Ijas Nizamuddin Associate Consultant State Street Irinchayam B.0, Kerala Email me on Indeed: indeed.com/r/Ijas- Nizamuddin/6748d77f76f94eed With close to 3 years of experience in IT industry, I have had excellent exposure to design, development and implementation of client Server Applications in various domains such as Banking and Finance concepts. I have been involved in various software Development projects in Open System environment. WORK EXPERIENCE Associate Consultant Oracle Corporation June 2011 to Present State Street Global Advisors (SSgA) is the asset management business of State Street Corporation, one of the world's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors1, with a heritage dating back over two centuries. Backed by the strength and stability of the State Street organization, SSgA makes continual investments in asset management and client service platform, resulting in a client-focused, solutions-driven orientation BrokerViews is the application which list all the details about the counterparties who invest their securities in State Street.The details also include ratings given by Bloomberg. Responsibilities: Development, Testing and support. Software Used: Java, GWT Associate Consultant Oracle Corporation Bangalore, Karnataka May 2010 to June 2011 This project is actually a redesign of an existing client website. The client website was designed on Java Server Pages (JSP) and our aim was to change it into a more dynamic web page using Adobe Flex. At first we changed the home page screen of the client website. After the successful completion of that we incorporated flex in to the account section also. This data which is obtained from DataBase is taken by the flex using a remote procedure call and the data is shown to the user. With the use of Advanced Data Grids, harts(including Bar and Pie Charts) the site increased the readability and understandability of the users who were previously using the pages on java server pages. This site developed by us won the IMC (Interactive Media Council)' outstanding achievement award in Financial information. The judge evaluate website based on 5 criteria: Design, Content, Feature Functionality, Usability and Standard Compliance. Our website scored 475 out of a maximum of 500 points. Responsibilities: Development, Testing and support. Software Used: Java, Adobe Flex Framework: Springs, MVC Associate Consultant Oracle Corporation Bangalore, Karnataka February 2010 to April 2010 Description: Development of Basel II Application, Basel II is the second of the Basel Accords, which are recommendations on banking laws and regulations issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. The purpose of Basel II, which was initially published in June 2004, is to create an international standard that banking regulators can use when creating regulations about how much capital banks need to put aside to guard against the types of financial and operational risks banks face. In practice, Basel II attempts to accomplish this by setting up rigorous risk and capital management requirements designed to ensure that a bank holds capital reserves appropriate to the risk the bank exposes itself to through its lending and investment practices. The New Accord includes several methodologies for determining a bank's risk-based capital requirements for credit, market and operational risk. For Risk Based Capital (RBC), Credit Usage (CU) and Stress Test (ST), the methodologies that will be used for repo style transactions are Simple VaR if the collateral is eligible. If the collateral is ineligible then the Wholesale loan approach will be utilized or the collateral will be reduced to zero in the Simple VaR. Roles and Responsibilities: Development, Testing and support. Software Used: Oracle 9i OTHER PROJECTS AND REAL TIME TRAINING: RTRM(Railway Ticketing System Through Mobile) A mobile based real time application with many exciting features like checking pnr status, train availability, trains between stations etc. This application was done in j2me and it uses weblogic as server and MSSQL as the database. Undergone a mandatory Training on Finance By Oracle Corporation EDUCATION Birla Institute of Technology - Pilani, Rajasthan 2011 Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science University College of Engineering, University of Kerala 2005 to 2009 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SKILL SET: Languages Core Java Front end/GUI Tools programming: Adobe Flex, GWT Database: Oracle 10g IDE: Eclipse, FlexBuilder Frameworks: pring(Basics), MVC frame work Operating System: Windows, Linux, Unix