# Amazon Chime SDK Meetings with Amplify This repository can be used to deploy a basic [Amazon Chime SDK](https://aws.amazon.com/chime/chime-sdk/) Meeting using AWS Amplify. ## To Use ### Install and Configure AWS Amplify Follow the directions here: [https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/start/install/](https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/start/install/) to get started using AWS Amplify ### Clone Amplify Project ``` amplify init --app https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-chime-sdk-meetings-with-amplify ``` This will clone and deploy this AWS Amplify [project](https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/start/workflows/#initialize-new-project). ## Contents ### Front End This project includes a React based client. ### Back End This project includes an AWS Amplify deployed back end that contains: - Amazon Cognito - Amazon API Gateway - AWS Lambda functions ## Extending This demo can be extended with many AWS Amplify components such as Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Translate. ## Cleanup To remove these components: ``` amplify delete ```