# Configure application to use Cognito User Pool In this section you will setup the application to communicate with the Cognito User Pool. In order to do this you will need two pieces of information about the user pool. You will need the **_Pool ID_** and the **_App Client ID_**. To complete this step you will open the JavaScript file that will use the pool ID and app client ID. In the Cloud9 IDE navigate to the following JavaScript file **/src/config/cognito.js** in your project. - The pool ID represents an unique ID that identifies your user pool You should see the following code in the **/src/config/cognito.js** file. ```js export const POOL_DATA = { UserPoolId: "replace-user-pool-id-here", ClientId: "replace-app-client-id-here", }; ``` To get this information you will navigate to the Cognito . You should then see your Pool Id. See image below for example. ![npm run](../docs/images/app-setup/pool-id.png) Now you will copy the Pool Id and paste that in the code where it says: ```js "replace-user-pool-id-here", ``` Next you will need to navigate to the **_App Client Settings_** in the left-pane menu for your Cognito User Pool. ![npm run](../docs/images/app-setup/app-client-id1.png) Now you will copy the ID value. Your ID will be different than what you see in the screen below. ![npm run](../docs/images/app-setup/app-client-id2.png) Paste that in the code where it says: ```js "replace-app-client-id-here", ``` and replace it with your ID value. ## Application Cognito User Pool configuration complete You have now successfully configured your application to communicate with the Cognito User Pool you setup. ## Testing your application - Navigate back to the Cloud9 IDE To test your application you will want to restart your test web server if it not running. See command below to run in the Cloud9 IDE terminal to start your development web server. ```shell npm run serve ``` **Note:** Make sure you are in the correct directory when running the above command or you will receive an error similar to the one seen below. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-12.png) After your development web server is started you will see a screen similar to the one below. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-7.png) To see your application running in the browser click the **_Preview_** tab at the top of the screen, and then select **_Preview Running Application_**. See screenshot below. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-8.png) Your app may start in bottom of the Cloud9 IDE. See example below of how your application may initially load. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-9.png) You can expand the application into a new tab by clicking the icon in the corner of your application window. See image below of icon to click to open application in a new browser tab. Click the expand icon to the right of the **Browser** button. This will allow you to test your application in full screen mode. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-11.png) Once you have expanded the application in a separate browser tab you should see the below application running. ![npm run](../docs/images/dev-env-setup/cloud9-10.png) Next you will start setting up the code to allow users to sign-up for an account, and confirm their account. ## [Coding Sign-Up form](SignUp.md)