AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Metadata: AWS::ServerlessRepo::Application: Name: ComprehendPiiRedactionS3ObjectLambda Description: Deploys a Lambda which will provide capability to redact PII (Personally Identifiable Information) from a text file present in s3. This Lambda can be used as a s3 object lambda which will be triggered on get-object call when configured with access point Author: AWS Comprehend # SPDX License Id, e.g., MIT, MIT-0, Apache-2.0. See for more details SpdxLicenseId: MIT-0 LicenseUrl: LICENSE ReadmeUrl: Labels: [serverless,comprehend,pii,nlp] HomePageUrl: SemanticVersion: 1.0.2 SourceCodeUrl: Parameters: LogLevel: Type: String Description: Log level for Lambda function logging, e.g., ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, etc. Default: INFO UnsupportedFileHandling: Type: String Description: Handling logic for Unsupported files. Valid values are PASS and FAIL. Default: FAIL IsPartialObjectSupported: Type: String Description: Whether to support partial objects or not. Accessing partial object through http headers such byte-range can corrupt the object and/or affect PII detection accuracy. Default: FALSE DocumentMaxSizeContainsPiiEntities: Type: Number Description: Maximum document size (in bytes) to be used for making calls to Comprehend's ContainsPiiEntities API. Default: 50000 DocumentMaxSizeDetectPiiEntities: Type: Number Description: Maximum document size (in bytes) to be used for making calls to Comprehend's DetectPiiEntities API. Default: 5000 PiiEntityTypes: Type: String Description: List of comma separated PII entity types to be considered for redaction. Refer Comprehend's documentation page for list of supported PII entity types. Default: ALL MaskCharacter: Type: String Description: A character that replaces each character in the redacted PII entity. Default: '*' MaskMode: Type: String Description: Specifies whether the PII entity is redacted with the mask character or the entity type. Valid values - REPLACE_WITH_PII_ENTITY_TYPE and MASK. Default: MASK SubsegmentOverlappingTokens: Type: Number Description: Number of tokens/words to overlap among segments of a document in case chunking is needed because of maximum document size limit. Default: 20 DocumentMaxSize: Type: Number Description: Default maximum document size (in bytes) that this function can process otherwise will throw exception for too large document size. Default: 102400 ConfidenceThreshold: Type: Number Description: The minimum prediction confidence score above which PII classification and detection would be considered as final answer. Valid range (0.5 to 1.0). Default: 0.5 MaxCharsOverlap: Type: Number Description: Maximum characters to overlap among segments of a document in case chunking is needed because of maximum document size limit. Default: 200 DefaultLanguageCode: Type: String Description: Default language of the text to be processed. This code will be used for interacting with Comprehend. Default: en DetectPiiEntitiesThreadCount: Type: Number Description: Number of threads to use for calling Comprehend's DetectPiiEntities API. This controls the number of simultaneous calls that will be made from this Lambda. Default: 8 ContainsPiiEntitiesThreadCount: Type: Number Description: Number of threads to use for calling Comprehend's ContainsPiiEntities API. This controls the number of simultaneous calls that will be made from this Lambda. Default: 20 PublishCloudWatchMetrics: Type: String Description: True if publish metrics to Cloudwatch, false otherwise. See for details on CloudWatch metrics. Default: True Resources: PiiRedactionFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: src/ Handler: handler.redact_pii_documents_handler Runtime: python3.8 Tracing: Active Timeout: 60 Policies: - Statement: - Sid: ComprehendPiiDetectionPolicy Effect: Allow Action: - comprehend:DetectPiiEntities - comprehend:ContainsPiiEntities Resource: '*' - Sid: S3AccessPointCallbackPolicy Effect: Allow Action: - s3-object-lambda:WriteGetObjectResponse Resource: '*' - Sid: CloudWatchMetricsPolicy Effect: Allow Action: - cloudwatch:PutMetricData Resource: '*' Environment: Variables: LOG_LEVEL: !Ref LogLevel UNSUPPORTED_FILE_HANDLING: !Ref UnsupportedFileHandling PARTIAL_OBJECT_SUPPORT: !Ref IsPartialObjectSupported DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE_CONTAINS_PII_ENTITIES: !Ref DocumentMaxSizeContainsPiiEntities DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE_DETECT_PII_ENTITIES: !Ref DocumentMaxSizeDetectPiiEntities PII_ENTITY_TYPES: !Ref PiiEntityTypes MASK_CHARACTER: !Ref MaskCharacter MASK_MODE: !Ref MaskMode SUBSEGMENT_OVERLAPPING_TOKENS: !Ref SubsegmentOverlappingTokens DOCUMENT_MAX_SIZE: !Ref DocumentMaxSize CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: !Ref ConfidenceThreshold MAX_CHARS_OVERLAP: !Ref MaxCharsOverlap DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE: !Ref DefaultLanguageCode DETECT_PII_ENTITIES_THREAD_COUNT: !Ref DetectPiiEntitiesThreadCount CONTAINS_PII_ENTITIES_THREAD_COUNT: !Ref ContainsPiiEntitiesThreadCount PUBLISH_CLOUD_WATCH_METRICS: !Ref PublishCloudWatchMetrics Outputs: PiiRedactionFunctionName: Description: "Redaction Function Name" Value: !Ref PiiRedactionFunction