import boto3 import sys import time import datetime import argparse import re import urllib3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import os import json def buildstack(region): # builds the stack try: client = boto3.client('cloudformation',region_name=region) create_stack_response = client.create_stack( StackName=stackname, TemplateBody=templateBody, Parameters=[ { 'ParameterKey': 'featuresupport', 'ParameterValue': paramfeature } ], NotificationARNs=[], Capabilities=[ 'CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM', ], OnFailure='ROLLBACK' ) stackuuid = create_stack_response['StackId'] return stackuuid except ClientError as e: print("[ERROR]",e) raise except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) def checkstackstatus(region): # checks stack building status try: stack_building = True client = boto3.client('cloudformation',region_name=region) event_list = client.describe_stack_events(StackName=stackname).get("StackEvents") stack_event = event_list[0] if (stack_event.get('ResourceType') == 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack' and stack_event.get('ResourceStatus') == 'CREATE_COMPLETE'): stack_building = False print("Stack construction completed for region...", region) elif (stack_event.get('ResourceType') == 'AWS::CloudFormation::Stack' and stack_event.get('ResourceStatus') == 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE'): stack_building = False print("Stack construction failed for region...", region) sys.exit(1) else: print("Stack creation in progress for region...", region) return stack_building except ClientError as e: print("[ERROR]",e) raise except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) def checkstackname(region): # checks if stackname exists. Returns true if it does, false if not. try: client = boto3.client('cloudformation',region_name = region) response = client.list_stacks(StackStatusFilter=['CREATE_COMPLETE']) for stacks in response['StackSummaries']: if (stacks['StackName'] == stackname): return True else: return False except ClientError as e: print("[ERROR]",e) raise except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) def validateregion(region): # validates passed region name. try: regionfound = False for i in regionslist['Regions']: if (i['RegionName'] == region): regionfound = True break return regionfound except ClientError as e: print("[ERROR]",e) raise except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) def main(): # main routine try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-t","--template-body", default='managed-gdb-cft.yml', type=str, help="CloudFormation template file") parser.add_argument("-r","--region-list", type=str,help="List of regions separated by commas, where the stack will be deployed") parser.add_argument("-s","--stack-name", type=str, help="CloudFormation Stack Name") parser.add_argument("-f","--features", default ='all', type=str, help="Choose Feature support (options: planned,unplanned,all(default)") parser.add_argument("-a","--consent-anonymous-data-collect", type=str, default='yes',help="Opt-in or out of anonymous one time data collection.(yes/no). Only collects region name, creation time, stack name and uuid portion of the stack id (for uniqueness).") # process arguments args = parser.parse_args() # dictionary for region and stack ids stack_regions = {} # get the passed stack name global stackname stackname = args.stack_name # get the feature parameter global paramfeature paramfeature = args.features http = urllib3.PoolManager() tepmlatefname = args.template_body if not (os.path.isfile(tepmlatefname)): print("invalid filename passed for cloudformation template body. Please check the file name and path.") exit(1) #Open and Read the Cloudformation global templateBody f = open(tepmlatefname, "r") templateBody = # Get the list of regions regions = args.region_list.split(',') # Get all possible regions global regionslist ec2client = boto3.client('ec2','us-east-1') regionslist = ec2client.describe_regions() # validate all passed region names for correctness if not regions: print ("Please provide list of regions to build the stack.") sys.exit(1) else: for region in regions: # regionregex = re.compile(r"^us-[a-z]*-[0-9]{1}") # regionmatch =, region) if not validateregion(region): print ("Please provide a valid region name in region list. For example: us-east-1. Incorrect region name", region, "was provided.") sys.exit(1) elif checkstackname(region): print ("Stack Name", stackname, "already exists in region", region,". Quitting due to stack name conflict. Please choose another stack name.") sys.exit(1) # print (sys.platform) stack_building = True # Initialize region count regionscount=1 # Build stack for all regions for region in regions: stackid = buildstack (region) stackids = stackid.split('/') stackid = stackids[2] # split stackid to isolate the uuid portion stack_regions[stackid] = region regionscount +=1 #count number of regions buildtime = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' print("Started building stackid",stackid,"in Region",region, "at:",buildtime) # This block gathers anonymous data on the stack, if consent is provided. Only data collected is name of the stack, region, timestamp and only UUID part of the stackid. payload = { 'stack_uuid': stackid, 'stack_name': stackname, 'stack_region': region, 'event_timestamp': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z' } if (args.consent_anonymous_data_collect.upper() == 'YES' or args.consent_anonymous_data_collect.upper() == 'Y'): r = http.request('POST', "", body=json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8'), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) try_count = 1 #Initialize counter to keep track of regions in a loop while stack_building: waitcount = 1 #Initialize counter for the sleep loop for stack in stack_regions: stackid = stack stackregion = stack_regions[stack] stack_building = checkstackstatus(stackregion) waitcount += 1 # sleep 5 seconds after looping through allregions, then check all regions again if waitcount==regionscount: time.sleep(5) # Break the loop only if all regions completed building if not stack_building: try_count += 1 if try_count==regionscount: break else: stack_building = True except ClientError as e: print("[ERROR]",e) raise except Exception as e: print("[ERROR]", e) if __name__ == "__main__": main()