#!/bin/bash # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. set -eu source ./common.sh dns_ip_address= efs=false gateway_ip_address= host_ip_address= host_username='root' key_pair_id= netmask='' pod_cidr= primary_storage_url= public_traffic_cidr= secondary_storage_url= shared_network_cidr= template_name='Sample Template' template_url= help() { echo "Sets up a simple demo configuration in Apache CloudStack." echo echo "Prereqs:" echo " - Apache CloudStack (4.16 or higher, so key authentication can be used to configure the host)" echo " - KVM" echo " - SSH access to the host (hypervisor) machine using key authentication" echo echo "OPTIONS" echo " --dns-ip DNS server address" echo " --efs Configure storage for EFS" echo " --gateway-ip Virtual subnet gateway IP address" echo " --host-ip Hostname to set on the server" echo " --host-username User that can 'sudo su' without a password on the host machine (default = $host_username)" echo " --key-pair The ID of the key pair that's needed to SSH to the host instance (optional)" echo " --netmask Virtual/Overlay subnet netmask (default = $netmask)" echo " --pod-cidr Pod CIDR" echo " --primary-storage-url Primary storage URL (e.g. nfs://server/path)" echo " --public-traffic-cidr Public traffic CIDR" echo " --secondary-storage-url Secondary storage URL (e.g. nfs://server/path)" echo " --shared-network-cidr Shared network CIDR" echo " --template-name Sample template name (default = $template_name)" echo " --template-url Sample template URL (optional)" echo exit 1 } ################################## # Parse the command line arguments ################################## [[ $# -ne 0 ]] || help long_opts=dns-ip:,efs,gateway-ip:,help,host-ip:,host-username:,key-pair:,netmask:,pod-cidr:,primary-storage-url:,public-traffic-cidr:,secondary-storage-url:,shared-network-cidr:,template-name:,template-url: ! parsed_opts=$(getopt --options "" --longoptions=$long_opts --name "$0" -- "$@") [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]] || help eval set -- "$parsed_opts" while true; do case "$1" in --dns-ip) dns_ip_address="$2" shift 2 ;; --efs) efs=true shift ;; --help) shift help ;; --gateway-ip) gateway_ip_address="$2" shift 2 ;; --host-ip) host_ip_address="$2" shift 2 ;; --host-username) host_username="$2" shift 2 ;; --key-pair) key_pair_id="$2" shift 2 ;; --netmask) netmask="$2" shift 2 ;; --pod-cidr) pod_cidr="$2" shift 2 ;; --primary-storage-url) primary_storage_url="$2" shift 2 ;; --public-traffic-cidr) public_traffic_cidr="$2" shift 2 ;; --secondary-storage-url) secondary_storage_url="$2" shift 2 ;; --shared-network-cidr) shared_network_cidr="$2" shift 2 ;; --template-name) [[ -z $2 ]] || template_name="$2" shift 2 ;; --template-url) template_url="$2" shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "A bug in the script let an unrecognized arg get past getopt. Arg: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done ############################################# # Check privileges and install script prereqs ############################################# require_root echo "Prereqs..." command -v jq || yum install -y jq echo $PATH | grep -q /usr/local/bin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin ######################################### # Make sure all provided values look good ######################################### verify_ip_address_format "$dns_ip_address" "DNS IP address" verify_ip_address_format "$gateway_ip_address" "Gateway IP address" verify_ip_address_format "$host_ip_address" "Host IP address" verify_not_blank "$host_username" "Host username" verify_ip_address_format "$netmask" "Netmask" verify_cidr_format "$pod_cidr" "Pod CIDR" verify_not_blank "$primary_storage_url" "Primary storage URL" verify_cidr_format "$public_traffic_cidr" "Public traffic CIDR" verify_not_blank "$secondary_storage_url" "Secondary storage URL" verify_cidr_format "$shared_network_cidr" "Shared network CIDR" ############################# # Check resource availability ############################# verify_connectivity "$dns_ip_address" 53 "DNS server" ############################### # Start of system configuration ############################### fatal() { echo "$1" >&2 exit 1 } # Run CMK and return the output if it's successful. If it fails, the output is written to stderr and the script exits. run_cmk() { ! result=$(cmk -o json "$@") [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 ]] || fatal "$result" echo $result } # Runs CMK but without displaying the output to stdout. Errors are handled like run_cmk(). cmk_no_output() { run_cmk "$@" > /dev/null } if [[ -n $key_pair_id ]] then install_aws_cli # Adding a route so the AWS CLI will work. This route will be removed as soon as the AWS CLI is no longer needed, so # it won't conflict with CloudStack's use of link-local addresses. echo "Adding temporary route..." route add dev eth0 echo "Getting the key needed to SSH to the host..." region=$(curl /usr/local/bin/aws ssm get-parameter --name "/ec2/keypair/$key_pair_id" --region "$region" --with-decryption --query Parameter.Value --output text > ~/.ssh/key-pair chmod 600 ~/.ssh/key-pair echo "Removing temporary route..." route delete dev eth0 echo "Installing CloudStack's public key on the host..." ssh-keyscan -H "$host_ip_address" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts scp -i ~/.ssh/key-pair /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa.pub "$host_username@$host_ip_address:~/.ssh/cloudstack.pub" ssh -i ~/.ssh/key-pair "$host_username@$host_ip_address" 'sudo bash -l -c "cat /home/'$host_username'/.ssh/cloudstack.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"' fi echo "Installing CloudMonkey..." wget https://github.com/apache/cloudstack-cloudmonkey/releases/download/6.2.0/cmk.linux.x86 -O /usr/local/bin/cmk chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cmk echo "Getting API details from management service..." run_cmk sync if [[ $efs == true ]] then echo "Updating configuration for EFS..." cmk_no_output update configuration name=storage.overprovisioning.factor value=1 fi echo "Creating zone..." zone=$(run_cmk create zone "dns1=$dns_ip_address" "internaldns1=$dns_ip_address" name=Zone1 networktype=advanced) zone_id=$(echo $zone | jq -r .zone.id) echo "Creating physical network..." physical_network=$(run_cmk create physicalnetwork name=PhysicalNetwork1 "zoneid=$zone_id" isolationmethods=VLAN vlan=1-1000) physical_network_id=$(echo $physical_network | jq -r .physicalnetwork.id) cmk_no_output add traffictype "physicalnetworkid=$physical_network_id" traffictype=Management cmk_no_output add traffictype "physicalnetworkid=$physical_network_id" traffictype=Public cmk_no_output add traffictype "physicalnetworkid=$physical_network_id" traffictype=Guest cmk_no_output update physicalnetwork "id=$physical_network_id" state=Enabled virtual_router_provider_id=$(run_cmk list networkserviceproviders | jq -r '.networkserviceprovider[] | select(.name=="VirtualRouter").id') virtual_router_element_id=$(run_cmk list virtualrouterelements | jq -r ".virtualrouterelement[] | select(.nspid==\"$virtual_router_provider_id\").id") cmk_no_output configure virtualrouterelement "id=$virtual_router_element_id" enabled=true cmk_no_output update networkserviceprovider "id=$virtual_router_provider_id" state=Enabled echo "Creating pod..." eval $(ipcalc -nb $pod_cidr) pod=$(run_cmk create pod "gateway=$gateway_ip_address" name=Pod1 "netmask=$netmask" "startip=$NETWORK" "endip=$BROADCAST" "zoneid=$zone_id") pod_id=$(echo $pod | jq -r .pod.id) echo "Creating public traffic IP range..." eval $(ipcalc -nb $public_traffic_cidr) cmk_no_output create vlaniprange "startip=$NETWORK" "endip=$BROADCAST" forvirtualnetwork=true "gateway=$gateway_ip_address" "netmask=$netmask" "zoneid=$zone_id" echo "Creating cluster..." cluster=$(run_cmk add cluster clustername=Cluster1 clustertype=CloudManaged hypervisor=KVM "podid=$pod_id" "zoneid=$zone_id") cluster_id=$(echo $cluster | jq -r .cluster[0].id) echo "Adding host..." # When adding a host, password is a required field. But we're using key authentication, so the value of the password doesn't matter. cmk_no_output add host hypervisor=kvm "podid=$pod_id" "url=http://$host_ip_address" "zoneid=$zone_id" "clusterid=$cluster_id" username=root password=NotARealPassword echo "Creating primary storage..." cmk_no_output create storagepool name=PrimaryStorage1 "url=$primary_storage_url" "zoneid=$zone_id" scope=ZONE hypervisor=KVM echo "Creating secondary storage..." cmk_no_output add secondarystorage name=SecondaryStorage1 "url=$secondary_storage_url" "zoneid=$zone_id" scope=ZONE echo "Creating shared network..." network_offering_id=$(run_cmk list networkofferings | jq -r '.networkoffering[] | select(.name=="DefaultSharedNetworkOffering").id') eval $(ipcalc -nb $shared_network_cidr) cmk_no_output create network name=SharedNet1 displaytext=SharedNet1 "networkofferingid=$network_offering_id" "zoneid=$zone_id" vlan=untagged "gateway=$gateway_ip_address" "netmask=$netmask" "startip=$NETWORK" "endip=$BROADCAST" acltype=Domain echo "Enabling zone..." cmk_no_output update zone "id=$zone_id" allocationstate=Enabled if [[ -n $template_url ]] then echo "Registering template..." os_type_id=$(run_cmk list ostypes | jq -r '.ostype[] | select(.description=="None").id') cmk_no_output register template "url=$template_url" "name=$template_name" "displaytext=$template_name" format=QCOW2 hypervisor=KVM isfeatured=true ispublic=true zoneids=-1 "ostypeid=$os_type_id" fi echo "CloudStack configuration is complete."