AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Creates supporting resources for automated global database endpoint management solution. ###################################################################################################################### # Changelog: # 8/29/2021 : ausamant - added managed policies for the lambda role instead of inline policies # - added stackid as a uniquifier for managed policy names # 4/23/2022 : ausamant - added ability to choose either planned or unplanned feature support # 5/14/2022 : ausamant - now removes clustername entries from all regions ddb table after unplanned failover ###################################################################################################################### ## Parameters Parameters: featuresupport: Default: "all" Type: String AllowedValues: - "planned" - "unplanned" - "all" Description: Choose 'all' for both planned and unplanned support. If you want only to support only planned or unplanned support, you can by choosing 'planned or unplanned' ## Conditions Conditions: # Condition to deploy only planned failover support condPlanned: !Equals [ !Ref featuresupport, "planned" ] # Condition to deploy only unplanned failover support condUnPlanned: !Equals [ !Ref featuresupport, "unplanned" ] # Condition to deploy both planned and unplanned failover support condAll: !Equals [ !Ref featuresupport, "all" ] # Condition to create the rule needed for planned failover tracking. This rule is created for "all" and "planned only". condRulePlanned: !Or - !Condition condPlanned - !Condition condAll # Condition to create the rule needed for unplanned failover tracking. This rule is created for "all" and "unplanned only". condRuleUnPlanned: !Or - !Condition condUnPlanned - !Condition condAll Resources: #Create the DynamoDB table and attributes to hold global cluster and cname information gdbmanagedepddbtbl: Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table Properties: AttributeDefinitions: - AttributeName: "clustername" AttributeType: "S" KeySchema: - AttributeName: "clustername" KeyType: "HASH" TableName: "gdbcnamepair" BillingMode: "PAY_PER_REQUEST" Tags: - Key: Name Value: gdb-managed-endpoint-lambda-DDBTable #Create the lambda function for both planned and unplanned support if the condition allows it. Lambda code is included inline. gdbmanagedeplambdaall: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Condition: condAll DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: FunctionName: gdb-managed-endpoint Description: Lambda function that manages the writer endpoint, when the global database failover completes in this region. This Lambda is triggered by an event bridge rule. Handler: index.lambda_handler Role: !GetAtt gdbmanagedeprole.Arn Runtime: python3.8 Timeout: 600 Tags: - Key: Name Value: gdb-managed-endpoint-lambda-function Code: ZipFile: | import json import string import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.types import TypeSerializer,TypeDeserializer def dsrl_ddb(dynamo_obj: dict) -> dict: deserializer = TypeDeserializer() return { k: deserializer.deserialize(v) for k, v in dynamo_obj.items() } def lambda_handler(event, context): # boto3 Rout53 client dnsclient = boto3.client("route53") # boto3 DynamoDB client ddbclient=boto3.client('dynamodb') # dump the received event in json format mymsg=json.dumps(event) # Parse the json event to gather Event ID, cluster ARN, region for the cluster, and the clustername # mymsg = event['detail']['Message'] eventid= event['detail']['EventID'] resourcename = event['resources'][0] resourcename = resourcename.split(':') regioname = resourcename[3] cluname = resourcename[6] # get the matching record from DDB table dresponse = ddbclient.get_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key = { 'clustername':{'S':cluname} } ) # only process further if matching record was found in DDB table, else ignore if 'Item' in dresponse: # Grab the cname record to update recorname1=dresponse['Item']['recordname']['S'] # Grab the hosted zone ID hzID=dresponse['Item']['hostedzoneid']['S'] # Only process event if the the global database failover completed if eventid == "RDS-EVENT-0185" or eventid == "RDS-EVENT-0228": print("Message is: ",mymsg) print("Event Id is: ", eventid) print("Region is ",regioname) print("Cluster name is: ",cluname) # boto3 rds client for appropriate region gdbclientw = boto3.client("rds",regioname) #Grab writer DNS endpoints response1=gdbclientw.describe_db_cluster_endpoints(DBClusterIdentifier = cluname) # Only process writer endoint that is currently active for j in response1 ['DBClusterEndpoints']: if (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='available'): print("Current writer endpoint: ",j['Endpoint']) writerep=j['Endpoint'] # switch the cname record to the current DNS endpoint of the writer responsed = dnsclient.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId = hzID, ChangeBatch={ "Comment": "Switching endpoint on failover", "Changes": [ { "Action": "UPSERT", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": recorname1, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": 1, "ResourceRecords": [{"Value": writerep }] } } ] } ) # report cname update status. sucess retuns code 200. if (responsed['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']) == 200: print("Cname ",recorname1,"Successsfully updated to endpoint ",writerep) else: print("Error updating cnname") # skip if the endpoint is not active elif (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='inactive'): print("This is a writer endpoint of a secondary region, skipping") # If this was a detach-promote event, we consider this as a unplanned failover and delete the ddb entry from all regions. # This makes sure no more subsequent gdb events are processed in any regions for this global cluster. if eventid == "RDS-EVENT-0228": dresponse = ddbclient.get_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key= {"clustername": {"S": cluname}}, ProjectionExpression ='allregions') # deserialize map object to dict before processing gdbobj = dsrl_ddb(dresponse['Item']) gdbobj = (gdbobj['allregions']) for gdbclu in (gdbobj): # gdbobj has the data in format {'clustername':'regionname'}. # Extract cluster name and region name. gdbregion = gdbobj[gdbclu] cluname = gdbclu #connect to each region by building the boto client in the loop gdbclientr = boto3.client("dynamodb",gdbregion) print("Removing entry for cluster",cluname,"from the dynamodb table in region",gdbregion) # delete the ddb entry from this region. # loop through all regions where the gdb cluster existsed. dresponse = gdbclientr.delete_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key = { 'clustername':{'S':cluname} }) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('event processed') } else: return { 'statusCode': 100, 'body': json.dumps('event discarded!') } else: print("Cluster entry not found int the table. Event discarded.") #Create the lambda function for planned support only, if the condition allows it. Lambda code is included inline. gdbmanagedeplambdaplanned: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Condition: condPlanned DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: FunctionName: gdb-managed-endpoint Description: Lambda function that manages the writer endpoint, when the global database failover completes in this region. This Lambda is triggered by an event bridge rule. Handler: index.lambda_handler Role: !GetAtt gdbmanagedeprole.Arn Runtime: python3.8 Timeout: 600 Tags: - Key: Name Value: gdb-managed-endpoint-lambda-function Code: ZipFile: | import json import string import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): # boto3 Rout53 client dnsclient = boto3.client("route53") # boto3 DynamoDB client ddbclient=boto3.client('dynamodb') # dump the received event in json format mymsg=json.dumps(event) # Parse the json event to gather Event ID, cluster ARN, region for the cluster, and the clustername # mymsg = event['detail']['Message'] eventid= event['detail']['EventID'] resourcename = event['resources'][0] resourcename = resourcename.split(':') regioname = resourcename[3] cluname = resourcename[6] # get the matching record from DDB table dresponse = ddbclient.get_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key = { 'clustername':{'S':cluname} } ) # only process further if matching record was found in DDB table, else ignore if 'Item' in dresponse: # Grab the cname record to update recorname1=dresponse['Item']['recordname']['S'] # Grab the hosted zone ID hzID=dresponse['Item']['hostedzoneid']['S'] # Only process event if the the global database failover completed if eventid == "RDS-EVENT-0185": print("Message is: ",mymsg) print("Event Id is: ", eventid) print("Region is ",regioname) print("Cluster name is: ",cluname) # boto3 rds client for appropriate region gdbclientw = boto3.client("rds",regioname) #Grab writer DNS endpoints response1=gdbclientw.describe_db_cluster_endpoints(DBClusterIdentifier = cluname) # Only process writer endoint that is currently active for j in response1 ['DBClusterEndpoints']: if (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='available'): print("Current writer endpoint: ",j['Endpoint']) writerep=j['Endpoint'] # switch the cname record to the current DNS endpoint of the writer responsed = dnsclient.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId = hzID, ChangeBatch={ "Comment": "Switching endpoint on failover", "Changes": [ { "Action": "UPSERT", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": recorname1, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": 1, "ResourceRecords": [{"Value": writerep }] } } ] } ) # report cname update status. sucess retuns code 200. if (responsed['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']) == 200: print("Cname ",recorname1,"Successsfully updated to endpoint ",writerep) else: print("Error updateing cnname") # skip if the endpoint is not active elif (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='inactive'): print("This is a writer enpoint of a secondary region, skipping") return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('event processed') } else: return { 'statusCode': 100, 'body': json.dumps('event discarded!') } else: print("Cluster entry not found int the table. Event discarded.") #Create the lambda function for unplanned support only, if the condition allows it. Lambda code is included inline. gdbmanagedeplambdauplanned: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Condition: condUnPlanned DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: FunctionName: gdb-managed-endpoint Description: Lambda function that manages the writer endpoint, when the global database failover completes in this region. This Lambda is triggered by an event bridge rule. Handler: index.lambda_handler Role: !GetAtt gdbmanagedeprole.Arn Runtime: python3.8 Timeout: 600 Tags: - Key: Name Value: gdb-managed-endpoint-lambda-function Code: ZipFile: | import json import string import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.types import TypeSerializer,TypeDeserializer def dsrl_ddb(dynamo_obj: dict) -> dict: deserializer = TypeDeserializer() return { k: deserializer.deserialize(v) for k, v in dynamo_obj.items() } def lambda_handler(event, context): # boto3 Rout53 client dnsclient = boto3.client("route53") # boto3 DynamoDB client ddbclient=boto3.client('dynamodb') # dump the received event in json format mymsg=json.dumps(event) # Parse the json event to gather Event ID, cluster ARN, region for the cluster, and the clustername # mymsg = event['detail']['Message'] eventid= event['detail']['EventID'] resourcename = event['resources'][0] resourcename = resourcename.split(':') regioname = resourcename[3] cluname = resourcename[6] # get the matching record from DDB table dresponse = ddbclient.get_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key = { 'clustername':{'S':cluname} } ) # only process further if matching record was found in DDB table, else ignore if 'Item' in dresponse: # Grab the cname record to update recorname1=dresponse['Item']['recordname']['S'] # Grab the hosted zone ID hzID=dresponse['Item']['hostedzoneid']['S'] # Only process event if the the global database unplanned event completed (detach-promote) if eventid == "RDS-EVENT-0228": print("Message is: ",mymsg) print("Event Id is: ", eventid) print("Region is ",regioname) print("Cluster name is: ",cluname) # boto3 rds client for appropriate region gdbclientw = boto3.client("rds",regioname) #Grab writer DNS endpoints response1=gdbclientw.describe_db_cluster_endpoints(DBClusterIdentifier = cluname) # Only process writer endoint that is currently active for j in response1 ['DBClusterEndpoints']: if (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='available'): print("Current writer endpoint: ",j['Endpoint']) writerep=j['Endpoint'] # switch the cname record to the current DNS endpoint of the writer responsed = dnsclient.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId = hzID, ChangeBatch={ "Comment": "Switching endpoint on failover", "Changes": [ { "Action": "UPSERT", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": recorname1, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": 1, "ResourceRecords": [{"Value": writerep }] } } ] } ) # report cname update status. sucess retuns code 200. if (responsed['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode']) == 200: print("Cname ",recorname1,"Successsfully updated to endpoint ",writerep) else: print("Error updateing cnname") # skip if the endpoint is not active elif (j['EndpointType']=="WRITER" and j['Status']=='inactive'): print("This is a writer enpoint of a secondary region, skipping") # If this was a detach-promote event, we consider this as a unplanned failover and delete the ddb entry from all regions. # This makes sure no more subsequent gdb events are processed in any regions for this global cluster. dresponse = ddbclient.get_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key= {"clustername": {"S": cluname}}, ProjectionExpression ='allregions') # deserialize map object to dict before processing gdbobj = dsrl_ddb(dresponse['Item']) gdbobj = (gdbobj['allregions']) for gdbclu in (gdbobj): # gdbobj has the data in format {'clustername':'regionname'}. # Extract cluster name and region name. gdbregion = gdbobj[gdbclu] cluname = gdbclu #connect to each region by building the boto client in the loop gdbclientr = boto3.client("dynamodb",gdbregion) print("Removing entry for cluster",cluname,"from the dynamodb table in region",gdbregion) # delete the ddb entry from this region. # loop through all regions where the gdb cluster existed. dresponse = gdbclientr.delete_item( TableName='gdbcnamepair', Key = { 'clustername':{'S':cluname} }) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('event processed') } else: return { 'statusCode': 100, 'body': json.dumps('event discarded!') } else: print("Cluster entry not found int the table. Event discarded.") #Create the eventbridge rule. This rule triggers when a global database completes failover. Created if either "all" or "planned" features support is needed. gdbmanagedepeventbrule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Condition: condRulePlanned #DependsOn: !If [condAll, "gdbmanagedeplambdaall", "gdbmanagedeplambdaplanned"] Properties: Description: Event Bridge rule to track Aurora Global Database failover in this region EventPattern: source: - "aws.rds" detail-type: - "RDS DB Cluster Event" detail: EventCategories: - "global-failover" EventID: - "RDS-EVENT-0185" Name: AuroraGDBfailovertracking Targets: # Find the correct Lambda ARN depeding on if "all" or "planned" features were requested - Arn: !If [condAll, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaall.Arn, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaplanned.Arn] Id: "gdblambdatarget" #Create the eventbridge rule. This rule triggers when a cluster is removed from a global database (detach-promote). Created if either "all" or "unplanned" features support is needed. gdbmanagedepupeventbrule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Condition: condRuleUnPlanned #DependsOn: !If [condAll, "gdbmanagedeplambdaall", "gdbmanagedeplambdauplanned"] Properties: Description: Event Bridge rule to track Aurora Global Database detach and promote event (unplanned failover) EventPattern: source: - "aws.rds" detail-type: - "RDS DB Cluster Event" detail: EventCategories: - "configuration change" EventID: - "RDS-EVENT-0228" Name: AuroraGDBUnplannedfailovertracking Targets: # Find the correct Lambda ARN depeding on if "all" or "unplanned" features were requested - Arn: !If [condAll, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaall.Arn, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdauplanned.Arn] Id: "gdblambdatarget" #Add the lambda permission so it can be invoked by the rule gdbmanagedeplambdapermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Condition: condRulePlanned DependsOn: gdbmanagedepeventbrule Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: !If [condAll, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaall.Arn, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaplanned.Arn] Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt gdbmanagedepeventbrule.Arn gdbmanagedepuplambdapermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Condition: condRuleUnPlanned DependsOn: gdbmanagedepupeventbrule Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction FunctionName: !If [condAll, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdaall.Arn, !GetAtt gdbmanagedeplambdauplanned.Arn] Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt gdbmanagedepupeventbrule.Arn #Create the role needed for the lambda function. gdbmanagedeprole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: Fn::Join: - '-' - - gdb-managed-ep-role - Fn::Select: - 4 - Fn::Split: - '-' - Fn::Select: - 2 - Fn::Split: - / - Ref: AWS::StackId AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: Action: sts:AssumeRole Tags: - Key: Name Value: gdb-managed-endpoint-lambda-role gdbmanagedelambdacwpolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:*" ManagedPolicyName: Fn::Join: - '-' - - lambda-cw-policy - Fn::Select: - 4 - Fn::Split: - '-' - Fn::Select: - 2 - Fn::Split: - / - Ref: AWS::StackId Roles: - !Ref gdbmanagedeprole gdbmanagedelambdrdspolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - rds:DescribeGlobalClusters - rds:DescribeDBInstances - rds:DescribeDBClusters - rds:DescribeDBClusterEndpoints Resource: - !Sub "arn:aws:rds:*:${AWS::AccountId}:cluster:*" - !Sub "arn:aws:rds::${AWS::AccountId}:global-cluster:*" - !Sub "arn:aws:rds:*:${AWS::AccountId}:db:*" ManagedPolicyName: Fn::Join: - '-' - - lambda-rds-policy - Fn::Select: - 4 - Fn::Split: - '-' - Fn::Select: - 2 - Fn::Split: - / - Ref: AWS::StackId Roles: - !Ref gdbmanagedeprole gdbmanagedelambdar53policy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: Effect: Allow Action: route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets Resource: "*" ManagedPolicyName: Fn::Join: - '-' - - lambda-r53-policy - Fn::Select: - 4 - Fn::Split: - '-' - Fn::Select: - 2 - Fn::Split: - / - Ref: AWS::StackId Roles: - !Ref gdbmanagedeprole gdbmanagedelambdaddbpolicy: Type: AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy DependsOn: gdbmanagedeprole Properties: PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: Effect: Allow Action: - dynamodb:GetItem - dynamodb:PutItem - dynamodb:DeleteItem - dynamodb:UpdateItem Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:dynamodb:*:${AWS::AccountId}:table/${gdbmanagedepddbtbl}" ManagedPolicyName: Fn::Join: - '-' - - lambda-ddb-policy - Fn::Select: - 4 - Fn::Split: - '-' - Fn::Select: - 2 - Fn::Split: - / - Ref: AWS::StackId Roles: - !Ref gdbmanagedeprole