## k8s/1.3.9 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to cloudwatch-agent:1.247350.0b251780 - Fixes K8s performance issue in CloudWatch agent in [commit](https://github.com/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/commit/b49543ba62206613c3bb67c52a861b29e26c51a3) ## k8s/1.3.8 - Disable fluentd watch on kubernetes metadata ## k8s/1.3.7 - Upgrade cloduwatch-agent image version to cloudwatch-agent:1.247348.0b251302 - Remove logging all the metrics introduced in #193 [commit](https://github.com/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/commit/2067daa44eab56fb28223861a710bb45283c8f8e) ## k8s/1.3.6 - Upgrade cloduwatch-agent image version to cloudwatch-agent:1.247347.6b250880 - Fix container insight pod metric missing when using containerd runtime ## k8s/1.3.4 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to cloudwatch-agent:1.247347.4b250525 - Fix container insight pod metric missing when using docker systemd cgroup driver ## k8s/1.3.0 - Release Fluent-Bit for ContainerInsights log collection ## k8s/1.2.4 - Update config to support the haproxy-ingress from version 0.0.27 to latest (https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/haproxy-ingress/haproxy-ingress) - Update container insights k8s envname "REGION" ## k8s/1.2.3 - Merge cloudwatch-agent-prometheus image into cloudwatch-agent image - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to 1.247346.0b249609 ## k8s/1.2.2 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to 1.247345.36b249270 ## k8s/1.2.1 - Update cloudwatch-agent with Prometheus monitoring ECS CloudFormation Template ## k8s/1.2.0 - Support cloudwatch-agent with Prometheus monitoring for ECS and K8S ## k8s/1.1.1 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to 1.245315.0 ## k8s/1.1.0 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to 1.231221.0 - Support some other features like AWS SDK Metrics, EMF, etc ## k8s/1.0.1 - Upgrade cloudwatch-agent image version to 1.230621.0 - Upgrade fluentd image vesrion to v1.7.3-debian-cloudwatch-1.0 - Increase fluentd memory limit from 200MB to 400MB ## k8s/1.0.0 (2019-08-22) - Initial version of Container Insights K8s