--- title: "Create Cloud9 Workspace" date: 2019-11-23T22:33:47-08:00 weight: 5 pre: "1. " draft: false --- {{% notice info %}} Before you deploy the CloudFormation template, feel free to view it [here](https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eks-and-amazon-ec2-k8s-container-networking-workshops/blob/master/templates/awsk8snetworking-cluster-mgmt-cloud9.yaml) {{% /notice %}} ### Launch Cloud9 in the recommended region: {{< tabs name="Region" >}} {{{< tab name="Oregon" include="us-west-2.md" />}} {{< /tabs >}} 1. When the Cloud9 environment comes up, open the AWS Cloud9 service in the console in the region where you launched your Cloud9 above: {{< tabs name="Cloud9RegionSpecificConsole" >}} {{{< tab name="Oregon" include="cloud9-us-west-2.md" />}} {{< /tabs >}} 2. Click the `Open IDE` button as shown below: ![c9open](/images/cloud9open.png) 3. Customize the environment by closing the **welcome tab** and **lower work area**: and opening a new **terminal** tab in the main work area: ![c9before](/images/cloud9before.png) ![c9newterminal](/images/cloud9newterminal.png) 4. Your workspace should now look like this: ![c9after](/images/cloud9after.png)