from string import Template CANNOT_PARSE_AUGMENTED_MANIFEST = Template('An augmented manifest file in your request is an invalid JSON lines file. ' 'Amazon Comprehend is unable to parse line ${line} in the file ${file_name}. ' 'Correct the file and try again.') DOC_SIZE_EXCEEDED = Template('A document exceeds the maximum size in the file ${file} on line ${line}. ' 'Each document can be up to ${size} bytes.') WRONG_ANNOTATION = Template('An incorrect annotation is located in the file ${file_name} on line ${line}. The offset ' 'begins at position ${begin_offset} and ends at position ${end_offset}. ${message}.') INVALID_OFFSETS = Template('An offset exceeds the maximum length in the file ${doc} on line ${line_index}. The offset ' 'begins at position ${begin_offset} and ends at position ${end_offset}. An offset can be ' 'up to ${line_size} in length.') OVERLAPPING_ANNOTATIONS = Template('Overlapping annotations are located in the file ${doc} on line ${line}. ' 'Annotations must not overlap. The annotations are: ${annotations1} and ${annotations2}.') INVALID_END_OFFSET = 'End Offset cannot be less than Begin Offset.'