# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 variable "name" { description = "The name of your security group" type = string } variable "description" { description = "A description of the purpose" type = string } variable "vpc_id" { description = "The ID of the VPC where the security group will take place" type = string } variable "ingress_port" { description = "Number of the port to open in the ingress rules" type = number default = 0 } variable "egress_port" { description = "Number of the port to open in the egress rules" type = number default = 0 } variable "security_groups" { description = "List of security group Group Names if using EC2-Classic, or Group IDs if using a VPC" type = list(any) default = null } variable "cidr_blocks_ingress" { description = "An ingress block of CIDR to grant access to" type = list(any) default = null } variable "cidr_blocks_egress" { description = "An ingress block of CIDR to grant access to" type = list(any) default = [""] }