Please do not select “Decline task” or “Release task” unless instructed to do so.
Note that each document has a maximum time limit for annotation. The task time displays at the top center of the screen as the current time elapsed out of the maximum time the document is available. If a document is not submitted before the task time expires, then the annotation for that document is lost.
If you need to pause an annotation task and return to it later, select “Stop and resume later.” Note, however, that existing annotations in the current document will be lost. Only select “Stop and resume later” if the nothing has been annotated in the document.
To submit a fully annotated document, select SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. Please note that once a document is submitted, you cannot return to it.
Toggle the entity [L]abels
Toggle the dis[C]ontiguous entity labels
Toggle the [S]econdary annotations
Toggle the [b]oundary boxes for annotations
Please do not select “Decline task” or “Release task” unless instructed to do so.
Note that each document has a maximum time limit for annotation. The task time displays at the top center of the screen as the current time elapsed out of the maximum time the document is available. If a document is not submitted before the task time expires, then the annotation for that document is lost.
If you need to pause an annotation task and return to it later, select “Stop and resume later.” Note, however, that existing annotations in the current document will be lost. Only select “Stop and resume later” if the nothing has been annotated in the document.
General Annotation
To annotate a span of text, select the span extent by left-clicking and dragging across the relevant text. A green box will appear around the selected text.
Once the intended text is selected, the selected entity’s text will appear in the right panel labeled SELECTED ENTITIES.
Note: To sub-select text in an entity:
Select the entity and see it appear in the right panel labeled SELECTED ENTITIES
Remove text from the entity’s text by deleting it from the text area. Text may only be removed from the left or right ends.
To apply a label to the selected text, right-click and select from the context menu. Alternatively, you may apply a label via the buttons at the top of the screen. Once a label is applied it will display above the text box for the chosen span.
To remove an entity, right-click on any entity and click REMOVE from the context menu or click the REMOVE button at the bottom of the screen.
To submit a fully annotated document, select SUBMIT at the bottom of the page. Please note that once a document is submitted, you cannot return to it.
Toggle the entity [L]abels
Toggle the dis[C]ontiguous entity labels
Toggle the [S]econdary annotations
Toggle the [b]oundary boxes for annotations
Auto Tag
After annotating a particular span, you may automatically label the other instances of this span (exact matches only) by right-clicking the span and selecting AUTO TAG from the context menu. Alternatively, you may click the AUTO TAG button at the bottom of the screen. Once a label is applied it will display above the text box for the chosen span.
To undo the most recent annotation or AUTO TAG, click “UNDO” at the bottom of the screen.
To label discontiguous entities:
Label two or more entities with the SAME tag
Left-click the first entity, then shift-click the other entities in the appropriate order
Combine the individual entities by right-clicking on one of the selected entities and choosing CONNECT from the context menu. Alternatively, you may click the CONNECT button at the bottom of the screen.
The entities are now combined into a single discontiguous entity and may only be selected or removed together.
Note: Discontiguous entities may be viewed in the right hand panel labeled ENTITY SPAN GROUPS