= Monitor Performance :toc: :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ../resources/images == Summary This section will monitor the performance of *Amazon FSx for Lustre*. == Duration NOTE: It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete this section. == Step-by-step Guide === CloudWatch dashboard IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below and watch the quick video. image::create-high-throughput-alarm.gif[align="left", width=600] . Open the link:https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/[Amazon CloudWatch] console. + TIP: *_Context-click (right-click)_* the link above and open the link in a new tab or window to make it easy to navigate between this github tutorial and AWS console. + . Make sure you are in the same *AWS Region* where you *_created_* your tutorial environment. . *_Select_* *Dashboards* from the left navigation pane. . *_Select_* the link of the dashboard created as a part of the tutorial environment. + TIP: The name of the dashboard should be the region name (e.g. us-east-1), dash (-), file system id of *Amazon FSx for Lustre* (e.g. us-east-1-fs-0123456789abcdef). . *_Scroll_* through the dashboard and review all the widgets and their settings. . Notice how the vertical time line is in sync across all widgets. This makes it easy to correlate different metric values for a given point in time. . *_Zoom_* in on a widget by *_clicking_* and *_dragging_* over a period of time. Notice all widgets also zoom in for the period of time selected. . *_Reset_* zoom by *_clicking_* the blue magnifying glass in the top right of any widget. === CloudWatch alarm IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below and watch the quick video before *_creating_* the alarm. image::create-high-throughput-alarm.gif[align="left", width=600] . *_Copy_* the file system id from the top right dashboard widget. . *_Click_* the *Maximize* button of the *Throughput (Bytes per second)* widget. . *_Click_* the *View in metrics* link (at the bottom left of the window). . *_Find_* the metric labeled *Total Data Throughput (B/s)* and *_click_* the *Create alarm* button in the actions column. . *_Scroll_* down to the *Conditions* section and in the *Define the threshold value* field *_enter_* 1000000000. This will set an alarm condition that will trigger if the *Total Data Throughput (B/s)* is greater than 1000 MB/s. . *_Click_* *Next*. . *_Scroll_* down to the *Notification* section and select the existing *SNS Topic* that was created as a part of the tutorial environment. + TIP: The name of the SNS topic should be the file system id of *Amazon FSx for Lustre* (e.g. fs-0123456789abcdef), -alarm-notification (e.g. fs-0123456789abcdef-alarm-notification). + . *_Click_* *Next*. . In the *Alarm name* text box *_enter_* "High throughput alarm - " then *_paste_* the *file system id* you copied earlier (e.g. High throughput alarm - fs-0123456789abcdef). . *_Click_* *Next*. . *_Preview_* the alarm graph, make sure the red alarm line is at the 100M mark. . *_Scroll_* and *_review_* the *Conditions*, *Actions*, and *Name and description* sections. . *_Click_* *Create alarm*. . *_Wait_* a few minutes for the alarm state to transition from *Insufficient data* to *OK*. . *_Return_* to the previous tutorial section *Test performance* and *_ior_* test again. * Did your *High throughput alarm* get triggered? * Did your email address receive an alarm notification? == Next section Click the button below to go to the next section. image::06-delete-environment.png[link=../06-delete-environment/, align="left",width=420]