# Amazon DynamoDB Getting Started For Game Developers A very basic client/server implementation in C++ showing how game developers can integrate Amazon DynamoDB calls in to their game server. # Requirements - An AWS account with access to Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/ - Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 or higher (any edition): https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/ - The AWS C++ SDK, installation instructions here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/game-developers-guide-to-the-aws-sdk/ # Contents
├── GameServer/         # Game server code as well as the solution file for both server and client projects
├── GameClient/         # Game client code 
└── Common/             # Code shared between game client and server
# Set up AWS resources - Create a table in DynamoDB named "PlayerData". - Set the primary key to "PlayerID" and make sure the data type is "string". - Otherwise use default settings. # Build and run the sample - Add the AWS C++ SDK to your project. The Amazon DynamoDB library is required, as well as its dependencies. - Open the solution file GameServer.sln, which contains both the server and client projects. - If you'd created your DynamoDB table in an AWS region other than US East 1, modify the GameServer/Settings.h with the correct region. - Build the server and client projects. - The project is currently configured to allow the client to connect to a locally hosted server, so you can run them on the same machine. If you would like to run them on different machines, you can modify the SERVERADDR variable in GameClient.cpp. # For more information or questions - The steps in this file are condensed from the article found here: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/ - Chat with us on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/aws/ - Please contact gametech@amazon.com for any comments or requests regarding this content # License Summary This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.