[Back to main guide](../README.md)|[Next](sct.md) ___ # Lab Setup In this activity, we will deploy the CloudFormation template to create the lab environment. The environment for this lab consists of: - An EC2 instance with following components - AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) - Source Oracle database - Oracle SQL Developer - A sample web application - An Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL instance used as the target database ___ ## Deploy the CloudFormation Template 1. Click on one of the buttons below to launch the CloudFormation stack in one of the AWS regions. Region | Launch -------|----- US East (N. Virginia) | [![Launch Solution in us-east-1](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/images/cloudformation-launch-stack-button.png)](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1#/stacks/new?stackName=DMSWorkshop&templateURL=https://reinvent-2019-oracle-aurora.s3.amazonaws.com/GPSTEC315_lab_setup.yaml) US West (Oregon) | [![Launch Solution in us-west-2](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/images/cloudformation-launch-stack-button.png)](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-west-2#/stacks/new?stackName=DMSWorkshop&templateURL=https://reinvent-2019-oracle-aurora.s3.amazonaws.com/GPSTEC315_lab_setup.yaml) 2. Click **Next** on the Select Template page. 3. Enter a **Stack Name** or accept the default and click **Next**. 4. On the Options page, accept all the defaults and click **Next**. 5. On the Review page, click **Create**. 6. Click on Stacks in the navigation panel to list the CloudFormation Stacks. You should see the `DMSWorkshop` stack creation in progress. ![Stack Progress](images/stack-progress.png) 7. After the stack creation is complete, select the stack Name - `DMSWorkshop`, Click on the **Resources** tab. You will see various AWS resources created. 8. Make a note of the stack output parameters. You can find the stack output parameters in the **Outputs** tab. ![Stack Output](images/cfn-output.png) ___ [Back to main guide](../README.md)|[Next](sct.md)