= STG335 - Launch and run Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP file systems in minutes :icons: :linkattrs: :imagesdir: ./resources/images image:fsxn-aws-logos.jpg[align="left",width=420] Amazon FSx offers fully managed, like-for-like features of popular third-party file systems without requiring changes to code. In this workshop, explore Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP, which provides the familiarity of popular ONTAP data access and management capabilities, with the scalability, agility, and security of AWS. FSx for ONTAP allows you to run high-performance file storage without changing how you manage your data. Walk through the setup and management of the service, key features like multi-protocol access and replication, and best practices to help simplify and accelerate your network-attached-storage migration journey to the cloud. Amazon FSx for ONTAP provides the familiarity of popular ONTAP data access and management capabilities, with the scalability, agility, and security of AWS. FSx for ONTAP allows you to run high-performance file storage without changing how you manage your data. We will walk through the set up and management of the service, key features such as multi-protocol access and replication), and best practices to help simplify and accelerate your network-attached-storage migration journey to the cloud. This is a workshop designed for architects and engineers who would like to learn more about link:https://aws.amazon.com/fsx/netapp-ontap/[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP]. It will take approximately 2 hours to complete the workshop. Click the link below to access the **Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP** workshop environment. image::access-fsx-ontap-environment.jpg[link=01-access-workshop-environment/, align="left",width=420]