------------------------------------------------------------ main.template ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | FAIL F37 | | Resources: ["DMSEndPointSource"] | Line Numbers: [678] | | DMS Endpoint password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Can be Ref to a NoEcho Parameter without a Default, or a dynamic reference to a secretsmanager value. ------------------------------------------------------------ | WARN W33 | | Resources: ["sub1Public", "sub2Public", "sub3Public"] | Line Numbers: [227, 243, 259] | | EC2 Subnet should not have MapPublicIpOnLaunch set to true ------------------------------------------------------------ | WARN W28 | | Resources: ["dbNode1"] | Line Numbers: [527] | | Resource found with an explicit name, this disallows updates that require replacement of this resource ------------------------------------------------------------ | WARN W77 | | Resources: ["secretClusterMasterUser"] | Line Numbers: [474] | | Secrets Manager Secret should explicitly specify KmsKeyId. Besides control of the key this will allow the secret to be shared cross-account ------------------------------------------------------------ | WARN W36 | | Resources: ["AuroraPostgresSecuritygroup", "StagingSQLSecuritygroup", "DMSInstanceSecuritygroupEgressMsSql", "DMSInstanceSecuritygroupEgressPostgres"] | Line Numbers: [424, 439, 408, 416] | | Security group rules without a description obscure their purpose and may lead to bad practices in ensuring they only allow traffic from the ports and sources/destinations required. ------------------------------------------------------------ | WARN W60 | | Resources: ["vpc"] | Line Numbers: [203] | | VPC should have a flow log attached Failures count: 1 Warnings count: 10