## Deploy aurora pg cluster ####TODO - convert provisioned apg to serverless v2 1. Ensure CDK is installed ``` $ npm install -g aws-cdk ``` 2. Create a Python virtual environment ``` $ python3 -m venv .venv ``` 3. Activate virtual environment ``` $ source .venv/bin/activate ``` 4. Install the required dependencies. ``` $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` 5. Bootstrap the AWS environment Use `aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text` for getting the account number ``` AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text` AWS_REGION=us-west-2 cdk bootstrap aws://$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID/$AWS_REGION ``` 6. Synthesize (`cdk synth`) or deploy (`cdk deploy`) the example ``` $ cdk deploy ``` ### To dispose of the stack afterwards: ``` $ cdk destroy ```