenType.LSTRING: return build_literal_expr(build_string_scalar(token.value)) elif token.token_type == TokenType.NULL: return build_literal_expr(build_null_scalar()) elif token.token_type == TokenType.LNUM: if "." in token.value: return build_literal_expr( build_double_scalar(float(token.value))) return build_literal_expr(build_int_scalar(int(token.value))) elif token.token_type in [TokenType.TRUE, TokenType.FALSE]: return build_literal_expr( build_bool_scalar(token.token_type == TokenType.TRUE)) elif token.token_type == TokenType.DOLLAR: return self.document_field() elif token.token_type == TokenType.MUL: return self.star_operator() elif token.token_type == TokenType.IDENT: self.pos = self.pos - 1 # stay on the identifier if self.next_token_type_is(TokenType.LPAREN) or \ (self.next_token_type_is(TokenType.DOT) and self.pos_token_type_is(self.pos + 2, TokenType.IDENT) and self.pos_token_type_is(self.pos + 3, TokenType.LPAREN)): # Function call return self.function_call() return (self.document_field() if not self._allow_relational_columns else self.column_identifier()) raise ValueError("Unknown token type = {0} when expecting atomic " "expression at {1}" "".format(token.token_type, self.pos)) def parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr(self, types, inner_parser): """Given a `set' of types and an Expr-returning inner parser function, parse a left associate binary operator expression""" lhs = inner_parser() while (self.pos < len(self.tokens) and self.tokens[self.pos].token_type in types): msg = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") operator = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator") operator["name"] = _OPERATORS[self.tokens[self.pos].value] operator["param"] = [lhs.get_message()] self.pos += 1 operator["param"].extend([inner_parser().get_message()]) msg["operator"] = operator lhs = msg return lhs # operator precedence is implemented here def add_sub_interval(self): lhs = self.atomic_expr() if self.cur_token_type_in(TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS) and \ self.next_token_type_is(TokenType.INTERVAL): token = self.next_token() operator = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator") operator["param"].extend([lhs.get_message()]) operator["name"] = "date_add" if token.token_type is TokenType.PLUS \ else "date_sub" self.consume_token(TokenType.INTERVAL) operator["param"].extend([self.bit_expr().get_message()]) if not self.cur_token_type_in(*_INTERVAL_UNITS): raise ValueError("Expected interval type at position {0}" "".format(self.pos)) token = str.encode(self.consume_any_token().upper()) operator["param"].extend([build_literal_expr( build_bytes_scalar(token)).get_message()]) lhs = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr", operator=operator) lhs["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") return lhs def mul_div_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.MUL, TokenType.DIV, TokenType.MOD]), self.add_sub_interval) def add_sub_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS]), self.mul_div_expr) def shift_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.LSHIFT, TokenType.RSHIFT]), self.add_sub_expr) def bit_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.BITAND, TokenType.BITOR, TokenType.BITXOR]), self.shift_expr) def comp_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.GE, TokenType.GT, TokenType.LE, TokenType.LT, TokenType.EQ, TokenType.NE]), self.bit_expr) def ilri_expr(self): params = [] lhs = self.comp_expr() is_not = False if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.NOT): is_not = True self.consume_token(TokenType.NOT) if self.pos < len(self.tokens): params.append(lhs.get_message()) op_name = self.tokens[self.pos].value if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.IS): self.consume_token(TokenType.IS) # for IS, NOT comes AFTER if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.NOT): is_not = True self.consume_token(TokenType.NOT) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.IN): self.consume_token(TokenType.IN) if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LPAREN): params.extend(self.paren_expr_list()) else: op_name = "cont_in" params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.OVERLAPS): self.consume_token(TokenType.OVERLAPS) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.LIKE): self.consume_token(TokenType.LIKE) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.ESCAPE): self.consume_token(TokenType.ESCAPE) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.BETWEEN): self.consume_token(TokenType.BETWEEN) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) self.consume_token(TokenType.AND) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.REGEXP): self.consume_token(TokenType.REGEXP) params.append(self.comp_expr().get_message()) else: if is_not: raise ValueError("Unknown token after NOT as pos {0}" "".format(self.pos)) op_name = None # not an operator we're interested in if op_name: operator = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Operator") operator["name"] = _NEGATION[op_name] if is_not else op_name operator["param"] = params msg_expr = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr") msg_expr["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.OPERATOR") msg_expr["operator"] = operator.get_message() lhs = msg_expr return lhs def and_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.AND, TokenType.ANDAND]), self.ilri_expr) def xor_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.XOR]), self.and_expr) def or_expr(self): return self.parse_left_assoc_binary_op_expr( set([TokenType.OR, TokenType.OROR]), self.xor_expr) def _expr(self, reparse=False): if reparse: self.tokens = [] self.pos = 0 self.placeholder_name_to_position = {} self.positional_placeholder_count = 0 self.lex() return self.or_expr() def expr(self, reparse=False): expression = self._expr(reparse) used_tokens = self.pos if self.pos_token_type_is(len(self.tokens) - 2, TokenType.AS): used_tokens += 2 if used_tokens < len(self.tokens): raise ValueError("Unused token types {} found in expression at " "position: {}".format(self.tokens[self.pos:], self.pos)) return expression def parse_table_insert_field(self): return Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Column", name=self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT)) def parse_table_update_field(self): return self.column_identifier().identifier def _table_fields(self): fields = [] temp = self.string.split(",") temp.reverse() while temp: field = temp.pop() while field.count("(") != field.count(")") or \ field.count("[") != field.count("]") or \ field.count("{") != field.count("}"): field = "{1},{0}".format(temp.pop(), field) fields.append(field.strip()) return fields def parse_table_select_projection(self): project_expr = [] first = True fields = self._table_fields() while self.pos < len(self.tokens): if not first: self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) first = False projection = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Projection", source=self._expr()) if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.AS): self.consume_token(TokenType.AS) projection["alias"] = self.consume_token(TokenType.IDENT) else: projection["alias"] = fields[len(project_expr)] project_expr.append(projection.get_message()) return project_expr def parse_order_spec(self): order_specs = [] first = True while self.pos < len(self.tokens): if not first: self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) first = False order = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Order", expr=self._expr()) if self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.ORDERBY_ASC): order["direction"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Crud.Order.Direction.ASC") self.consume_token(TokenType.ORDERBY_ASC) elif self.cur_token_type_is(TokenType.ORDERBY_DESC): order["direction"] = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Crud.Order.Direction.DESC") self.consume_token(TokenType.ORDERBY_DESC) order_specs.append(order.get_message()) return order_specs def parse_expr_list(self): expr_list = [] first = True while self.pos < len(self.tokens): if not first: self.consume_token(TokenType.COMMA) first = False expr_list.append(self._expr().get_message()) return expr_list