Shreyanshu Gupta Software Development Engineer with 6 months of experience in Java, C, Velocity, Web Development at Amazon Development Centre. Bangalore, Karnataka Email me on Indeed: Gupta/6bd08d76c29d63c7 elf-Motivated and Hardworking Computer Science student seeking to apply my skills and in the process, develop professionally. Willing to relocate: Anywhere WORK EXPERIENCE Software Development Engineer Amazon Interned at Amazon Development Centre for 6 months 2017 Projects did during Internship Blog Migration from TypePad to Amazon Amazon owns a blog omnivoracious.con which is used to improve the book sales in It was recently hosted in a 3rd party blogging platform TypePad. The project required to find a platform which satisfies all the requirements and transfer all TypePad content to the Amazon-owned platform maintaining the functionalities and compatibility. Used Velocity Templating Language, Java, Amazon Tools and Many Blogging Platforms. Mobile Widget Disparity Due to some recent changes in Amazon configuration, there was a content disparity between book description of mobile and desktop in millions of products. The project required to find the reason for disparity and then find a solution that doesn't affect other features & is also expandable. Used Java, configuration files, and Amazon Tools. Physical to Amazon Video Conversion To promote Amazon Video Over Physical Video source (DVD, Blu Ray), certain features were created like Popup Window and messages above Add to Cart button. This project required to create UI for each of the features and check whether it satisfies all the criteria. Used Java, JSP, configuration files and bean creation. EDUCATION B. Tech in Computer Science Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology July 2013 to April 2017 SKILLS ANDROID (Less than 1 year), Git (Less than 1 year), HTML (Less than 1 year), PHP (Less than 1 year), SQL (Less than 1 year), Java (Less than 1 year), C, Velocity (Less than 1 year), C++, Database Management (Less than 1 year) LINKS tps://ww.linkedin.con/in/shreyanshu-gupta-135176103 CERTIFICATIONS/LICENSES Online Content Writer July 2016 to Present Was Online Content writer for Android Application Development June 2015 to Present Learned to create basic Android Apps using Eclipse and Android Studio. PUBLICATIONS Blog Migration from TypePad to Amazon ttps:// July 2017 Amazon owns a blog which is used to improve the book sales in It was recently hosted in a 3rd party blogging platform TypePad. The project required to find a platform which satisfies all the requirements and transfer all TypePad content to the Amazon owned platform while maintaining its functionalities and compatibility. Used Velocity Templating Language, Java, Amazon Tools and Many Blogging Platforms. Mobile Widget Disparity July 2017 ttps://www. ttps:// Due to some recent changes in Amazon configuration files, there was content disparity between book description of mobile and desktop in millions of products. The project required to find the reason for disparity and then find a solution that doesn't affect other features & is also expandable. Used Java, configuration files and Amazon Tools. Physical to Amazon Video Conversion July 2017 To promote Amazon Video Over Physical Video source (DVD, Blu Ray), certain features were created like Popup Window and messages above Add to Cart button. This project required to create UI for each of the features and check whether it satisfies all the criteria. Used Java, JSP, configuration files and bean creation ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming language: C, SQL, Core Java, Android, Velocity Web Development - PHP, Basic knowledge of HTML Basic knowledge of GIT Version Control System