// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Sample snapshot test 1`] = ` Object { "Metadata": Object { "AWS::CloudFormation::Interface": Object { "ParameterGroups": Array [ Object { "Label": Object { "default": "Cluster Settings", }, "Parameters": Array [ "EMRClusterName", "Ec2KeyName", "MasterInstanceType", "NumberOfMasterInstances", "CoreInstanceType", "NumberOfCoreInstances", ], }, Object { "Label": Object { "default": "JuiceFS Configurations", }, "Parameters": Array [ "JuiceFSAccessToken", "JuiceFSBucketName", "JuiceFSCacheDir", "JuiceFSCacheSize", "JuiceFSCacheFullBlock", ], }, ], }, }, "Outputs": Object { "ClusterID": Object { "Value": Object { "Ref": "EMRwithJuiceFSEMRCluster67967B1F", }, }, }, "Parameters": Object { "CoreInstanceType": Object { "Default": "m5.xlarge", "Description": "Instance type to be used for the core instances", "Type": "String", }, "EMRClusterName": Object { "Default": "EMRwithJuiceFS", "Description": "The cluster name", "MinLength": 5, "Type": "String", }, "Ec2KeyName": Object { "Description": "The keypair name of the cluster", "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName", }, "JuiceFSAccessToken": Object { "Description": "The access token of JuiceFS volume", "MinLength": 30, "NoEcho": true, "Type": "String", }, "JuiceFSBucketName": Object { "Description": "The bucket name of JuiceFS volume", "MinLength": 1, "Type": "String", }, "JuiceFSCacheDir": Object { "Default": "/mnt/jfs", "Description": "The cache directory of JuiceFS Java Client, you could specify more than one folder, seperate by colon, or use wildcards *", "MinLength": 3, "Type": "String", }, "JuiceFSCacheFullBlock": Object { "AllowedValues": Array [ "true", "false", ], "Default": "false", "Description": "Whether to cache sequential read data, set to false when disk space is limited or disk performance is low", "Type": "String", }, "JuiceFSCacheSize": Object { "Default": "10240", "Description": "Cache capacity (unit MB), if multiple diectories are configured, this is total capacity for all cache folders", "MinValue": 0, "Type": "Number", }, "MasterInstanceType": Object { "Default": "m5.xlarge", "Description": "Instance type to be used for the master instance", "Type": "String", }, "NumberOfCoreInstances": Object { "Default": 3, "Description": "Number of core instances", "Type": "Number", }, "NumberOfMasterInstances": Object { "Default": 1, "Description": "Number of master instances", "Type": "Number", }, }, "Resources": Object { "EMRClusterinstanceProfile": Object { "Properties": Object { "Roles": Array [ Object { "Ref": "EMRClusterinstanceProfileRole61C4552E", }, ], }, "Type": "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile", }, "EMRClusterinstanceProfileRole61C4552E": Object { "Properties": Object { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": Object { "Statement": Array [ Object { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": Object { "Service": Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "ec2.", Object { "Ref": "AWS::URLSuffix", }, ], ], }, }, }, ], "Version": "2012-10-17", }, "ManagedPolicyArns": Array [ Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "arn:", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Partition", }, ":iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonElasticMapReduceforEC2Role", ], ], }, Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "arn:", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Partition", }, ":iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", ], ], }, ], "Policies": Array [ Object { "PolicyDocument": Object { "Statement": Array [ Object { "Action": Array [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:ListBucket", ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": Array [ Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "arn:", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Partition", }, ":s3:::", Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSBucketName", }, "/*", ], ], }, Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "arn:", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Partition", }, ":s3:::", Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSBucketName", }, ], ], }, ], }, ], "Version": "2012-10-17", }, "PolicyName": "JuiceFSS3Access", }, ], }, "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", }, "EMRwithJuiceFSEMRCluster67967B1F": Object { "DependsOn": Array [ "VpcIngressSubnet1NATGateway7BDA41FF", ], "Properties": Object { "Applications": Array [ Object { "Name": "Hive", }, Object { "Name": "Spark", }, ], "BootstrapActions": Array [ Object { "Name": "BootJuiceFS", "ScriptBootstrapAction": Object { "Path": "s3://aws-gcr-solutions/emr-with-juicefs/latest/emr-boot.py", }, }, Object { "Name": "InstallTPC-DSBenchmarkAssets", "ScriptBootstrapAction": Object { "Args": Array [ "instance.isMaster=true", "aws", "s3", "cp", "s3://aws-gcr-solutions/emr-with-juicefs/latest/benchmark-sample.zip", "/home/hadoop", ], "Path": Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "s3://", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Region", }, ".elasticmapreduce/bootstrap-actions/run-if", ], ], }, }, }, ], "Configurations": Array [ Object { "Classification": "core-site", "ConfigurationProperties": Object { "fs.AbstractFileSystem.jfs.impl": "com.juicefs.JuiceFS", "fs.jfs.impl": "com.juicefs.JuiceFileSystem", "juicefs.access-log": "/tmp/juicefs.access.log", "juicefs.cache-dir": Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSCacheDir", }, "juicefs.cache-full-block": Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSCacheFullBlock", }, "juicefs.cache-group": "yarn", "juicefs.cache-size": Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSCacheSize", }, "juicefs.discover-nodes-url": "yarn", "juicefs.free-space": "0.3", "juicefs.token": Object { "Ref": "JuiceFSAccessToken", }, }, "Configurations": Array [], }, Object { "Classification": "emrfs-site", "ConfigurationProperties": Object { "fs.s3.consistent": "false", "fs.s3.consistent.metadata.read.capacity": "600", "fs.s3.consistent.metadata.write.capacity": "300", }, }, ], "Instances": Object { "CoreInstanceGroup": Object { "InstanceCount": Object { "Ref": "NumberOfCoreInstances", }, "InstanceType": Object { "Ref": "CoreInstanceType", }, "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "Name": "Core", }, "Ec2KeyName": Object { "Ref": "Ec2KeyName", }, "Ec2SubnetId": Object { "Ref": "VpcApplicationSubnet1SubnetDBACD680", }, "MasterInstanceGroup": Object { "InstanceCount": Object { "Ref": "NumberOfMasterInstances", }, "InstanceType": Object { "Ref": "MasterInstanceType", }, "Market": "ON_DEMAND", "Name": "Master", }, "TerminationProtected": false, }, "JobFlowRole": Object { "Ref": "EMRClusterinstanceProfile", }, "LogUri": Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "s3://", Object { "Ref": "LogBucketCC3B17E8", }, ], ], }, "Name": Object { "Ref": "EMRClusterName", }, "ReleaseLabel": "emr-5.31.0", "ServiceRole": Object { "Fn::GetAtt": Array [ "EMRwithJuiceFSEMRClusterServiceRoleC5BA7F33", "Arn", ], }, "VisibleToAllUsers": true, }, "Type": "AWS::EMR::Cluster", }, "EMRwithJuiceFSEMRClusterServiceRoleC5BA7F33": Object { "DependsOn": Array [ "VpcIngressSubnet1NATGateway7BDA41FF", ], "Properties": Object { "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": Object { "Statement": Array [ Object { "Action": "sts:AssumeRole", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": Object { "Service": Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "elasticmapreduce.", Object { "Ref": "AWS::URLSuffix", }, ], ], }, }, }, ], "Version": "2012-10-17", }, "ManagedPolicyArns": Array [ Object { "Fn::Join": Array [ "", Array [ "arn:", Object { "Ref": "AWS::Partition", }, ":iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonElasticMapReduceRole", ], ], }, ], }, "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role", }, "LogBucketCC3B17E8": Object { "DeletionPolicy": "Retain", "Type": "AWS::S3::Bucket", "UpdateReplacePolicy": "Retain", }, "Vpc8378EB38": Object { "Properties": Object { "CidrBlock": "", "EnableDnsHostnames": true, "EnableDnsSupport": true, "InstanceTenancy": "default", "Tags": Array [ Object { "Key": "Name", "Value": "MyTestStack/Vpc", }, ], }, "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC", }, "VpcApplicationSubnet1DefaultRoute81C30955": Object { "Properties": Object { "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "NatGatewayId": Object { "Ref": "VpcIngressSubnet1NATGateway7BDA41FF", }, "RouteTableId": Object { "Ref": "VpcApplicationSubnet1RouteTable774D192A", }, }, "Type": "AWS::EC2::Route", }, "VpcApplicationSubnet1RouteTable774D192A": Object { "Properties": Object { "Tags": Array [ Object { 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