AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: 'PhoneHealthCheck: Create Lambda that updates call and check the reachability of a phone number' Parameters: AmazonConnectInstanceID: Type: String Description: What is the instance ID for your Amazon Connect Instance? Default: "86d4458a-77de-4ef8-bb59-5712c9bf012e" PHCRuleName: Type: String Description: Event Bridge rule name? Default: PhoneHealthCheck-Rule RuleCronExpression: Type: String Description: Event Bridge rule cron expression Default: "cron(0 15 * * ? *)" ContactFlowID: Type: String Description: The Oubound Contact Flow ID Default: "86d4458a-77de-4ef8-bb59-5712c9bf012e" DestinationNumber: Type: String Description: The phone number to check fo reachability Default: "+12223334444" PageNumber: Type: String Description: Mobile phone number to send SMS about the status Default: "+12223334444" SourceNumber: Type: String Description: The phone number you claimed to make the outbound call ANI Default: "+12223334444" SuccessCode: Type: String Description: The DTMF code you generated that you will playback as a prompt Default: "31642" Resources: ##################################################### # IAM Role ##################################################### IAMRolePHC: Type: AWS::IAM::Role DeletionPolicy: Delete Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole Policies: - PolicyName: Policy_PHC_CloudwatchLogs PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - logs:CreateLogGroup - logs:CreateLogStream - logs:PutLogEvents Resource: arn:aws:cloudwatch:*:*:* - PolicyName: Policy_PHC_AmazonConnect PolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - connect:GetContactAttributes - connect:StartOutboundVoiceContact - sns:Publish Resource: "*" RoleName: IAMRole_PHC ######################################################### # Lambda function ######################################################### LambdaPHC: ## Logical CFT ID Type: AWS::Lambda::Function DeletionPolicy: Delete Properties: Handler: index.lambda_handler Runtime: python3.8 FunctionName: PhoneHealthCheck Code: ZipFile: | import json import boto3 import os import time client = boto3.client('connect') def outboundTest(DestinationPhoneNumber, ContactFlowId, InstanceId, SourcePhoneNumber): response = client.start_outbound_voice_contact( DestinationPhoneNumber = DestinationPhoneNumber, ContactFlowId = ContactFlowId, InstanceId = InstanceId, SourcePhoneNumber = SourcePhoneNumber, Attributes={ 'collectedDigits': '00000' } ) time.sleep(10) contactAttribute = client.get_contact_attributes( InstanceId = InstanceId, InitialContactId = response["ContactId"] ) mesgcode = contactAttribute["Attributes"]["collectedDigits"] return mesgcode def lambda_handler(event, context): DestinationPhoneNumber = event["DEST_NUMBER"] ContactFlowId = event["CF_ID"] InstanceId = event['INSTANCE_ID'] SourcePhoneNumber = event['SOURCE_NUMBER'] SuccessCode = event['SUCCESS_CODE'] PageNumber = event['PAGE_NUMBER'] mesgcode = outboundTest(DestinationPhoneNumber, ContactFlowId, InstanceId, SourcePhoneNumber) if mesgcode == '00000': mesgcode = outboundTest(DestinationPhoneNumber, ContactFlowId, InstanceId, SourcePhoneNumber) if mesgcode == SuccessCode: mesg = 'SUCCESS' else: mesg = 'FAILED' mesg = "Phone number " + DestinationPhoneNumber + " test result: " + mesg SNSclient = boto3.client("sns") SNSclient.publish( PhoneNumber=PageNumber, Message=mesg ) return { 'status': mesg, 'retCode': mesgcode } MemorySize: 1024 Timeout: 360 Role: !GetAtt IAMRolePHC.Arn ######################################################### # Create the Event Bridge ######################################################### PHCEVENTBRIDGE: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Description: Contact Event Stream Event ScheduleExpression: Ref: RuleCronExpression Name: Ref: PHCRuleName Targets: [ { Id: PHCEVENTBRIDGE, Arn: !GetAtt LambdaPHC.Arn, Input: !Sub "{\"INSTANCE_ID\":\"${AmazonConnectInstanceID}\",\"CF_ID\":\"${ContactFlowID}\",\"DEST_NUMBER\":\"${DestinationNumber}\",\"PAGE_NUMBER\":\"${PageNumber}\",\"SOURCE_NUMBER\":\"${SourceNumber}\",\"SUCCESS_CODE\":\"${SuccessCode}\"}" } ] ######################################################### # Lambda resource based policy ######################################################### LambdaResourcePolicy: Type: AWS::Lambda::Permission Properties: FunctionName: !GetAtt LambdaPHC.Arn Action: lambda:InvokeFunction Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt PHCEVENTBRIDGE.Arn