[Back to main guide](../README.md)|[Next](sct.md) ___ # Login to Event Engine Event Engine provides you an AWS environment for running this workshop. 1. You will be given a hash code to log-in to Event Engine. Refer to the following image for a sample hash code. ![Hash Code](images/hash-code.png) 2. Navigate to [dashboard.eventengine.run](https://dashboard.eventengine.run/dashboard) and enter your hash code. ![Dash Board](images/event-dashboard.png) 3. Click on the **AWS console** button to log-in to AWS environment. ![Dash Board](images/dashboard-open.png) # CloudFormation Stack Outputs The Event Engine runs the CloudFormation stack to set up following components in AWS: - An EC2 instance with following components - AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) - Source Oracle database - Oracle SQL Developer - A sample web application - An Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL instance used as the target database 1. Go to the [AWS CloudFormation console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1) and click on Stacks in the navigation panel to list CloudFormation Stacks. You should see a CloudFormation stack with name like `mod-xxxxxxxxxxx`. ![Stack Progress](images/cfn-verify.png) 2. Click on the **Resources** tab. You will see various AWS resources created. 3. Make a note of the stack output parameters. You can find the stack output parameters in the **Outputs** tab. **You need these parameters later in the workshop.** ![Stack Output](images/cfn-verify-output.png) ___ [Back to main guide](../README.md)|[Next](sct.md)