= Connect to instances :toc: :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ../resources/images == Summary In this section you will establish connections to Linux instances you will use for the remainder of the workshop. == Duration NOTE: It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete this section. == Step-by-step Guide === Connect to Linux instances IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below and watch the quick video before continuing. image::connect-linux-instances-efs.gif[align="left", width=600] . Open the link:https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/[Amazon EC2] console. + TIP: *_Context-click (right-click)_* the link above and open the link in a new tab or window to make it easy to navigate between this github workshop and AWS console. + . Make sure you are in the same *AWS Region* as the workshop environment. If you need to change the *AWS Region* of the Amazon EC2 console, in the top right corner of the browswer window *_click_* the region name next to *Support* and *_click_* the appropriate *AWS Region* from the drop-down menu. . *_Click_* *Running Instances*. . *_Click_* the radio button next to the instance with the name *EFS Workshop Linux Instance 2*. . *_Click_* the *Connect* button. . *_Click_* the radio button next to *EC2 Instance Connect (browser-based SSH connection)*. * If you prefer to use another terminal emulator (e.g. Terminal, iTerm2, PUTTY, etc.), *_click_* the radio button next to *A standalone SSH client* and follow the directions in the *To access your instance:* section to establish an SSH sesstion to the EC2 instances. Throughput the workshop, please access these terminal session windows when asked to connect to the *browser-based SSH connection session* windows. You will need to *_download_* the *SSH Key* from the Event Engine Team Dashboard where you launched the AWS Console. If you're not familiar with this process of downloading an SSH key, converting a .pem file to .ppk (Windows only), and making it not public viewable (chmod 400 ee-default-keypair.pem), we recommend you continue the workshop using *browser-based SSH connection session* windows. . Leave the default user name as *ec2-user* and *_click_* *Connect*. NOTE: Throughput this workshop you will be asked to connect to *browserr-based SSH connection session* windows of three Amazon EC2 instances - *EFS Workshop Linux Instance 0*, *EFS Workshop Linux Instance 1*, *EFS Workshop Linux Instance 2*. Follow these steps for the specific EC2 instance when asked to do so. == Next section Click the link below to go to the next section. image::examine-efs-console.png[link=../03-examine-efs-console/, align="left",width=420]