AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: Remediation Lamabda to tag EC2 instances with tags specified in environment variable. Parameters: Memory: Description: Memory to allocate to Lambda function Type: Number Default: 128 SNSTopicArn: Description: ARN for SNS topic to subscribe the lambda function to Type: String Resources: LambdaFunction: Type: AWS::Lambda::Function Properties: FunctionName: "EC2Tagger" Handler: index.handler Runtime: python3.8 Role: !GetAtt LambdaFunctionRole.Arn MemorySize: !Ref Memory Timeout: 600 Code: ZipFile: | import boto3 import logging from botocore.config import Config from os import getenv import json logger = logging.getLogger() log_level = getenv("LOGLEVEL", "INFO") level = logging.getLevelName(log_level) logger.setLevel(level) tags_string = getenv("TAGS", '[{"Key": "Create_Auto_Alarms", "Value": ""}]') def boto3_client(resource, assumed_credentials=None): config = Config( retries=dict( max_attempts=40 ) ) if assumed_credentials: client = boto3.client( resource, aws_access_key_id=assumed_credentials['AccessKeyId'], aws_secret_access_key=assumed_credentials['SecretAccessKey'], aws_session_token=assumed_credentials['SessionToken'], config=config ) else: client = boto3.client( resource, config=config ) return client def tag_ec2(instance_id, tags): try: ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2') # does instance have appropriate alarm tag? ec2_client.create_tags( Resources=[ instance_id ], Tags=tags ) except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error('Failure tagging instance {} with tags: {} : {}'.format(instance_id, tags, e)) raise def handler(event, context):'Event received: {}'.format(event)) if 'Records' in event: for record in event['Records']: instance_id = record['Sns']['Message']'adding tags to {}'.format(instance_id))'tags string is: {}'.format(tags_string)) try: tags = json.loads(tags_string) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failure parsing JSON tags environment variable string: {}: {} : {}'.format(tags_string, e)) raise tag_ec2(instance_id, tags) Environment: Variables: TAGS: '[{"Key": "Create_Auto_Alarms", "Value": ""}]' LambdaFunctionRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Path: "/" Policies: - PolicyName: "Lambda_Permissions" PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - ec2:CreateTags Resource: "*" - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: "*" SubscribeSNSLambda: Type: AWS::SNS::Subscription Properties: Endpoint: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn Protocol: lambda TopicArn: !Ref SNSTopicArn LambdaInvokePermission: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: Action: lambda:InvokeFunction Principal: SourceArn: !Ref SNSTopicArn FunctionName: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn