# App Testing Now that you have completed the setup of the Cognito User Pool, added all the code, and configured API Gateway you should be ready to test your entire application. ## Testing your application **Sign-up** - Make sure you can sign up for a new account - Verify your account after signing up **Sign-in** - Make sure you can sign into your account after verifying your account **MFA** - Go to the **_Settings_** section in the navigation bar - Click the checkbox **Enable MFA** - Scan the MFA QR Code with your app of choice (Authy, Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator) - Confirm the MFA Code - Sign out the account you just setup MFA for - Sign back in and ensure that you can confirm MFA Code **Add New Contact** - Go to the contacts list - Click the add a New Contact button - Complete the contact form - Make sure the new contact shows up in the contact list **Update Contact** - You can either add another contact or edit the contact you just added - Click the pencil icon to edit the contact - Make a change to some of the contact fields - Make sure that the changes you made are saved to the contact **Delete Contact** - Next pick any of the contacts you have added select the delete icon for that contact - Confirm that you want to delete the contact - Make sure the contact no longer shows up on the contact list If everything works correctly - You're done!! Next if you are up for it we have a few challenges. Move on the next section if you would like to complete the final two challenges. ## [Bonus Challenges](Bonus.md)