# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 variable "name" { description = "The CodePipeline pipeline name" type = string } variable "pipe_role" { description = "The role assumed by CodePipeline" type = string } variable "s3_bucket" { description = "S3 bucket used for the artifact store" type = string } variable "github_token" { description = "Personal access token from Github" type = string sensitive = true } variable "repo_owner" { description = "The username of the Github repository owner" type = string } variable "repo_name" { description = "Github repository's name" type = string } variable "branch" { description = "Github branch used to trigger the CodePipeline" type = string } variable "codebuild_project_server" { description = "Server's CodeBuild project name" type = string } variable "codebuild_project_client" { description = "Client's CodeBuild project name" type = string } variable "app_name_server" { description = "CodeDeploy Application name for the server" type = string } variable "app_name_client" { description = "CodeDeploy Application name for the client" type = string } variable "deployment_group_server" { description = "CodeDeploy deployment group name for the server" type = string } variable "deployment_group_client" { description = "CodeDeploy deployment group name for the client" type = string }