# Copyright (c) 2016, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an # additional permission to link the program and your derivative works # with the separately licensed software that they have included with # MySQL. # # Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, # which is part of MySQL Connector/Python, is also subject to the # Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at # http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Implementation of the X protocol for MySQL servers. """ import struct import zlib from io import BytesIO try: import lz4.frame HAVE_LZ4 = True except ImportError: HAVE_LZ4 = False from .compat import STRING_TYPES, INT_TYPES from .errors import (InterfaceError, NotSupportedError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError) from .expr import (ExprParser, build_expr, build_scalar, build_bool_scalar, build_int_scalar, build_unsigned_int_scalar) from .helpers import encode_to_bytes, get_item_or_attr from .result import Column from .protobuf import (CRUD_PREPARE_MAPPING, SERVER_MESSAGES, PROTOBUF_REPEATED_TYPES, Message, mysqlxpb_enum) _COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD = 1000 _COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS = ("lz4_message", "deflate_stream") class Compressor(object): """Implements compression/decompression using `lz4_message` and `deflate_stream` algorithms. Args: algorithm (str): Compression algorithm. .. versionadded:: 8.0.21 """ def __init__(self, algorithm): self._algorithm = algorithm if algorithm == "deflate_stream": self._compressobj = zlib.compressobj() self._decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj() else: self._compressobj = None self._decompressobj = None def compress(self, data): """Compresses data and returns it. Args: data (str, bytes or buffer object): Data to be compressed. Returns: bytes: Compressed data. """ if self._algorithm == "lz4_message": with lz4.frame.LZ4FrameCompressor() as compressor: compressed = compressor.begin() compressed += compressor.compress(data) compressed += compressor.flush() return compressed # Using 'deflate_stream' algorithm compressed = self._compressobj.compress(data) compressed += self._compressobj.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) return compressed def decompress(self, data): """Decompresses a frame of data and returns it as a string of bytes. Args: data (str, bytes or buffer object): Data to be compressed. Returns: bytes: Decompresssed data. """ if self._algorithm == "lz4_message": with lz4.frame.LZ4FrameDecompressor() as decompressor: decompressed = decompressor.decompress(data) return decompressed # Using 'deflate' algorithm decompressed = self._decompressobj.decompress(data) decompressed += self._decompressobj.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) return decompressed class MessageReader(object): """Implements a Message Reader. Args: socket_stream (mysqlx.connection.SocketStream): `SocketStream` object. .. versionadded:: 8.0.21 """ def __init__(self, socket_stream): self._stream = socket_stream self._compressor = None self._msg = None self._msg_queue = [] def _read_message(self): """Reads X Protocol messages from the stream and returns a :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message` object. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.ProgrammingError`: If e connected server does not have the MySQL X protocol plugin enabled. Returns: mysqlx.protobuf.Message: MySQL X Protobuf Message. """ if self._msg_queue: return self._msg_queue.pop(0) frame_size, frame_type = struct.unpack(" _COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD: msg_str = encode_to_bytes(msg.serialize_to_string()) header = struct.pack("= 8.0.16 if err.errno != 5002: raise return None def send_auth_start(self, method, auth_data=None, initial_response=None): """Send authenticate start. Args: method (str): Message method. auth_data (Optional[str]): Authentication data. initial_response (Optional[str]): Initial response. """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Session.AuthenticateStart") msg["mech_name"] = method if auth_data is not None: msg["auth_data"] = auth_data if initial_response is not None: msg["initial_response"] = initial_response self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SESS_AUTHENTICATE_START"), msg) def read_auth_continue(self): """Read authenticate continue. Raises: :class:`InterfaceError`: If the message type is not `Mysqlx.Session.AuthenticateContinue` Returns: str: The authentication data. """ msg = self._reader.read_message() while msg.type == "Mysqlx.Notice.Frame": msg = self._reader.read_message() if msg.type != "Mysqlx.Session.AuthenticateContinue": raise InterfaceError("Unexpected message encountered during " "authentication handshake") return msg["auth_data"] def send_auth_continue(self, auth_data): """Send authenticate continue. Args: auth_data (str): Authentication data. """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Session.AuthenticateContinue", auth_data=auth_data) self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SESS_AUTHENTICATE_CONTINUE"), msg) def read_auth_ok(self): """Read authenticate OK. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.InterfaceError`: If message type is `Mysqlx.Error`. """ while True: msg = self._reader.read_message() if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Session.AuthenticateOk": break if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Error": raise InterfaceError(msg.msg) def send_prepare_prepare(self, msg_type, msg, stmt): """ Send prepare statement. Args: msg_type (str): Message ID string. msg (mysqlx.protobuf.Message): MySQL X Protobuf Message. stmt (Statement): A `Statement` based type object. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.NotSupportedError`: If prepared statements are not supported. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ if stmt.has_limit and msg.type != "Mysqlx.Crud.Insert": # Remove 'limit' from message by building a new one if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Crud.Find": _, msg = self.build_find(stmt) elif msg.type == "Mysqlx.Crud.Update": _, msg = self.build_update(stmt) elif msg.type == "Mysqlx.Crud.Delete": _, msg = self.build_delete(stmt) else: raise ValueError("Invalid message type: {}".format(msg_type)) # Build 'limit_expr' message position = len(stmt.get_bindings()) placeholder = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr.Type.PLACEHOLDER") msg_limit_expr = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.LimitExpr") msg_limit_expr["row_count"] = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr", type=placeholder, position=position) if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Crud.Find": msg_limit_expr["offset"] = Message("Mysqlx.Expr.Expr", type=placeholder, position=position + 1) msg["limit_expr"] = msg_limit_expr oneof_type, oneof_op = CRUD_PREPARE_MAPPING[msg_type] msg_oneof = Message("Mysqlx.Prepare.Prepare.OneOfMessage") msg_oneof["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum(oneof_type) msg_oneof[oneof_op] = msg msg_prepare = Message("Mysqlx.Prepare.Prepare") msg_prepare["stmt_id"] = stmt.stmt_id msg_prepare["stmt"] = msg_oneof self._writer.write_message( mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.PREPARE_PREPARE"), msg_prepare) try: self.read_ok() except InterfaceError: raise NotSupportedError def send_prepare_execute(self, msg_type, msg, stmt): """ Send execute statement. Args: msg_type (str): Message ID string. msg (mysqlx.protobuf.Message): MySQL X Protobuf Message. stmt (Statement): A `Statement` based type object. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ oneof_type, oneof_op = CRUD_PREPARE_MAPPING[msg_type] msg_oneof = Message("Mysqlx.Prepare.Prepare.OneOfMessage") msg_oneof["type"] = mysqlxpb_enum(oneof_type) msg_oneof[oneof_op] = msg msg_execute = Message("Mysqlx.Prepare.Execute") msg_execute["stmt_id"] = stmt.stmt_id args = self._get_binding_args(stmt, is_scalar=False) if args: msg_execute["args"].extend(args) if stmt.has_limit: msg_execute["args"].extend([ self._create_any(stmt.get_limit_row_count()).get_message(), self._create_any(stmt.get_limit_offset()).get_message() ]) self._writer.write_message( mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.PREPARE_EXECUTE"), msg_execute) def send_prepare_deallocate(self, stmt_id): """ Send prepare deallocate statement. Args: stmt_id (int): Statement ID. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ msg_dealloc = Message("Mysqlx.Prepare.Deallocate") msg_dealloc["stmt_id"] = stmt_id self._writer.write_message( mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.PREPARE_DEALLOCATE"), msg_dealloc) self.read_ok() def send_msg_without_ps(self, msg_type, msg, stmt): """ Send a message without prepared statements support. Args: msg_type (str): Message ID string. msg (mysqlx.protobuf.Message): MySQL X Protobuf Message. stmt (Statement): A `Statement` based type object. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ if stmt.has_limit: msg_limit = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Limit") msg_limit["row_count"] = stmt.get_limit_row_count() if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Crud.Find": msg_limit["offset"] = stmt.get_limit_offset() msg["limit"] = msg_limit is_scalar = False \ if msg_type == "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SQL_STMT_EXECUTE" \ else True args = self._get_binding_args(stmt, is_scalar=is_scalar) if args: msg["args"].extend(args) self.send_msg(msg_type, msg) def send_msg(self, msg_type, msg): """ Send a message. Args: msg_type (str): Message ID string. msg (mysqlx.protobuf.Message): MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum(msg_type), msg) def build_find(self, stmt): """Build find/read message. Args: stmt (Statement): A :class:`mysqlx.ReadStatement` or :class:`mysqlx.FindStatement` object. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: * `str`: Message ID string. * :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message`: MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ data_model = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.DOCUMENT" if stmt.is_doc_based() else "Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.TABLE") collection = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Collection", name=stmt.target.name, schema=stmt.schema.name) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Find", data_model=data_model, collection=collection) if stmt.has_projection: msg["projection"] = stmt.get_projection_expr() self._apply_filter(msg, stmt) if stmt.is_lock_exclusive(): msg["locking"] = \ mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.Find.RowLock.EXCLUSIVE_LOCK") elif stmt.is_lock_shared(): msg["locking"] = \ mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.Find.RowLock.SHARED_LOCK") if stmt.lock_contention > 0: msg["locking_options"] = stmt.lock_contention return "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.CRUD_FIND", msg def build_update(self, stmt): """Build update message. Args: stmt (Statement): A :class:`mysqlx.ModifyStatement` or :class:`mysqlx.UpdateStatement` object. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: * `str`: Message ID string. * :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message`: MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ data_model = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.DOCUMENT" if stmt.is_doc_based() else "Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.TABLE") collection = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Collection", name=stmt.target.name, schema=stmt.schema.name) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Update", data_model=data_model, collection=collection) self._apply_filter(msg, stmt) for _, update_op in stmt.get_update_ops().items(): operation = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.UpdateOperation") operation["operation"] = update_op.update_type operation["source"] = update_op.source if update_op.value is not None: operation["value"] = build_expr(update_op.value) msg["operation"].extend([operation.get_message()]) return "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.CRUD_UPDATE", msg def build_delete(self, stmt): """Build delete message. Args: stmt (Statement): A :class:`mysqlx.DeleteStatement` or :class:`mysqlx.RemoveStatement` object. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: * `str`: Message ID string. * :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message`: MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ data_model = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.DOCUMENT" if stmt.is_doc_based() else "Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.TABLE") collection = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Collection", name=stmt.target.name, schema=stmt.schema.name) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Delete", data_model=data_model, collection=collection) self._apply_filter(msg, stmt) return "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.CRUD_DELETE", msg def build_execute_statement(self, namespace, stmt, fields=None): """Build execute statement. Args: namespace (str): The namespace. stmt (Statement): A `Statement` based type object. fields (Optional[dict]): The message fields. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: * `str`: Message ID string. * :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message`: MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Sql.StmtExecute", namespace=namespace, stmt=stmt, compact_metadata=False) if fields: obj_flds = [] for key, value in fields.items(): obj_fld = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Object.ObjectField", key=key, value=self._create_any(value)) obj_flds.append(obj_fld.get_message()) msg_obj = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Object", fld=obj_flds) msg_any = Message("Mysqlx.Datatypes.Any", type=2, obj=msg_obj) msg["args"] = [msg_any.get_message()] return "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SQL_STMT_EXECUTE", msg def build_insert(self, stmt): """Build insert statement. Args: stmt (Statement): A :class:`mysqlx.AddStatement` or :class:`mysqlx.InsertStatement` object. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: * `str`: Message ID string. * :class:`mysqlx.protobuf.Message`: MySQL X Protobuf Message. .. versionadded:: 8.0.16 """ data_model = mysqlxpb_enum("Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.DOCUMENT" if stmt.is_doc_based() else "Mysqlx.Crud.DataModel.TABLE") collection = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Collection", name=stmt.target.name, schema=stmt.schema.name) msg = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Insert", data_model=data_model, collection=collection) if hasattr(stmt, "_fields"): for field in stmt._fields: expr = ExprParser(field, not stmt.is_doc_based()) \ .parse_table_insert_field() msg["projection"].extend([expr.get_message()]) for value in stmt.get_values(): row = Message("Mysqlx.Crud.Insert.TypedRow") if isinstance(value, list): for val in value: row["field"].extend([build_expr(val).get_message()]) else: row["field"].extend([build_expr(value).get_message()]) msg["row"].extend([row.get_message()]) if hasattr(stmt, "is_upsert"): msg["upsert"] = stmt.is_upsert() return "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.CRUD_INSERT", msg def close_result(self, result): """Close the result. Args: result (Result): A `Result` based type object. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.OperationalError`: If message read is None. """ msg = self._read_message(result) if msg is not None: raise OperationalError("Expected to close the result") def read_row(self, result): """Read row. Args: result (Result): A `Result` based type object. """ msg = self._read_message(result) if msg is None: return None if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Resultset.Row": return msg self._reader.push_message(msg) return None def get_column_metadata(self, result): """Returns column metadata. Args: result (Result): A `Result` based type object. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.InterfaceError`: If unexpected message. """ columns = [] while True: msg = self._read_message(result) if msg is None: break if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Resultset.Row": self._reader.push_message(msg) break if msg.type != "Mysqlx.Resultset.ColumnMetaData": raise InterfaceError("Unexpected msg type") col = Column(msg["type"], msg["catalog"], msg["schema"], msg["table"], msg["original_table"], msg["name"], msg["original_name"], msg.get("length", 21), msg.get("collation", 0), msg.get("fractional_digits", 0), msg.get("flags", 16), msg.get("content_type")) columns.append(col) return columns def read_ok(self): """Read OK. Raises: :class:`mysqlx.InterfaceError`: If unexpected message. """ msg = self._reader.read_message() if msg.type == "Mysqlx.Error": raise InterfaceError("Mysqlx.Error: {}".format(msg["msg"]), errno=msg["code"]) if msg.type != "Mysqlx.Ok": raise InterfaceError("Unexpected message encountered") def send_connection_close(self): """Send connection close.""" msg = Message("Mysqlx.Connection.Close") self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.CON_CLOSE"), msg) def send_close(self): """Send close.""" msg = Message("Mysqlx.Session.Close") self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SESS_CLOSE"), msg) def send_expect_open(self): """Send expectation.""" cond_key = mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.Expect.Open.Condition.Key.EXPECT_FIELD_EXIST") msg_oc = Message("Mysqlx.Expect.Open.Condition") msg_oc["condition_key"] = cond_key msg_oc["condition_value"] = "6.1" msg_eo = Message("Mysqlx.Expect.Open") msg_eo['cond'] = [msg_oc.get_message()] self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.EXPECT_OPEN"), msg_eo) def send_reset(self, keep_open=None): """Send reset session message. Returns: boolean: ``True`` if the server will keep the session open, otherwise ``False``. """ msg = Message("Mysqlx.Session.Reset") if keep_open is None: try: # Send expectation: keep connection open self.send_expect_open() self.read_ok() keep_open = True except InterfaceError: # Expectation is unkown by this version of the server keep_open = False if keep_open: msg["keep_open"] = True self._writer.write_message(mysqlxpb_enum( "Mysqlx.ClientMessages.Type.SESS_RESET"), msg) self.read_ok() if keep_open: return True return False