### # Default Variables ### # variable "environment" { # description = "The Environment that this module will be built in e.g. dev/test/prod" # type = string # default = "dev" # } # variable "termination_protection" { # description = "Will this infrastructure be protected by Termination Protection or will it be allowed to be destroyed by Terraform runs?" # type = bool # default = false # } # variable "account_id" { # description = "The ID of the AWS Account the module will be built in" # type = string # } # variable "account_code" { # description = "The Colour code of the AWS Account that the module will be built in e.g. blue/red/green" # type = string # } # variable "pci" { # description = "Is the module being built in a PCI account?" # type = bool # default = false # } # variable "hse" { # description = "Is the module being built in a High Security Environment?" # type = bool # default = false # } # variable "bz_ingress" { # description = "Is the module being built in an account that has Corp ingress?" # type = bool # default = false # } ### # Module Specific vars ### variable "region" { description = "The Region that we will be building the module in" type = string } variable "name" { description = "If specified, will set the name of the module to this. If unspecified, a name will be generated" type = string default = "" } variable "user_data" { description = "EC2: The user data to provide when launching the instance" type = string default = "" } variable "ami_id" { description = "SSM Parameter used to lookup the latest EC2 Mac1 AMI" type = string default = "ami-00703177f48697c84" } variable "host_resource_group_cfn_stack_name" { description = "Host Resource Group CFN Stack Created" type = string default = "mac1-host-resource-group-famous-anchovy" } variable "number_of_instances" { description = "Desired Capacity of EC2 Mac1 instances in ASG" type = number default = 2 } variable "min_num_instances" { description = "Min number of EC2 Mac1 instances in ASG" type = number default = 1 } variable "max_num_instances" { description = "Max number of EC2 Mac1 instances in ASG" type = number default = 3 } variable "vpc_id" { description = "VPC Id for LB Target Group" type = string default = "" } variable "subnet_ids" { description = "Subnet Id for each Availability Zone in ASG" type = list(string) # Launching a new EC2 instance. (wrt us-east-2a) # Status Reason: We currently do not have sufficient mac1.metal capacity in the Availability Zone you requested (us-east-2a). # Our system will be working on provisioning additional capacity. # You can currently get mac1.metal capacity by specifying us-east-2b, us-east-2c in your request. # Launching EC2 instance failed. #default = ["subnet-02fa49fed58e844eb","subnet-08ca30a8af336beee"] # public subnets default = [] # testing in us-east-2b / } variable "security_group_ids" { description = "Security Group Ids used by EC2 Mac1 instances in ASG" type = list(string) default = ["sg-0d0c462ff917f04e0"] } variable "mac_ebs_volume_size" { description = "EC2 Mac1 EBS volume size" type = number default = 60 } variable "worker_prefix" { description = "Prefix used to create ASG Launch template & Host Resource Group license configuration" type = string default = "ec2" } variable "tags" { description = "(Optional) A list of tags to associate with the CloudFormation stack. Does not propagate to the Dedicated Host." type = map(string) default = null } variable "management_subnet" { description = "Allow access from management subnet" type = list(string) default = [] } variable "key_name" { description = "SSH key" type = string default = "" } variable "license_manager_arn" { description = "The ARN of the License Configuration named MyDefaultLicense" type = string default = "" }