# Amazon Connect Well-Architected Lenses The Amazon Connect Well-Architected Lenses provide a way for customers to evaluate contact centers against best-practices created by AWS Experts. Building off the [AWS Well-Architected framework](https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/well-architected/), the Amazon Connect Well-Architected Lenses look at five of the well-architected pillars with questions specifically related to Amazon Connect deployments. Additionally, a Global Resillency feature specific lens is included to evaluate workloads using the Amazon Connect Global Resillency solution. ## What is the AWS Well-Architected Framework? The Well-Architected Framework is a set of questions and design principles across six pillars. (Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, and Sustainability) Alongside with the Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected framework are AWS Well-Architected Lenses, which provide guidance with a focus on a specific industry or technology domain. Software as a Service, Healthcare, and Banking for industry domains, and High Performance Computing, Serverless, and Contact Center for technology domains. To evaluate the health of your workloads, you answer a set of foundational questions, based on the Framework, Pillars, and Lenses. Questions are structured as key concepts with Best Practices aligned responses. Customers review the responses then evaluate and confirm if they have in place for their workload. As of re:Invent 2022 customers can now create user defined and managed Custom Lenses, to best align with their own organization's industry, operational plans, and internal processes. Customers can create their own questions sets, add in context, and best practices as it relates to their workload. We leveraged this Custom Lens feature to create the Amazon Connect Custom Lens. ## How can you use the Amazon Connect Custom Lens? Customers can use the Amazon Connect Well-Architected custom lenses in their own well-architected reviews, either self facilitated or led by an AWS Solutions Architect or APN Partner. The Custom Lens in the Well-Architected tool provides a structured and consistent approach to evaluating architectures during Operational and Well-Architected reviews. The tool enables the reviewer to: - Educate on Strategies & Best Practices when designing and operating their contact center in AWS. - Identify and measure the best practices already in place for your existing architecture within the Well-Architected Tool. - Improve architectures by addressing any high risk issues identified using improvement plans. To get started using custom lenses, read the [AWS Well-Architected Tool Custom Lens](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/wellarchitected/latest/userguide/lenses-custom.html) documentation. ## Contributing To contribute questions, report bugs with scoring, or provide links to helpful resources, please visit the [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md) file. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.