import boto3 import logging from botocore.config import Config from os import getenv from datetime import datetime logger = logging.getLogger() log_level = getenv("LOGLEVEL", "INFO") level = logging.getLevelName(log_level) logger.setLevel(level) valid_comparators = ['GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold', 'GreaterThanThreshold', 'LessThanThreshold', 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold', "LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold", "LessThanLowerThreshold", "GreaterThanUpperThreshold"] valid_anomaly_detection_comparators = ["LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold", "LessThanLowerThreshold", "GreaterThanUpperThreshold"] valid_statistics = ['Average', 'SampleCount', 'Sum', 'Minimum', 'Maximum'] def boto3_client(resource, assumed_credentials=None): config = Config( retries=dict( max_attempts=40 ) ) if assumed_credentials: client = boto3.client( resource, aws_access_key_id=assumed_credentials['AccessKeyId'], aws_secret_access_key=assumed_credentials['SecretAccessKey'], aws_session_token=assumed_credentials['SessionToken'], config=config ) else: client = boto3.client( resource, config=config ) return client def check_alarm_tag(instance_id, tag_key): try: ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2') # does instance have appropriate alarm tag? instance = ec2_client.describe_instances( Filters=[ { 'Name': 'tag-key', 'Values': [ tag_key ] } ], InstanceIds=[ instance_id ] ) # can only be one instance when called by CloudWatch Events if 'Reservations' in instance and len(instance['Reservations']) > 0 and len( instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances']) > 0: ec2_client.create_tags( Resources=[ instance_id ], Tags=[ { 'Key': tag_key, 'Value': str(datetime.utcnow()) } ] ) return instance['Reservations'][0]['Instances'][0] else: return False except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error('Failure describing instance {} with tag key: {} : {}'.format(instance_id, tag_key, e)) raise def get_tags_for_rds_instance(db_instance_arn): try: rds_client = boto3_client('rds') response = rds_client.list_tags_for_resource( ResourceName=db_instance_arn, ) return response.get('TagList', None) except Exception as e: logger.error('Getting dimensions: {}'.format(e)) raise def process_rds_alarms(db_arn, is_cluster, activation_tag, default_alarms, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier, tags): activation_tag = [{'Key': activation_tag} for tag in tags if tag.get("key", None) == activation_tag] if not len(activation_tag) > 0: logger.debug('Activation tag not found for {}, nothing to do'.format(db_arn)) return True else: logger.debug('Processing db specific custom alarms for: {}'.format(db_arn)) for tag in tags: if tag["key"].startswith(alarm_identifier):'Alarm identifier found: processing db specific alarms for: {}'.format( db_arn)) default_alarms['AWS/RDS'].append({'Key': tag["key"], 'Value': tag.get("value", "")}) # set the default dimensions for AWS/RDS db_id = db_arn.split(':')[-1] dimensions = list() if is_cluster: dimensions.append( { 'Name': 'DBClusterIdentifier', 'Value': db_id } ) else: dimensions.append( { 'Name': 'DBInstanceIdentifier', 'Value': db_id } ) for tag in default_alarms['AWS/RDS']: alarm_properties = tag['Key'].split(alarm_separator) Namespace = alarm_properties[1] MetricName = alarm_properties[2] ComparisonOperator = alarm_properties[3] Period = alarm_properties[4] EvaluationPeriods = alarm_properties[5] Statistic = alarm_properties[6] AlarmName = alarm_separator.join( [alarm_identifier, db_id, Namespace, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, str(tag['Value']), Period, "{}p".format(EvaluationPeriods), Statistic]) # capture optional alarm description try: AlarmDescription = alarm_properties[7] AlarmName += alarm_separator + AlarmDescription except:'Description not supplied') AlarmDescription = None create_alarm(AlarmName, AlarmDescription, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Period, tag['Value'], Statistic, Namespace, dimensions, EvaluationPeriods, sns_topic_arn) def process_lambda_alarms(function_name, tags, activation_tag, default_alarms, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier): activation_tag = tags.get(activation_tag, 'not_found') if activation_tag == 'not_found': logger.debug('Activation tag not found for {}, nothing to do'.format(function_name)) return True else: logger.debug('Processing function specific alarms for: {}'.format(function_name)) for tag_key in tags: if tag_key.startswith(alarm_identifier): default_alarms['AWS/Lambda'].append({'Key': tag_key, 'Value': tags[tag_key]}) # get the default dimensions for AWS/EC2 dimensions = list() dimensions.append( { 'Name': 'FunctionName', 'Value': function_name } ) for tag in default_alarms['AWS/Lambda']: alarm_properties = tag['Key'].split(alarm_separator) Namespace = alarm_properties[1] MetricName = alarm_properties[2] ComparisonOperator = alarm_properties[3] Period = alarm_properties[4] # Provide support for previous formatting of custom alarm tags where the evaluation period wasn't specified. # If an evaluation period isn't specified in the tag then it defaults to 1, similar to past behavior. if alarm_properties[5] in valid_statistics: EvaluationPeriods = 1 eval_period_offset = 0 else: EvaluationPeriods = alarm_properties[5] eval_period_offset = 1 Statistic = alarm_properties[(5 + eval_period_offset)] AlarmName = alarm_separator.join( [alarm_identifier, function_name, Namespace, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, str(tag['Value']), Period, "{}p".format(EvaluationPeriods), Statistic]) # capture optional alarm description try: AlarmDescription = alarm_properties[(6 + eval_period_offset)] AlarmName += alarm_separator + AlarmDescription except:'Description not supplied') AlarmDescription = None create_alarm(AlarmName, AlarmDescription, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Period, tag['Value'], Statistic, Namespace, dimensions, EvaluationPeriods, sns_topic_arn) def create_alarm_from_tag(id, alarm_tag, instance_info, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier): # split alarm tag to decipher alarm properties, first property is alarm_identifier and ignored... alarm_properties = alarm_tag['Key'].split(alarm_separator) namespace = alarm_properties[1] MetricName = alarm_properties[2] dimensions = list() # the number of dimensions may be different depending on the namespace. For the default 'CWAgent' namespace, the default is to also include extended properties defined in for dimension_name in metric_dimensions_map.get(namespace, list()): dimension = dict() # Evaluate the dimensions specified for the metric namespace # If AutoScalingGroupName has been specified as a dimension to include, we first check to see if the instance has a tag indicating it is a part of an ASG. # If it is, we get the ASG name and populate its value for this dimension. if dimension_name == 'AutoScalingGroupName': # find out if the instance is part of an autoscaling group instance_asg = next( (tag['Value'] for tag in instance_info['Tags'] if tag['Key'] == 'aws:autoscaling:groupName'), None) if instance_asg: dimension_value = instance_asg dimension['Name'] = dimension_name dimension['Value'] = dimension_value dimensions.append(dimension) else: # If the dimension exists as a property of the EC2 instance being processed, get the dimension value from # the EC2 instance details and add, otherwise issue a warning and skip. dimension_value = instance_info.get(dimension_name, None) if dimension_value: dimension['Name'] = dimension_name dimension['Value'] = dimension_value dimensions.append(dimension) else: logger.warning( "Dimension {} has been specified in APPEND_DIMENSIONS but no dimension value exists, skipping...".format( dimension_name)) logger.debug("dimensions are {}".format(dimensions)) additional_dimensions = list() # determine the dimensions and the last dimension for this alarm # exclude last element which is the DESCRIPTION that differentiates alarms for index, prop in enumerate(alarm_properties[3:-1], start=3): if prop in valid_comparators: prop_end_index = index break else: prop_end_index = None if prop_end_index: additional_dimensions.extend(alarm_properties[3:prop_end_index]) else: logger.error('Unable to determine the dimensions for alarm tag: {}'.format(alarm_tag)) raise Exception AlarmName = alarm_separator.join([alarm_identifier, id, namespace, MetricName]) properties_offset = 0 # process the dimensions try: if additional_dimensions: for num, dim in enumerate(additional_dimensions[::2]): val = additional_dimensions[num * 2 + 1] dimensions.append( { 'Name': dim, 'Value': val } ) AlarmName += alarm_separator.join(['', dim, val]) properties_offset = properties_offset + 2 except Exception as e: logger.error('Getting dimensions: {}'.format(e)) raise ComparisonOperator = alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 3)] Period = alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 4)] # Provide support for previous formatting of custom alarm tags where the evaluation period wasn't specified. # If an evaluation period isn't specified in the tag then it defaults to 1, similar to past behavior. if alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 5)] in valid_statistics: EvaluationPeriods = 1 eval_period_offset = 0 else: EvaluationPeriods = alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 5)] eval_period_offset = 1 Statistic = alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 5 + eval_period_offset)] AlarmName += alarm_separator.join( ['', ComparisonOperator, str(alarm_tag['Value']), str(Period), "{}p".format(EvaluationPeriods), Statistic]) # add the description to the alarm name. If none are specified, log a message try: AlarmDescription = alarm_properties[(properties_offset + 6 + eval_period_offset)] AlarmName += alarm_separator + AlarmDescription except:'Description not supplied') AlarmDescription = None create_alarm(AlarmName, AlarmDescription, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Period, alarm_tag['Value'], Statistic, namespace, dimensions, EvaluationPeriods, sns_topic_arn) def process_alarm_tags(instance_id, instance_info, default_alarms, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, cw_namespace, create_default_alarms_flag, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier): tags = instance_info['Tags'] ImageId = instance_info['ImageId'] logger.debug('ImageId is: {}'.format(ImageId)) platform = determine_platform(ImageId) # if platform information is unavailable via determine_platform, try the platform in instance_info # determine_platform uses the describe_images API call. In some cases, the AMI may be deregistered # hence, use instance_info to extract platform details. This can detect Windows, Red Hat, SUSE platforms # instance_info does not contain enough information to distinguish Ubuntu and Amazon Linux platforms if not platform: platform_details = instance_info['PlatformDetails'] logger.debug('Platform details of instance: {}'.format(platform_details)) platform = format_platform_details(platform_details) logger.debug('Platform is: {}'.format(platform)) # scan instance tags and create alarms for any custom alarm tags for instance_tag in tags: if instance_tag['Key'].startswith(alarm_identifier): create_alarm_from_tag(instance_id, instance_tag, instance_info, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier) if create_default_alarms_flag == 'true': for alarm_tag in default_alarms['AWS/EC2']: create_alarm_from_tag(instance_id, alarm_tag, instance_info, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier) if platform: for alarm_tag in default_alarms[cw_namespace][platform]: create_alarm_from_tag(instance_id, alarm_tag, instance_info, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier) else: logger.warning("Skipping platform specific alarm creation for {}, unknown platform.".format(instance_id)) else:"Default alarm creation is turned off") def determine_platform(imageid): try: ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2') # does instance have appropriate alarm tag? image_info = ec2_client.describe_images( ImageIds=[ imageid ] ) # can only be one instance when called by CloudWatch Events if 'Images' in image_info and len(image_info['Images']) > 0: platform_details = image_info['Images'][0]['PlatformDetails'] logger.debug('Platform details of image: {}'.format(platform_details)) platform = format_platform_details(platform_details) if not platform and 'Linux/UNIX' in platform_details: if 'ubuntu' in image_info['Images'][0]['Name'].lower(): platform = 'Ubuntu' elif 'Description' in image_info['Images'][0] and 'ubuntu' in image_info['Images'][0][ 'Description'].lower(): platform = 'Ubuntu' else: # an assumption is made here that it is Amazon Linux. # note that it could still be an Ubuntu EC2 instance if the AMI is an Ubuntu image # but the Name and Description does not contain 'ubuntu' platform = 'Amazon Linux' return platform else: return None except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error('Failure describing image {}: {}'.format(imageid, e)) raise def format_platform_details(platform_details): if 'Windows' in platform_details or 'SQL Server' in platform_details: return 'Windows' elif 'Red Hat' in platform_details: return 'Red Hat' elif 'SUSE' in platform_details: return 'SUSE' # don't handle the Linux/UNIX case in this common function because # instance_info does not have Description and Name unlike image_info # hence, if the AMI is no longer available and the EC2 is an Amazon Linux or Ubuntu instance, # return None which causes the Alarm creation to fail in this specific scenario # elif 'Linux/UNIX' in platform_details: # if 'ubuntu' in image_info['Images'][0]['Description'].lower() or 'ubuntu' in image_info['Images'][0]['Name'].lower(): # return 'Ubuntu' # else: # return 'Amazon Linux' else: return None def convert_to_seconds(s): try: seconds_per_unit = {"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 3600, "d": 86400, "w": 604800} return int(s[:-1]) * seconds_per_unit[s[-1]] except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error('Error converting threshold string {} to seconds!'.format(s, e)) raise # Alarm Name Format: -------p- # Example: AutoAlarm-i-00e4f327736cb077f-AWS/EC2_CPUUtilization-GreaterThanThreshold-80-5m-1p=Average def create_alarm(AlarmName, AlarmDescription, MetricName, ComparisonOperator, Period, Threshold, Statistic, Namespace, Dimensions, EvaluationPeriods, sns_topic_arn): if AlarmDescription: AlarmDescription = AlarmDescription.replace("_", " ") else: AlarmDescription = 'Created by cloudwatch-auto-alarms' try: Period = convert_to_seconds(Period) except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error( 'Error converting Period specified {} to seconds for Alarm {}!: {}'.format(Period, AlarmName, e)) Threshold = float(Threshold) try: cw_client = boto3_client('cloudwatch') metrics = [{ 'Id': 'm1', 'MetricStat': { 'Metric': { 'MetricName': MetricName, 'Namespace': Namespace, 'Dimensions': Dimensions }, 'Stat': Statistic, 'Period': Period }, }] alarm = { 'AlarmName': AlarmName, 'AlarmDescription': AlarmDescription, 'EvaluationPeriods': int(EvaluationPeriods), 'ComparisonOperator': ComparisonOperator, 'Metrics': metrics } if ComparisonOperator in valid_anomaly_detection_comparators: metrics.append( { 'Id': 't1', 'Label': 't1', 'Expression': "ANOMALY_DETECTION_BAND(m1, {})".format(Threshold), } ) alarm['ThresholdMetricId'] = 't1' else: alarm['Threshold'] = Threshold if sns_topic_arn is not None: alarm['AlarmActions'] = [sns_topic_arn] cw_client.put_metric_alarm(**alarm)'Created alarm {}'.format(AlarmName)) except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error( 'Error creating alarm {}!: {}'.format(AlarmName, e)) def delete_alarms(name, alarm_identifier, alarm_separator): try: AlarmNamePrefix = alarm_separator.join([alarm_identifier, name]) AlarmNamePrefix += alarm_separator cw_client = boto3_client('cloudwatch') logger.debug('calling describe alarms with prefix {}'.format(AlarmNamePrefix)) response = cw_client.describe_alarms( AlarmNamePrefix=AlarmNamePrefix, ) alarm_list = [] logger.debug('Response from describe_alarms(): {}'.format(response)) if 'MetricAlarms' in response: for alarm in response['MetricAlarms']: alarm_name = alarm['AlarmName'] alarm_list.append(alarm_name) if alarm_list:'deleting {} for {}'.format(alarm_list, name)) cw_client.delete_alarms( AlarmNames=alarm_list ) return True except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error( 'Error deleting alarms for {}!: {}'.format(name, e)) def scan_and_process_alarm_tags(create_alarm_tag, default_alarms, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, cw_namespace, create_default_alarms_flag, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier): try: ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2') for reservation in ec2_client.describe_instances()["Reservations"]: for instance in reservation["Instances"]: # Look for running instances only if instance["State"]["Code"] > 16: continue if check_alarm_tag(instance["InstanceId"], create_alarm_tag): process_alarm_tags(instance["InstanceId"], instance, default_alarms, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn, cw_namespace, create_default_alarms_flag, alarm_separator, alarm_identifier) except Exception as e: # If any other exceptions which we didn't expect are raised # then fail and log the exception message. logger.error('Failure describing reservations : {}'.format(e)) raise