= Lustre the AWSome Way! :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ./resources/images image:fsx-lustre-aws-logos.png[alt="fsx for lustre and aws logos", align="left",width=420] This is a tutorial designed for architects and engineers who would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS) fully-managed Lustre file system. === Duration NOTE: It will take approximately 2 hours to complete this tutorial and you will be charged approximately *$4.168* to run this environment for 2 hours (based on US East - N. Virginia pricing). After completing the tutorial, follow the steps in the link:06-delete-environment/[*Delete Environment*] section so you don't continue to incur charges. === Pricing NOTE: You will incur charges as you go through this tutorial *_if_* you exceed the link:http://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/free-tier-limits.html[limits of AWS free tier]. |=== | *Service* | *2-hour pricing* | Amazon FSx for Lustre a| $2.800 | Amazon EC2 a| $1.360 | Amazon CloudWatch a| $0.008 |=== Click the button below to start the *Amazon FSx for Lustre* tutorial. image::01-create-environment.png[link=01-create-environment/, align="left",width=420] === Participation We encourage participation; if you find anything, please submit an issue. However, if you want to help raise the bar, **submit a PR**!