import hashlib import unicodedata from enum import IntEnum, unique from functools import wraps from operator import attrgetter from os import urandom from stringprep import ( in_table_a1, in_table_b1, in_table_c12, in_table_c21_c22, in_table_c3, in_table_c4, in_table_c5, in_table_c6, in_table_c7, in_table_c8, in_table_c9, in_table_d1, in_table_d2, ) from uuid import uuid4 from asn1crypto.x509 import Certificate from scramp.utils import b64dec, b64enc, h, hi, hmac, uenc, xor # # @unique class ClientStage(IntEnum): get_client_first = 1 set_server_first = 2 get_client_final = 3 set_server_final = 4 @unique class ServerStage(IntEnum): set_client_first = 1 get_server_first = 2 set_client_final = 3 get_server_final = 4 def _check_stage(Stages, current_stage, next_stage): if current_stage is None: if next_stage != 1: raise ScramException(f"The method {Stages(1).name} must be called first.") elif current_stage == 4: raise ScramException("The authentication sequence has already finished.") elif next_stage != current_stage + 1: raise ScramException( f"The next method to be called is " f"{Stages(current_stage + 1).name}, not this method." ) class ScramException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, server_error=None): super().__init__(message) self.server_error = server_error def __str__(self): s_str = "" if self.server_error is None else f" {self.server_error}" return super().__str__() + s_str MECHANISMS = ( "SCRAM-SHA-1", "SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS", "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS", "SCRAM-SHA-512", "SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS", "SCRAM-SHA3-512", "SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS", ) CHANNEL_TYPES = ( "tls-server-end-point", "tls-unique", "tls-unique-for-telnet", ) def make_channel_binding(name, ssl_socket): if name == "tls-unique": return (name, ssl_socket.get_channel_binding(name)) elif name == "tls-server-end-point": cert_bin = ssl_socket.getpeercert(binary_form=True) cert = Certificate.load(cert_bin) # Find the hash algorithm to use according to # hash_algo = cert.hash_algo if hash_algo in ("md5", "sha1"): hash_algo = "sha256" try: hash_obj = except ValueError as e: raise ScramException( f"Hash algorithm {hash_algo} not supported by hashlib. {e}" ) hash_obj.update(cert_bin) return ("tls-server-end-point", hash_obj.digest()) else: raise ScramException(f"Channel binding name {name} not recognized.") class ScramMechanism: MECH_LOOKUP = { "SCRAM-SHA-1": (hashlib.sha1, False, 4096, 0), "SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS": (hashlib.sha1, True, 4096, 1), "SCRAM-SHA-256": (hashlib.sha256, False, 4096, 2), "SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS": (hashlib.sha256, True, 4096, 3), "SCRAM-SHA-512": (hashlib.sha512, False, 4096, 4), "SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS": (hashlib.sha512, True, 4096, 5), "SCRAM-SHA3-512": (hashlib.sha3_512, False, 10000, 6), "SCRAM-SHA3-512-PLUS": (hashlib.sha3_512, True, 10000, 7), } def __init__(self, mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-256"): if mechanism not in MECHANISMS: raise ScramException( f"The mechanism name '{mechanism}' is not supported. The " f"supported mechanisms are {MECHANISMS}." ) = mechanism ( self.hf, self.use_binding, self.iteration_count, self.strength, ) = self.MECH_LOOKUP[mechanism] def make_auth_info(self, password, iteration_count=None, salt=None): if iteration_count is None: iteration_count = self.iteration_count salt, stored_key, server_key = _make_auth_info( self.hf, password, iteration_count, salt=salt ) return salt, stored_key, server_key, iteration_count def make_stored_server_keys(self, salted_password): _, stored_key, server_key = _c_key_stored_key_s_key(self.hf, salted_password) return stored_key, server_key def make_server(self, auth_fn, channel_binding=None, s_nonce=None): return ScramServer( self, auth_fn, channel_binding=channel_binding, s_nonce=s_nonce ) def _make_auth_info(hf, password, i, salt=None): if salt is None: salt = urandom(16) salted_password = _make_salted_password(hf, password, salt, i) _, stored_key, server_key = _c_key_stored_key_s_key(hf, salted_password) return salt, stored_key, server_key def _validate_channel_binding(channel_binding): if channel_binding is None: return if not isinstance(channel_binding, tuple): raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter must either be None or a tuple." ) if len(channel_binding) != 2: raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter must either be None or a tuple of " "two elements (type, data)." ) channel_type, channel_data = channel_binding if channel_type not in CHANNEL_TYPES: raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter must either be None or a tuple " "with the first element a str specifying one of the channel " "types {CHANNEL_TYPES}." ) if not isinstance(channel_data, bytes): raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter must either be None or a tuple " "with the second element a bytes object containing the bind data." ) class ScramClient: def __init__( self, mechanisms, username, password, channel_binding=None, c_nonce=None ): if not isinstance(mechanisms, (list, tuple)): raise ScramException( "The 'mechanisms' parameter must be a list or tuple of " "mechanism names." ) _validate_channel_binding(channel_binding) mechs = [ScramMechanism(m) for m in mechanisms] mechs = [ m for m in mechs if channel_binding is not None or (channel_binding is None and not m.use_binding) ] if len(mechs) == 0: raise Exception("There are no suitable mechanisms in the list.") mech = sorted(mechs, key=attrgetter("strength"))[-1] self.hf, self.use_binding = mech.hf, mech.use_binding self.mechanism_name = if self.use_binding: if channel_binding is None: raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter can't be None if channel " "binding is required." ) else: if channel_binding is not None: raise ScramException( "The channel_binding parameter must be None if channel " "binding is not required." ) self.c_nonce = _make_nonce() if c_nonce is None else c_nonce self.username = username self.password = password self.channel_binding = channel_binding self.stage = None def _set_stage(self, next_stage): _check_stage(ClientStage, self.stage, next_stage) self.stage = next_stage def get_client_first(self): self._set_stage(ClientStage.get_client_first) self.client_first_bare, client_first = _get_client_first( self.username, self.c_nonce, self.channel_binding ) return client_first def set_server_first(self, message): self._set_stage(ClientStage.set_server_first) self.server_first = message self.auth_message, self.nonce, self.salt, self.iterations = _set_server_first( message, self.c_nonce, self.client_first_bare, self.channel_binding ) def get_client_final(self): self._set_stage(ClientStage.get_client_final) self.server_signature, cfinal = _get_client_final( self.hf, self.password, self.salt, self.iterations, self.nonce, self.auth_message, self.channel_binding, ) return cfinal def set_server_final(self, message): self._set_stage(ClientStage.set_server_final) _set_server_final(message, self.server_signature) def set_error(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwds): try: return f(self, *args, **kwds) except ScramException as e: if e.server_error is not None: self.error = e.server_error self.stage = ServerStage.set_client_final raise e return wrapper class ScramServer: def __init__(self, mechanism, auth_fn, channel_binding=None, s_nonce=None): self.m = mechanism _validate_channel_binding(channel_binding) if mechanism.use_binding: if channel_binding is None: raise ScramException( "The mechanism requires channel binding, and so " "channel_binding can't be None." ) else: if channel_binding is not None: raise ScramException( "The mechanism does not support channel binding, and so " "channel_binding must be None." ) self.channel_binding = channel_binding self.s_nonce = _make_nonce() if s_nonce is None else s_nonce self.auth_fn = auth_fn self.stage = None self.server_signature = None self.error = None def _set_stage(self, next_stage): _check_stage(ServerStage, self.stage, next_stage) self.stage = next_stage @set_error def set_client_first(self, client_first): self._set_stage(ServerStage.set_client_first) self.nonce, self.user, self.client_first_bare = _set_client_first( client_first, self.s_nonce, self.channel_binding ) salt, self.stored_key, self.server_key, self.i = self.auth_fn(self.user) self.salt = b64enc(salt) @set_error def get_server_first(self): self._set_stage(ServerStage.get_server_first) self.auth_message, server_first = _get_server_first( self.nonce, self.salt, self.i, self.client_first_bare, self.channel_binding ) return server_first @set_error def set_client_final(self, client_final): self._set_stage(ServerStage.set_client_final) self.server_signature = _set_client_final( self.m.hf, client_final, self.s_nonce, self.stored_key, self.server_key, self.auth_message, self.channel_binding, ) @set_error def get_server_final(self): self._set_stage(ServerStage.get_server_final) return _get_server_final(self.server_signature, self.error) def _make_nonce(): return str(uuid4()).replace("-", "") def _make_auth_message(nonce, client_first_bare, server_first, cbind_data): cbind_input = b64enc(_make_cbind_input(cbind_data)) msg = client_first_bare, server_first, "c=" + cbind_input, "r=" + nonce return ",".join(msg) def _make_salted_password(hf, password, salt, iterations): return hi(hf, uenc(saslprep(password)), salt, iterations) def _c_key_stored_key_s_key(hf, salted_password): client_key = hmac(hf, salted_password, b"Client Key") stored_key = h(hf, client_key) server_key = hmac(hf, salted_password, b"Server Key") return client_key, stored_key, server_key def _check_client_key(hf, stored_key, auth_msg, proof): client_signature = hmac(hf, stored_key, auth_msg) client_key = xor(client_signature, b64dec(proof)) key = h(hf, client_key) if key != stored_key: raise ScramException("The client keys don't match.", SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_PROOF) def _make_gs2_header(channel_binding): if channel_binding is None: return "n,," else: channel_type, _ = channel_binding return f"p={channel_type},," def _make_cbind_input(channel_binding): gs2_header = _make_gs2_header(channel_binding).encode("ascii") if channel_binding is None: return gs2_header else: _, cbind_data = channel_binding return gs2_header + cbind_data def _parse_message(msg): return dict((e[0], e[2:]) for e in msg.split(",") if len(e) > 1) def _get_client_first(username, c_nonce, channel_binding): try: u = saslprep(username) except ScramException as e: raise ScramException(e.args[0], SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME_ENCODING) bare = ",".join((f"n={u}", f"r={c_nonce}")) gs2_header = _make_gs2_header(channel_binding) return bare, gs2_header + bare def _set_client_first(client_first, s_nonce, channel_binding): first_comma = client_first.index(",") second_comma = client_first.index(",", first_comma + 1) gs2_header = client_first[:second_comma].split(",") gs2_cbind_flag = gs2_header[0] gs2_char = gs2_cbind_flag[0] if gs2_char == "y": if channel_binding is not None: raise ScramException( "Recieved GS2 flag 'y' which indicates that the client " "doesn't think the server supports channel binding, but in " "fact it does.", SERVER_ERROR_SERVER_DOES_SUPPORT_CHANNEL_BINDING, ) elif gs2_char == "n": if channel_binding is not None: raise ScramException( "Received GS2 flag 'n' which indicates that the client " "doesn't require channel binding, but the server does.", SERVER_ERROR_SERVER_DOES_SUPPORT_CHANNEL_BINDING, ) elif gs2_char == "p": if channel_binding is None: raise ScramException( "Received GS2 flag 'p' which indicates that the client " "requires channel binding, but the server does not.", SERVER_ERROR_CHANNEL_BINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED, ) channel_type, _ = channel_binding cb_name = gs2_cbind_flag.split("=")[-1] if cb_name != channel_type: raise ScramException( f"Received channel binding name {cb_name} but this server " f"supports the channel binding name {channel_type}.", SERVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPE, ) else: raise ScramException( f"Received GS2 flag {gs2_char} which isn't recognized.", SERVER_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR, ) client_first_bare = client_first[second_comma + 1 :] msg = _parse_message(client_first_bare) c_nonce = msg["r"] nonce = c_nonce + s_nonce user = msg["n"] return nonce, user, client_first_bare def _get_server_first(nonce, salt, iterations, client_first_bare, channel_binding): sfirst = ",".join((f"r={nonce}", f"s={salt}", f"i={iterations}")) auth_msg = _make_auth_message(nonce, client_first_bare, sfirst, channel_binding) return auth_msg, sfirst def _set_server_first(server_first, c_nonce, client_first_bare, channel_binding): msg = _parse_message(server_first) if "e" in msg: raise ScramException(f"The server returned the error: {msg['e']}") nonce = msg["r"] salt = msg["s"] iterations = int(msg["i"]) if not nonce.startswith(c_nonce): raise ScramException("Client nonce doesn't match.", SERVER_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR) auth_msg = _make_auth_message( nonce, client_first_bare, server_first, channel_binding ) return auth_msg, nonce, salt, iterations def _get_client_final( hf, password, salt_str, iterations, nonce, auth_msg_str, cbind_data ): salt = b64dec(salt_str) salted_password = _make_salted_password(hf, password, salt, iterations) client_key, stored_key, server_key = _c_key_stored_key_s_key(hf, salted_password) auth_msg = uenc(auth_msg_str) client_signature = hmac(hf, stored_key, auth_msg) client_proof = xor(client_key, client_signature) server_signature = hmac(hf, server_key, auth_msg) cbind_input = _make_cbind_input(cbind_data) msg = ["c=" + b64enc(cbind_input), "r=" + nonce, "p=" + b64enc(client_proof)] return b64enc(server_signature), ",".join(msg) SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING = "invalid-encoding" SERVER_ERROR_EXTENSIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "extensions-not-supported" SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_PROOF = "invalid-proof" SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING = "invalid-encoding" SERVER_ERROR_CHANNEL_BINDINGS_DONT_MATCH = "channel-bindings-dont-match" SERVER_ERROR_SERVER_DOES_SUPPORT_CHANNEL_BINDING = "server-does-support-channel-binding" SERVER_ERROR_SERVER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_CHANNEL_BINDING = ( "server does not support channel binding" ) SERVER_ERROR_CHANNEL_BINDING_NOT_SUPPORTED = "channel-binding-not-supported" SERVER_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNEL_BINDING_TYPE = "unsupported-channel-binding-type" SERVER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_USER = "unknown-user" SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME_ENCODING = "invalid-username-encoding" SERVER_ERROR_NO_RESOURCES = "no-resources" SERVER_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR = "other-error" def _set_client_final( hf, client_final, s_nonce, stored_key, server_key, auth_msg_str, cbind_data ): auth_msg = uenc(auth_msg_str) msg = _parse_message(client_final) nonce = msg["r"] proof = msg["p"] channel_binding = msg["c"] if not b64dec(channel_binding) == _make_cbind_input(cbind_data): raise ScramException( "The channel bindings don't match.", SERVER_ERROR_CHANNEL_BINDINGS_DONT_MATCH, ) if not nonce.endswith(s_nonce): raise ScramException("Server nonce doesn't match.", SERVER_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR) _check_client_key(hf, stored_key, auth_msg, proof) sig = hmac(hf, server_key, auth_msg) return b64enc(sig) def _get_server_final(server_signature, error): return f"v={server_signature}" if error is None else f"e={error}" def _set_server_final(message, server_signature): msg = _parse_message(message) if "e" in msg: raise ScramException(f"The server returned the error: {msg['e']}") if server_signature != msg["v"]: raise ScramException( "The server signature doesn't match.", SERVER_ERROR_OTHER_ERROR ) def saslprep(source): # mapping stage # - map non-ascii spaces to U+0020 (stringprep C.1.2) # - strip 'commonly mapped to nothing' chars (stringprep B.1) data = "".join(" " if in_table_c12(c) else c for c in source if not in_table_b1(c)) # normalize to KC form data = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", data) if not data: return "" # check for invalid bi-directional strings. # stringprep requires the following: # - chars in C.8 must be prohibited. # - if any R/AL chars in string: # - no L chars allowed in string # - first and last must be R/AL chars # this checks if start/end are R/AL chars. if so, prohibited loop # will forbid all L chars. if not, prohibited loop will forbid all # R/AL chars instead. in both cases, prohibited loop takes care of C.8. is_ral_char = in_table_d1 if is_ral_char(data[0]): if not is_ral_char(data[-1]): raise ScramException( "malformed bidi sequence", SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING ) # forbid L chars within R/AL sequence. is_forbidden_bidi_char = in_table_d2 else: # forbid R/AL chars if start not setup correctly; L chars allowed. is_forbidden_bidi_char = is_ral_char # check for prohibited output # stringprep tables A.1, B.1, C.1.2, C.2 - C.9 for c in data: # check for chars mapping stage should have removed assert not in_table_b1(c), "failed to strip B.1 in mapping stage" assert not in_table_c12(c), "failed to replace C.1.2 in mapping stage" # check for forbidden chars for f, msg in ( (in_table_a1, "unassigned code points forbidden"), (in_table_c21_c22, "control characters forbidden"), (in_table_c3, "private use characters forbidden"), (in_table_c4, "non-char code points forbidden"), (in_table_c5, "surrogate codes forbidden"), (in_table_c6, "non-plaintext chars forbidden"), (in_table_c7, "non-canonical chars forbidden"), (in_table_c8, "display-modifying/deprecated chars forbidden"), (in_table_c9, "tagged characters forbidden"), (is_forbidden_bidi_char, "forbidden bidi character"), ): if f(c): raise ScramException(msg, SERVER_ERROR_INVALID_ENCODING) return data