# Project information
site_name: Mitigate Risks Using Cloud-Native Infrastructure Security
site_short_name: Native Infrastructure Security
site_description: 'Whether you are migrating existing workloads or creating something new in AWS, it can be tempting to bring your current security solutions with you. In this hands-on workshop, we help you identify which cloud-native solutions can mitigate the same risks while providing scalability, reliability, and cost optimization at a low operational burden. During this workshop, you will learn how to use cloud native controls like CloudTrail, Security Groups, GuardDuty and many more, to secure your cloud architecture.'
site_author: 'aws-security-workshops@amazon.com'
site_url: 'https://ec2-infra-sec.awssecworkshops.com/'
# Repository
repo_name: 'aws-samples/amazon-ec2-native-infrastructure-security-workshop'
repo_url: 'https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-ec2-native-infrastructure-security-workshop'
# Copyright
copyright: 'Privacy | Site terms | © 2020, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.'
# Configuration
name: 'material'
logo: 'assets/images/aws_smile_logo.png'
favicon: 'assets/images/aws-favicon.ico'
# Customization
- 'stylesheets/custom.css'
- icon: fontawesome/solid/home
link: https://awssecworkshops.com
- icon: fontawesome/solid/shield-alt
link: https://aws.amazon.com/security/
- icon: fontawesome/brands/twitter
link: https://twitter.com/awssecurityinfo?lang=en
- icon: fontawesome/solid/rss-square
link: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/
# Extensions
- admonition
- codehilite
- pymdownx.details
# Navigation
- Overview: 'index.md'
- Set Up: 'setup.md'
- Lab: 'labsteps.md'
- Extra Credit: 'extracredit.md'
- Clean Up: 'cleanup.md'
- Contributing: 'contribute.md'
- License: 'license.md'