## Cost Optimization **v1.3 (03/03/2023)** - Updated all 'None of the above' choices and fixed riskRules bug. **v1.2 (02/20/2023)** - Updates all improvement plans to include reference URLs. **v1.1 (11/05/2022)** - Updated 'None of the above' choices and corrected spelling errors. **v1.0 (10/12/2022)** - Initial Release ## Operational Excellence **v1.2 (01/09/2023)** - Reduced question count from 20 to 16 by removing duplicate questions and combining into existing questions. Added additional helpful links for questions that were missing them. **v1.1 (10/18/2022)** - Added choice for 'None of the above' in each question. **v1.0** (10/12/2022) - Initial Release ## Performance Efficiency **v1.2 (02/17/2023)** - Updated all questions with correct "None of these" option formatting. **v1.1 (12/05/2022)** - Added choice for 'None of the above' in each question and corrected spelling errors. **v1.0 (10/12/2022)** - Initial Release ## Reliability **v1.3 (04/27/2023)** - Removed 'pilot light' choice from question #1. **v1.2 (03/03/2023)** - Updated all 'None of the above' choices. **v1.1 (11/07/2022)** - Corrected spelling errors and updated Helpful Resources and Improvement Plan sections with additional info and URLs. **v1.0 (10/12/2022)** - Initial Release ## Security **v1.2 (04/27/2023)** - Fixed broken link in question 2. **v1.1 (12/05/2022)** - Added choice for 'None of the above' in each question and corrected spelling errors. **v1.0 (10/12/2022)** - Initial Release ## Global Resiliency **v1.1 (2/13/2023)** - Initial Release