--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Creates an Amazon FSx for Lustre Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: File system configuration Parameters: - FileSystemName - StorageCapacity - SubnetId - SecurityGroupId - ImportPath ParameterLabels: ImportPath: default: Import path FileSystemName: default: Name tag value SecurityGroupId: default: Security group StorageCapacity: default: Storage capacity (GiB) SubnetId: default: Subnet Parameters: ImportPath: AllowedPattern: ^$|(s3://)([a-z0-9.-]*)$ Default: s3://nasanex Description: Import path e.g. s3://my-bucket/import-prefix Type: String FileSystemName: AllowedPattern: ^$|([A-Za-z0-9+-=._:/ ]{0,256})$ Default: "Amazon FSx for Lustre 0" Description: Name of file system - name value of key-value pair Type: String SecurityGroupId: Description: Select an existing security group id Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id StorageCapacity: Default: 100200 Description: Storage capacity of file system in increments of 3600 GiBs MaxValue: 100200 MinValue: 3600 Type: Number SubnetId: Description: Select an existing subnet id Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id Resources: FileSystem: Type: AWS::FSx::FileSystem Properties: FileSystemType: LUSTRE StorageCapacity: !Ref StorageCapacity SubnetIds: - !Ref SubnetId SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecurityGroupId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref FileSystemName LustreConfiguration: ImportPath: !Ref ImportPath Outputs: FileSystemId: Value: !Ref FileSystem