## **Allocate an EC2 Mac Dedicated Host** ### **Before you begin:** * Ensure that you have checked the [Service Quotas Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/servicequotas/home/services/ec2/quotas) for **Running Dedicated mac1 Hosts** and **Running Dedicated mac2 Hosts**, and that the **Applied Quota Value** is *not **zero (0)***. The Service Quotas Console with 'mac1' typed into the search bar. * Ensure that the IAM User or Role you are using has [EC2:AllocateHosts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/service-authorization/latest/reference/list_amazonec2.html#amazonec2-actions-as-permissions) permission. --- ### **Using the AWS Management Console:** --- * Go to the [EC2 Dashboard](https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home) and select **Dedicated Hosts** from the sidebar. The EC2 Dashboard with the Dedicated Hosts sidebar highlighted. * Select the **Allocate Dedicated Host** button from the top right. The EC2 Dedicated Host console with the Allocate button highlighted. * Choose a name tag and availability zones for your host. Select the appropriate instance type for your desired architecture (x86-based EC2 Mac instances are **mac1.metal**, M1-based EC2 Mac instances are **mac2.metal**). * * **Support multiple instance types** is not supported with EC2 Mac and must be un-checked. Under the **Instance Type** dropdown that appears after un-checking, choose the only option that appears: mac1.metal or mac2.metal, respectively. * * **Host maintenance** is currently **not** supported with EC2 Mac and *must be **un-checked***. * * **Host recovery** is currently **not** supported with EC2 Mac. * * * We suggest leaving **[Instance auto-placement](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/how-dedicated-hosts-work.html#dedicated-hosts-understanding) on** to simplify configuration of the instance, detailed in the next step. * See the image below for an example: The EC2 Dedicated Host allocation dialog screen. * Once allocated, the host will appear in the list as **Available**. The EC2 Dedicated Host console with the 'Available' status column highlighted. --- ### **Using the [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.html)** --- ``` aws ec2 allocate-hosts --availability-zone="us-east-2b" \ --auto-placement="on" --host-recovery="off" \ --host-maintenance "off" --quantity=1 \ --instance-type="mac1.metal" \ --region="us-east-2" ``` It will return a JSON: ``` { "HostIds": [ "h-0553a22d4e0123456" ] } ``` --- Continue on to the next step, [launching an EC2 Mac instance](02_launch_instance.md).