# AWS Database Migration Workshop Amazon Aurora is a MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible relational database built for the cloud that combines the performance and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open-source databases. In this hands-on workshop, you learn to migrate Oracle databases to Aurora PostgreSQL with minimum downtime using the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) and AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). This lab demonstrates how to use: - AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) for database schema conversion - AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) for data migration ___ # Reference Architecture ![Reference Architecture](lab-guides/images/reference-architecture.png "Reference Architecture") ___ ## Prerequisites The following prerequisites must be met before you begin the workshop: - AWS Console Access - [RDP client](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/connecting_to_windows_instance.html?icmpid=docs_ec2_console#rdp-prereqs) ___ ## Workshop Activities 1. [Lab Setup](lab-guides/lab-setup.md) 2. [Schema Conversion Tool (SCT)](lab-guides/sct.md) 3. [DMS - Replication Instance & Endpoints](lab-guides/dms-inst.md) 4. [DMS - Replication Task for full-load](lab-guides/dms-fl.md) 5. [DMS - Replication Task for Change Data Capture (CDC)](lab-guides/dms-cdc.md) 6. [Validation - Using web application](lab-guides/optional-validation.md) 7. [Fixing issues with numeric data types](lab-guides/num-dt.md) 8. [Optional : Resolving SCT action items](lab-guides/optional-resolv.md) 9. [Cleanup](lab-guides/cleanup.md) ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file. ___