// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
import { Box, Container, ExpandableSection, Header, Input, Link, RadioGroup } from "@awsui/components-react";
import { BaseNavigationDetail } from "@awsui/components-react/internal/events";
import React, { FC, useEffect } from "react";
import MenuComponent from "../MenuComponent/MenuComponent";
import "./CustomerJourneyComponent.css";
interface CustomerJourneyComponentProps {
hasOperatingHours: boolean;
setExperienceJourney: (journey: { inHours: {}, outHours: {} }) => void;
setToolsContent: (tools: any) => void;
const toolsContent = {
title: "Customer Journey",
content: (
Define the journey your customer will experience when interacting with your contact centre.
Within operating hours, you can decide to send customers directly to a queue, or offer a DTMF menu.
With a DTMF menu, you can send your customers to a queue, transfer them to an external number, or play a message before hanging up.
Tip: You can use the same queue name for multiple options of your menu, resulting in customers following these options to be placed in the same queue.
links: [
href: "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/about-routing.html",
text: "About routing in Amazon Connect"
const CustomerJourneyComponent: FC = (props) => {
const [experienceType, setExperienceType] = React.useState("");
const [queueParam, setQueueParam] = React.useState("");
const [journeyInHours, setJourneyInHours] = React.useState({});
const [journeyTypeInHours, setJourneyTypeInHours] = React.useState("")
const [journeyOutHoursMessage, setJourneyOutHoursMessage] = React.useState("");
const updateJourneyTypeInHours = (value: string) => {
setJourneyInHours({ type: value, journey: {} });
const setJourneyInHoursQueueParam = (value: string) => {
setJourneyInHours({ type: journeyTypeInHours, journey: { action: "transfer", param: value } })
const updateJourneyInHours = (journey: {}) => {
setJourneyInHours({ type: journeyTypeInHours, journey: journey });
useEffect(() => {
let journey = {
inHours: journeyInHours,
outHours: props.hasOperatingHours ? {
type: "disconnect",
message: journeyOutHoursMessage
} : {}
}, [journeyInHours, journeyOutHoursMessage]);
const setToolsContent = (event: CustomEvent) => {
return (
Customer Journey{" "}
export default CustomerJourneyComponent;