= Access Workshop Environment :toc: :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ../resources/images == Summary A new AWS environment will be pre-built and available to you for use during this workshop. See the *Workshop Diagram* below. == Workshop Diagram image::workshop-environment.jpg[align="center"] == Step-by-step Guide IMPORTANT: Follow the instructions given by the workshop administrators on how to log in to the AWS account provided for this workshop. Do NOT use your personal or business account to run this workshop, as the required pre-built resources will not be available. IMPORTANT: Read through all steps below before continuing. . Go to the link:https://dashboard.eventengine.run[AWS Events Engine Dashboard] - link:https://dashboard.eventengine.run[https://dashboard.eventengine.run]. + image::event-hash-entry.jpg[align="left",width=840] + . *_Enter_* the event hash you were given from the workshop administrators and *_click_* *[Accept terms and login]*. + image::event-hash-accept-terms.jpg[, align="left",width=840] + . From the *Sign in with* page, *_pick_* and *_click_* the sign-in method you prefer, either *One-time email passcode* or *Login with Amazon*. Follow the prompts to sign in to the AWS account provided by AWS Event Engine. + image::sign-in-with.jpg[, align="left",width=840] + [cols="1,1"] |=== a|image::login-with-amazon-empty.jpg[align="left",width=420] a| image::one-time-email-passcode.jpg[align="left",width=420] a|image::login-with-amazon-complete.jpg[align="left",width=420] a| image::your-one-time-passcode-email.jpg[align="left",width=420] a|image::access-profile.jpg[align="left",width=420] a| image::your-one-time-passcode.jpg[align="left",width=420] |=== + . From the *Team Dashboard* page, *_click_* *[AWS Console]*. + image::team-dashboard.jpg[align="left",width=840] + . From the *AWS Console Login* page, *_click_* the *[Open AWS Console]* link in the *Login Link* section to open the AWS Console using the AWS sponsored account. + image:aws-console-login.jpg[align="left",width=840] == Next section Click the button below to go to the next section. image::manage-ontap-resources.jpg[link=../03-manage-ontap-resources/, align="left",width=420]