## AWSFIS-Run-Network-Latency - Interface: The interface to add delay to (default: eth0). - DelayMilliseconds: The delay - in milliseconds - to add to the interface (default: 200). - DurationSeconds: (Required) The duration - in seconds - of the test. - InstallDependencies: If set to True, Systems Manager installs the required dependencies on the target instances. (default: True). ```json { "Interface": "ens5", "DelayMilliseconds": "400", "DurationSeconds": "120", "InstallDependencies": "True" } ``` ## AWSFIS-Run-Network-Latency-Sources - Interface: The interface to add delay to (default: eth0). - DelayMilliseconds: The delay - in milliseconds - to add to the interface (default: 200). - JitterMilliseconds: The jitter - in milliseconds - to add to the delay (default: 10). - Sources: (Required) Specify a comma separated list of sources to add delay to (Supported: IPv4, IPv4/CIDR, Domain name, DYNAMODB|S3) - e.g. "DYNAMODB,www.example.com,,". - TrafficType: The type of traffic to delay (default: ingress). - DurationSeconds: (Required) The duration - in seconds - of the test. - InstallDependencies: If set to True, Systems Manager installs the required dependencies on the target instances. (default: True). ```json { "Interface": "ens5", "DelayMilliseconds": "400", "JitterMilliseconds": "50", "Sources": "", "TrafficType": "ingress", "DurationSeconds": "120", "InstallDependencies": "True" } ``` ## AWSFIS-Run-Network-Packet-Loss - Interface: The interface to add loss to (default: eth0). - LossPercent: The percent of packet loss (default: 7). - DurationSeconds: (Required) The duration - in seconds - of the fault injection. - InstallDependencies: If set to True, Systems Manager installs the required dependencies on the target instances. (default: True) ```json { "Interface": "ens5", "LossPercent": "10", "DurationSeconds": "120", "InstallDependencies": "True" } ``` ## AWSFIS-Run-Network-Packet-Loss-Sources - Interface: The interface to add packet loss to (default: eth0). - LossPercent: The percent of packet loss (default: 7). - Sources: (Required) Specify a comma separated list of sources to add packet loss to (Supported: IPv4, IPv4/CIDR, Domain name, DYNAMODB|S3) - e.g. "DYNAMODB,www.example.com,,". - TrafficType: The type of traffic to affect (default: ingress). - DurationSeconds: (Required) The duration - in seconds - of the test. - InstallDependencies: If set to True, Systems Manager installs the required dependencies on the target instances. (default: True). ```json { "Interface": "ens5", "LossPercent": "10", "Sources": "", "TrafficType": "ingress", "DurationSeconds": "120", "InstallDependencies": "True" } ```