AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Parameters: KeyPairName: Description: The name of an existing public/private key pair, which allows you to securely connect to your instance after it launches Type: AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName VPCID: Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id" Description: The ID of your existing VPC (e.g., vpc-0343606e) PublicSubnet1ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-a0246dcd) PublicSubnet2ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-b1236eea) PublicSubnet3ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the public subnet in Availability Zone 3 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-c3456aba) PrivateSubnet1ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the private subnet in Availability Zone 1 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-fe9a8b32) PrivateSubnet2ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the private subnet in Availability Zone 2 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-be8b01ea) PrivateSubnet3ID: Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id" Description: The ID of the private subnet in Availability Zone 3 in your existing VPC (e.g., subnet-abd39039) QSS3BucketName: AllowedPattern: ^[0-9a-zA-Z]+([0-9a-zA-Z-]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*$ ConstraintDescription: Quick Start bucket name can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens (-). It cannot start or end with a hyphen (-). Description: S3 bucket name for the Quick Start assets. This string can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens (-). It cannot start or end with a hyphen (-). Type: String QSS3KeyPrefix: AllowedPattern: ^[0-9a-zA-Z-/.]*$ ConstraintDescription: Quick Start key prefix can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), dots(.) and forward slash (/). Description: S3 key prefix for the Quick Start assets. Quick Start key prefix can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), dots(.) and forward slash (/). Type: String RemoteAccessCIDR: AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$ ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/x Description: The CIDR IP range that is permitted to access the instances. We recommend that you set this value to a trusted IP range. Type: String NodeInstanceType: Default: t3.medium AllowedValues: - t2.small - t2.medium - t2.large - t2.xlarge - t2.2xlarge - t3.nano - t3.micro - t3.small - t3.medium - t3.large - t3.xlarge - t3.2xlarge - m3.medium - m3.large - m3.xlarge - m3.2xlarge - m4.large - m4.xlarge - m4.2xlarge - m4.4xlarge - m4.10xlarge - m5.large - m5.xlarge - m5.2xlarge - m5.4xlarge - m5.12xlarge - m5.24xlarge - c4.large - c4.xlarge - c4.2xlarge - c4.4xlarge - c4.8xlarge - c5.large - c5.xlarge - c5.2xlarge - c5.4xlarge - c5.9xlarge - c5.18xlarge - i3.large - i3.xlarge - i3.2xlarge - i3.4xlarge - i3.8xlarge - i3.16xlarge - r3.xlarge - r3.2xlarge - r3.4xlarge - r3.8xlarge - r4.large - r4.xlarge - r4.2xlarge - r4.4xlarge - r4.8xlarge - r4.16xlarge - x1.16xlarge - x1.32xlarge - p2.xlarge - p2.8xlarge - p2.16xlarge - p3.2xlarge - p3.8xlarge - p3.16xlarge - r5.large - r5.xlarge - r5.2xlarge - r5.4xlarge - r5.12xlarge - r5.24xlarge - r5d.large - r5d.xlarge - r5d.2xlarge - r5d.4xlarge - r5d.12xlarge - r5d.24xlarge - z1d.large - z1d.xlarge - z1d.2xlarge - z1d.3xlarge - z1d.6xlarge - z1d.12xlarge ConstraintDescription: Must be a valid EC2 instance type Description: The type of EC2 instance for the node instances. Type: String NumberOfNodes: Default: 3 Description: The number of Amazon EKS node instances. The default is one for each of the three Availability Zones. Type: Number NodeGroupName: Default: Default Description: The name for EKS node group. Type: String NodeVolumeSize: Default: 20 Description: "The size for the node's root EBS volumes." Type: String KubernetesVersion: Type: String LambdaZipsBucketName: Description: '[OPTIONAL] The name of the S3 bucket where the Lambda zip files should be placed. If you leave this parameter blank, an S3 bucket will be created.' Type: String Default: '' ClusterAutoScaler: Type: String AllowedValues: [ Enabled, Disabled ] Default: Disabled Description: Choose Enabled to enable Kubernetes cluster autoscaler. EfsStorageClass: Type: String AllowedValues: [ Enabled, Disabled ] Default: Disabled Description: Choose Enabled to enable EFS storage class, which will create the required EFS volume. EfsPerformanceMode: Type: String AllowedValues: [ generalPurpose, maxIO ] Default: generalPurpose Description: Choose maxIO mode to provide greater IOPS with an increased latency. Only has an effect when EfsStorageClass is enabled. EfsThroughputMode: Type: String AllowedValues: [ bursting, provisioned ] Default: bursting Description: Choose provisioned for throughput that is not dependent on the amount of data stored in the file system. Only has an effect when EfsStorageClass is enabled. EfsProvisionedThroughputInMibps: Type: Number MinValue: 0 Default: 0 Description: Set to 0 if EfsThroughputMode is set to bursting. Only has an effect when EfsStorageClass is enabled. # AdditionalEKSAdminArns: # Default: "" # Description: "[OPTIONAL] Comma separated list of IAM user/role Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to be granted admin access to the EKS cluster" # Type: String EngineVersion: Type: String MasterUsername: Type: String Default: root MasterUserPassword: Type: String NoEcho: true BastionVariables: Type: String Default: "" SSLCertificateId: Default: '' Description: "(Optional) The ARN of the SSL certificate to use for the load balancer" Type: String CloudFrontEnable: AllowedValues: - 'true' - 'false' Default: 'true' Description: Enable CloudFront Content Delivery Network Type: String CloudFrontPriceClass: AllowedValues: - use-all-edge-locations - use-only-us-canada-europe-asia - use-only-us-canada-europe Default: use-all-edge-locations Description: Select the price class associated with the maximum price that you want to pay for CloudFront service. If you select a price class other than All, some of your users may experience higher latency. Type: String ConstraintDescription: Select a valid CloudFront Price Class. CloudFrontAlias: Description: Alias for the CloudFront distribution. E.g. Mandatory when using HTTPS/SSL and optional when using http. Type: String Default: cdn.default AllowedPattern: "(?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-.]*(? REPO_NAME=${ECRStack.Outputs.RepositoryName}, DB_URL=${AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Host}, DB_NAME=${AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Name}, DB_UNAME=${AuroraDbStack.Outputs.MasterUsername}, DB_PASSWORD=${MasterUserPassword}, DB_SG=${AuroraDbStack.Outputs.DBSecurityGroup}, ACCOUNT_UNAME=${DrupalAccountUsername}, ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=${DrupalAccountpassword}, SITE_NAME=${DrupalSiteName}, ACCOUNT_EMAIL=${DrupalAccountEmail}, QSS3BucketName=${QSS3BucketName}, QSS3KeyPrefix=${QSS3KeyPrefix}${Joiner} ${BastionVariables} - Joiner: !If [AdditionalVars, ",", ""] InboundRule: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress Properties: IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 3306 ToPort: 3306 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.NodeGroupSecurityGroup GroupId: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.DBSecurityGroup OIDCProviderStack: # Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: EKSStack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/oidc.template.yaml' Parameters: EKSClusterName: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.EKSClusterName KubemanifestStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: OIDCProviderStack Condition: NoSSL Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/kubemanifest.template.yaml' Parameters: KubeManifestLambdaArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeManifestLambdaArn KubeGetLambdaArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeGetLambdaArn KubeConfigPath: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeConfigPath KubeConfigKmsContext: "EKSQuickStart" DatabaseUrl: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Host DbName: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Name DbUsername: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.MasterUsername DbPass: !Ref MasterUserPassword ECRRepoUri: !GetAtt ECRStack.Outputs.Uri NodeInstanceRoleArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.NodeInstanceRoleArn EKSClusterName: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.EKSClusterName VPCID: !Ref VPCID Subnet1: !Ref PrivateSubnet1ID Subnet2: !Ref PrivateSubnet2ID Subnet3: !Ref PrivateSubnet3ID ClusterOIDCURL: !GetAtt OIDCProviderStack.Outputs.ClusterOIDCURL KubemanifestSSLStack: Condition: UseSSL Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: OIDCProviderStack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/kubemanifestssl.template.yaml' Parameters: KubeManifestLambdaArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeManifestLambdaArn KubeGetLambdaArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeGetLambdaArn KubeConfigPath: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeConfigPath KubeConfigKmsContext: "EKSQuickStart" DatabaseUrl: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Host DbName: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Name DbUsername: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.MasterUsername DbPass: !Ref MasterUserPassword ECRRepoUri: !GetAtt ECRStack.Outputs.Uri NodeInstanceRoleArn: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.NodeInstanceRoleArn EKSClusterName: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.EKSClusterName VPCID: !Ref VPCID Subnet1: !Ref PrivateSubnet1ID Subnet2: !Ref PrivateSubnet2ID Subnet3: !Ref PrivateSubnet3ID ClusterOIDCURL: !GetAtt OIDCProviderStack.Outputs.ClusterOIDCURL SSLCertificateId: Fn::If: - UseSSL - Ref: SSLCertificateId - '' AlbHostNameSSL: Condition: UseSSL DependsOn: KubemanifestSSLStack Type: "Custom::KubeGet" Version: '1.0' Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeGetLambdaArn KubeConfigPath: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeConfigPath KubeConfigKmsContext: "EKSQuickStart" Namespace: default Name: 'ingress/qsdrupal-ingress' JsonPath: '{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}' AlbHostName: Condition: NoSSL DependsOn: KubemanifestStack Type: "Custom::KubeGet" Version: '1.0' Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeGetLambdaArn KubeConfigPath: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.KubeConfigPath KubeConfigKmsContext: "EKSQuickStart" Namespace: default Name: 'ingress/qsdrupal-ingress' JsonPath: '{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}' DrupalSiteDomainRoute53Record: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Condition: DrupalSiteDomainRoute53Condition Properties: Name: !Ref DrupalSiteDomain Type: A HostedZoneId: !Ref Route53HostedZoneId AliasTarget: DNSName: Fn::If: - UseSSL - !Ref AlbHostNameSSL - !Ref AlbHostName EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !FindInMap [ RegionalHostedZoneId, !Ref "AWS::Region", elb ] CloudFrontStack: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: DrupalSiteDomainRoute53Record Condition: DrupalCdnModuleCondition Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/cloudfront.template.yaml' Parameters: OriginDnsName: Fn::If: - DrupalSiteDomainRoute53Condition - !Ref DrupalSiteDomain - Fn::If: - UseSSL - Ref: AlbHostNameSSL - Ref: AlbHostName OriginAccessProtocol: Fn::If: - UseSSL - https-only - http-only CloudFrontAlias: Fn::Join: - "," - - Ref: CloudFrontAlias CustomSSLCertificateId: Fn::If: - CFUseSSL - Ref: CloudfrontSSLCertificateId - '' CloudFrontPriceClass: Ref: CloudFrontPriceClass CloudFrontAliasRoute53Record: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Condition: CloudFrontAliasRoute53Condition Properties: Name: Ref: CloudFrontAlias Type: A HostedZoneId: !Ref Route53HostedZoneId AliasTarget: DNSName: !GetAtt CloudFrontStack.Outputs.CdnUrl HostedZoneId: Z2FDTNDATAQYW2 CleanupECRStack: DependsOn: CloudFrontStack Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: TemplateURL: !Sub 'https://${QSS3BucketName}${QSS3KeyPrefix}templates/cleanup-ecr.yaml' Parameters: DrupalRepoName: !GetAtt ECRStack.Outputs.RepositoryName Outputs: EKSClusterName: Value: !GetAtt EKSStack.Outputs.EKSClusterName VPCID: Value: !Ref VPCID AuroraDatabaseHost: Value: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Host DatabaseName: Value: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.Name DatabaseUsername: Value: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.MasterUsername ECRUri: Value: !GetAtt ECRStack.Outputs.Uri DrupalRepoName: Value: !GetAtt ECRStack.Outputs.RepositoryName DBSecurityGroup: Value: !GetAtt AuroraDbStack.Outputs.DBSecurityGroup CloudFrontDNS: Value: !GetAtt CloudFrontStack.Outputs.CdnUrl Condition: DrupalCdnModuleCondition Description: Drupal Site Cloudfront URL DrupalSiteUrl: Description: Drupal Site URL Condition: DrupalSiteDomainRoute53Condition Value: Ref: DrupalSiteDomain AlbHostName: Description: Group ID of the security group used. Value: !If [UseSSL, !Ref AlbHostNameSSL, !Ref AlbHostName]