## Step 4: Create Secrets Manager In this step you will create a secret in **AWS Secrets Manager**. Up to this point, you have used **Amazon S3** and **Amazon CloudFront**, which are AWS global services. As **AWS Secrets Manager** and **AWS Lambda** are regional services, you will need to pick an AWS **region** to use for the remainder of this sample. ### Create a Secret 1. Open the [AWS Secrets Manager Management Console](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager). 2. Select an AWS **region**. 3. Choose **Store a new secret**. 4. For **Select secret type**, select **Other type of secrets**. 5. For **Specify the key/value pairs to be stored in this secret** select **Plaintext**. 6. Copy and paste the contents of the private key in the file named **private_key.pem** from previous step. 7. Choose **Next**. 8. For **Secret name**, provide a name. 9. Choose **Next**. 10. Leave rotation as **Disable automatic rotation** as checked. 11. Choose **Next**. 12. Choose **Store**. 13. Select your **Secret** to view the details. 13. Record both the **Secret name** and **Secret ARN**. You will need them for the next step. In this step you configured **AWS Secrets Manager** to store the CloudFront private key to be consumed by a downstream client. Next you will configure an **AWS Lambda** function to generate CloudFront signed URLs. We provide steps for both CloudFront canned and custom polices. [Step 5: Create CloudFront SignedURL with Canned Policy](../5-Create_CloudFront_SignedURL_Canned/README.md) [Step 6: Create CloudFront SignedURL with Custom Policy](../6-Create_CloudFront_SignedURL_Custom/README.md)